WAC S I ST E RS "‘°I°' I· $· °· "°"I Kentu
Returns To Duty
_ On Rt
l »_       L   S `. - _ _ e Maior E. S. C. Ford of Lexiiig. Pvt
I .     —: it to  `h_ E   ` · ton, 21 graduate oI` tl1e University lon, a
i I   _ _1    `‘>`'``‘ ° 1 111 1930, who came I1o111e to the versity
.   s     c‘ ` States thc last ol` june, retnrnerl ° furiou
. °   i to active (lllly _luly 12 at tl1e Army AI`I“1"’
,   . ii~i. ` is   ‘ `.\i ts    it. *·  _.      Air Forces redistrilmtion center in n?°_mb'
    " esi     _. * ‘`,.    ._ Q . . . . — vision.
  .       f s    i.i‘   ‘ Miami. l‘I01`1(I¥i· I-Ic was the first Orders
· .  is `· ——    ss   · F X    ·i`.` 5s`¤:=é “€ i`.»·..`   · ·
1     “ fi .i.ij. t A   Y   i‘.i   .»`r    . U· >— A- lhsht S¤rs¢<>¤ Sem <>v¤¤~- the ri
 _  __`   is  t is   seas at the beginning of the warg   knoeke
<2i *     ‘  "   · ·     ~ ,      . . I
I =     ;j°%$..f?      HC WCIII I0 EIII%“I*IIId· MHY 12. 1942. é Hm
  ` _` »3i >        `_ M_ _     _ · I · I l I s Y
          N     He participated 111 the Tunisian   bw`}
.  e   ”*  ~ .- > _     i _`   ==·   C21IT1])211£§l1, the invasion of Sieilii 1  poi.? -
  . ‘   ...·`. T T.   · ` # · 1 io
    `   `_.~   TT · ' ~ ' · .7 ‘ ~ .
  H   .i.. e __  and the landing 111 Italy. \\ hile l Wlmtc
A   ilri         oyctscits, hI¢1>lOl I‘Ol(l 11ad three —:  Iangual
se )'1`2lC '1.1’ `ts I · ' ‘. · the f
Jenn Ovrestreet Brown Lt. Virginia L. Overstreet S gd I (QI unl S _u;( C2 ins mcdl thc F2]
ca care. e specia lZ€( 111 antici- i I
 , _ —_ __   _'. , tlro_
hhs. I)dl1I   BIOWII, IO1ll1ClIy L[_ Virgiiiigi Lec ()\*Ci*5[i*(j(j[ ()[ l)¢l[lllg1l1€Hl21l(l1S()l`(ICl“S2ll11()l1l{[hQ lee PIX)
. . . . - -;.. ’ P »_ . ...  _ ) 111
_ lle.111 r\l1ll Oxttstttet ol LCXITHQ Lexiogioil who was giadiiaied aviators, and lll t1‘a11sferr111g to hos- i Foliom
[()D,`\\‘l`lS_ graduated I1()111 the Lilll- [mm the Univcrsov in 1942, my pitals oi- i-esi stations men who Hnauv
versity 111 194tI and enhsted 111 r _ gave evideiiee oi exiieme iieivous ,_ 1 r
“yo(.S io Soolombol. 19,12, mlo teied O.C.S. at Des Moines, Iowa, * )_ l _ _ Z ¤11<·t11·
_ _ _ _ _ ness. He entered the 1·\lI'I1y 111 . iablll
mg her ().C.S. training at Des [ht? {0ll0Wl11g beptember. She has loiio after having Completed H   N
I.\[OiII€S, lO\VEI.. H(‘1`l`€C1`lllli1}g duty (IOHC I`€CI`U.I[·II`Ig duty H[ 1A[IH.I][H, l)()S[.gi*adua[€ Course in $uy·(y·Ci·\1 I- Nu -
. . . · , . . . ._ . * " #' HC
was tlollt. 111 .\lI)2U1§» Gd-· and SPC - (`,;i_! and S eciai due, at Patterson _____________ y
cial 1`t‘(`1`l1ilil1'~" for Air \\'acs in -. . . ` _ Mude
_ _¤_ _ _ , _ l~1e1d, Fairfield, Ohio, and also at RETURNS TO DUTY
Georgia, BIISSISSIPPI. lexus and C sl k N Y Sh _   Bliss
liloritla. She was (`Olllllllllldlllg of» amp ` um S’ ` ' C IS DOW CZIPL R· D- MCIm}'I`C· Umled  I rector
lieu. of the msi log _.\_ C_ Ycgiulclit recruiting for the Transportation States Army Air Forces, stationed   been P
. :11 Fort hIL`(il(‘Il2`i1l(I..·\l3l)3'Il1H, and Corps i11 New Orleans. at Santa Alla. Ciilifa Y€¤1Y¤€· r · . . J 1 __
· Lieut. J. L. G¤rriS0l’\ press announced that Lexington’s III€* Ca1’“II“ Mdmym was u mem.   the S:
, Wounded In France newest hero is First Lieut. Wiaruer be Of the Univmisily Of Kcmucki   Organig
_ LL looses Loo Goiiisoo ol Lose Broughrnan. I-Ie was ll member Cellsss YI s’3mu§l°€ lflclgltltgi E  residenr
. · · · . .. · . . _ >res1c en 1 IC entra en '  ·
rngton, at former student ol tI1e of thi 6I*I IIIIII ef IVIIZIIIIIOIKIS E .( C i   _. only   clude ei
l l_loivei.siiv_ was shot io the iighi winch landed 111 FI`2lI1C€.` Having Ommumtl OIICCH · SSOUR ` gelling
side of l1is chest six days after Iought SIX d?*Y$ I)€hmd {IIC lines. —_ ____ - __TTT T l three se
Ittndiuq with the invasion forces IIC WES "*·’0II“(I€d and HYIHIIY €V?~€· BEGINS STUDIES  _ A.B. iii
. in France. He was taken by plane IIEIIBII I0 E“§IH“(I· Capt. Edward E. Gother111H1t0I ’i}  I933 ai
to Englzuid for hospitalization. He At the hospital in England, Lgxirigroiis ii former Student til ‘? lucky H
was i11 constant action for tl1e six Lieutenant Broughman was proud the University, has bee11 assigtlfll   COlIllS€i(
days alter D-Day. of his company and glad to tell its to Philadelphia for advanced ratlttl  j_ the WO;
*—‘"-‘ """""“ $[0YY. but had lilllC [0 Say about and signal-supply training. CMI   VC1`Sity C
§II¥¤b€"* M¤c°n ··I°II'I$ w¤V€$ his PHYI ID [IIC Iiilldiflg and [IIC [ain Gotligrrrigiri ig 3 United SIMS is;  €€I\’(i(l ]
V Ellfilbeih MZICOH of H€‘¤d€1`S¤¤- fight which followed. He said: Marine who was recently f€I€?l$Id   bmke ir
kv-- has been accepted for cfficers "Our division accomplished its tram the Naval Hospital at 0¤I·   She is
U`i\\l\UT§` ID the VVHVES HI Smith mission and my company did its land, Calif., after nine 111ot1iI1$°I   A$S0ciati
I College, Northampton. Mass. She stuff. The mission was [UllgI1.n treatment for tropical f€v€1`· II   IIIG Amr
was graduated from the University Lieutenant BI`0l1gll1llHl] was grad- saw Combat at GL1;1(l21lC21UHIi NIIIII  ‘:· "