Kentuckion In Action E il
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lg" Pvt. Roger P. Wl11tto11 of Frank-   -··-       ·
, =;=····=:- ·-    · ‘ ‘··‘  ·¤·n.....é;5e5¢"‘   ‘
1ty [ort, a former student of the Uni.   ;-—-   ‘‘‘`  Z   .  
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lic versity, saw a lull share of the     ·_,gi;:§;j§§ggg¥;—_$.;;; ,;;;     i
ea furious Helen alms the Filth   ;.,_ ; 1 . A  
my A““>”S md “’ ROM- HC was =¤   »;“;*   ·- l “‘i‘  
member of the 36th “Texas" ni-   ‘ ` V  
‘“ vision- With o eonrpnnion ne was   ;.. f  . '  
wer- the from line to replace one   oV`o A    
,,1,, knocked out by German artillery   `    
· rz:as:;:z:zz;22;2;s;2;2;2;s;2;a§z§;;§2:=a;2;z;z§;;-si r ari;asiaSe1I2i2$2’:if2;.@2;;;5ae5;%;€;:;%¤2=2¤.;:?¤§=j:€z5.iz*z5z:s 2  ‘ .  .:§5§&§€§2§2is§2§252f§5§5
M2.   he ThF°“gh ‘l?‘*k"°$” {md 2*    ’    ’‘;;i   V,  
ian . heavy mist the signalmen, coax-      
; s . . gegeggzgz§2§a5;;;;;g;g;5gggs;ge;2iz;2;;5is;5;;gg;2;;2;;52;gzg2;;;e;32§:j2§.;;§s§;e;;g;;§gi2§ Eaigigizieizisi2;s;;§s;ag2;agggig§2iisiz§s§§s;;§s§;§s§§§§2§&; · ::22 ~;t;2§z§s§$@5&§%§&§$§2i2i@§2§s¥¤§2§z§
_ ‘ mg a jeep along, reached outpost  
nne , wnittone knowledge or the rrenen   i
rrr . lrmsuass set them Safely ¤hr<>¤sh   eee   ..e;  
edi * the forward position but beyond  
. z;:geg;gegs;2;;zgg;z,;,;;e;r;gg;ggg;;gg5,2;2;¢;=g;,—-·=g;;;§;g;g;;;, , ;¤£§s§2§s§2Ei;§;§;§;§;§;§;é;éf5§2=1t*   {=Eiii2§2§z§2§2§e§§5§i§%25§5é5§5§i§5§5Eeif25=iifi:ifsF=f§f§5§3§5§i§5§:§S§é§£§ZE??
tid the French hne a Geriiigm pigmc gi;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiigigigiiiiiiiiiggifgjfig ‘§gé]i§g§i ;Q§Qiji;ii§§E§§i£§i§iiiii§i§i§§§§§§€Q .5Eiii.?E§E§E§E§E§2iii?iiil.iEiiiEiZi$iE§E;E§E§E;Eiii?iii?Eiiiiiiiiiifiiifgiiziii
- . ;ee2·s=2;2Qz$2;sis;$2z2i;2ge;2$2;isiz;s;z;s;eSséaez2ée;s%e%s; 5<·‘· ra  ‘‘;‘   =‘· *     i=’ ’  2;iii5éiiiééiéiziiiiiii?5%%F5535%iiéééiiii:ii5%%€§§f§féi%5§%§€%%§ia&e€é
ll dropped a llare which caught the   l`l“ Z 
‘° jeep in an open stretch of the road,   ‘l`   
·  ras···Z·‘;*‘·a¤§s§z§s$Pazizséeeee;;222§2§2§2fsiaésézisizésiaéag *‘ -‘·*=i;< "‘ 'iristr   Fiiiiééi55%Féiéi2%%Fsizf€i§f§i§555E$3%$$555@F2$s¥2P25§Sz5§i§i§%§i§5Fézéééési
hO$‘ Fortunately, the destination was  
. .           :;.  
who finally reached, the radio delivered  
‘<¤{$· .— and the operators were able to es-   ‘’ “```      ``i``l;:l  
. , , 1;Z;Z;2;S;I;:;Z;:;:;:i:§;Q;E;i:;;§;J;l;i;!;§Qf._' ;Z;,f:i `    _·:'i€€¢'iI`:;`·‘~  ·°'     -" \  
’ m tablish coinmumcations.   ‘’‘`   —  
d a   '    
·····————-——-   *:’’ ‘ “ *   ’’` " ‘‘t· ?  
rr Noncy D. Lewis Is    
. —     ‘‘‘‘ .
. Mcde A$$|$i'¤¤l' D€¤n _   ·`
i V Miss Nancy D_ Lewis, Social Di_ `   ‘
llwj  ·· rector of Pembroke College, has Miss Vera W. Gillespie
0ll€ i‘ been roi cl A ` · · ·
Q p note to ssistant Dean Miss Vera \\’ Gilles ie of M · S" `
ed t0   _ - _ _ · _ P Fl)S- tigma Phi,
hal   of Pembroke, according to an an- ville has been appointed editor ol On receiving her degree Miss
Slow.   riréuncement made by Dr. james P. the Richmond Daily Register in Gillespie joined the journalism
ming     ?iI`l1S, i vice-president ol Brown Richmond, Kentucky. She is the stall and served as secretary of the
 . U1V€l‘S1tV. ‘ . · · _ .
yiiiaii   M_ I _ _ Only WPHEH €dl[Ol of 3 daily HGWS- Clepaitment lor three ye;ii~S_ She
mem   l 1SS Lewis will have charge of P3P€1` lll K€¤ll1€l