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Pictures on this page show the large horse burn (upper, ER  ,   V
left) and sonic other buildings on the (loldstreznn Farm. ,`   _` *~ '   ;` U Mxg"
The buildings and fences ure ull in good repair.   Q VL     _ `_,_   wjf
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---V   \ ‘   ' [_ 7 <_ **$s;u#‘   ,-
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subjects. Sulhcicnt land has been lacking for adequate _ _» V A ,.  1}; y g  W .  A . .*4
. · · I · · V VV V ` ._ »  , » ,; “ V *`=;;*;rZ*VV   J
studtcs ol such mnttcrs as gastro-intestinal purnsitisin ==_  ·   gf ·»  »;~ +¢
. · - - . ’i 3   ’·/"·‘ r P , '·—.   ,
lll cuttlc and shccp, thc eltccts of foliage and root- _    ¤     JMU   ty
» . . - . A ` -. it      '¥•*··* _: rtf
l(‘('(ll1Ig l11S(‘ClS (111 l()l'2l.f.§(‘ l)l`()(l11Ct1()11 $,1.11(l pt1.St1l1'G Ng: {X  li;     r‘ HA    
stands, the cllccts ot wide-sprcud spraying not only    yi,  GV]       =’ VV’.. Z. E;  s   ___._  
. . . ’ ·     F   _. ,, ._,.   ·AA`   ‘ we 
on thc msccts but on rcsiduc l)llll(l-UPS and such.   .A.·   Q    
_ _  ‘*·: jv .s;.?;1 _,=··¤rj.'§;‘ j aw     -’,.;v.. ,.'.·‘1,· ;;f>_‘   ;.V   _ : — ·  V
Such work, to bc tlonc cllcctivclv, nccds to be done  _,      ·",·  .‘A WY ‘ ~   .,=    {
()1l 2l.C1`l‘tlg(*S 11()l lL11` 1'(‘l11()V(‘(l lVl'()111 C21111p11S lLll)O1`21t()l`1€S,   E BV ._   _   _X {   , ——-· *'°`¢‘
()fl1Cl‘S, 1111(l CltlSS1`(1(1l11S. -x—»w~ t.;i {
Tl1(‘ f&ll`111S \V(`1`(‘ l)ll1`Cl121S(‘(l lVl'()111 ll(‘1ll`y   Klllgllt ; Y1
and llugln .·\. (Inuit for $1,S51,3(l(l. The University »~»··-—-— ~~—·-—·—·   —-» A ,   gra -   VVV`¢ ”
'V  ' i:Q‘2V V - " '
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\l11(‘l1 (‘(1l()l` illlll l'(1l11t111C(‘ of Bll1Cgl`1lSS l10l`S(‘ 2l1l(l ~_ V   V VVVVm"”""“A“*”"¢l»- <-=     ` VV‘V’’  ?mg 
g(·nt·;·nl livcstoclt history nrc in thc l)2lCl{glV()llll(l of &·=~..,____ · _ VV  VV V    VVV  
(l(1l(lSi1`<'A1111 l"1l1`111. ()1l 21 t1`t1.Ct \\’l1lCl1 is l1()\V L1 Pilft V . _  
. , _ _ _ u. y ` W M ~
ol the Inrin wats \lc(·rz1tln;1n;t, ownctl by Price Mc- . y ‘ ~ _   A· ...3-/j
(Zratth who in 1875 won thc first Kcntuclccumc the Before coming t0 A’lCGl'i1tl112I11il in the 1880Vs, Han- Ll'
1)1'()]_)l‘1`l}' (ll ll1(‘ l1()1`S(‘1111111.   blllt()11 YOUNQ. LIC OV€I` had 11121(l€ 2111 1llllStl`lOllS 1121.1116 f()1` h1l1]S€ll; élllll _+
l1`ll1lSl()1`111(‘ll XlL`(i1'2lll1l1l1111 Sllltl l11t() 0110 ot tl1C 111OSt l1111Cl1 1110116}/ {Of l1lS O\V11€I`S. At tl1G t1111€ of l1lS 1'€· °
launous lwrcctling <‘SlL1.l)llSl1111(‘1ltS in :\111(‘1'lC11. Among tirement from the truck, when he was acquired by A4; V
ll1(‘ Sll'l‘S \\`ilS ll1t‘ Q1`(‘t1l ll1(11`()llQ_Vl1l)1`(‘(l lI£111()\`(‘l`.   YOlll`lg, I`I2l.I]OV€I` had El 1`€COI`(l. Ol:   \‘V11]S ll]
" \
B Ktaxructcr FARM AND HOME Sc112NcE—\V1NT12R 1957 L