xt7ns17sr54x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sr54x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1992 1992 1992-10-30 2020 true xt7ns17sr54x section xt7ns17sr54x  



‘ / (_ -,"'I.11'I’.“‘"~',‘ m-arf.’ I gate-m sz; -».-:

V“ ”as“. ,

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hn~s—-s/ ..


Kentucky Kernel

OCT 3 0 1992


Clinton leads Bush
by narrow margin,
LCC poll indicates


8y Brant Welch
Sentor Staff Wrtter


It .I poll eotIIlIIeteIl h) le\iugtou
('ottIuIIinit) (lollege students is an;
InIlIeIIIion. the piesidential I'aee Is
going; to eoine \llHHl to the \xii‘e

Arkansas (on Bill (‘hnton led
President Bush h} Inst one parent
age poitit III the poll. which \\;t.s te-
IeILseIl )e‘stt‘i'IIIII at l.(‘(' the poll
\\:Is taken hx lottt' political seietIte
elasses (let I" through
under the :IItIlaIIee ot
lInI tautie ll

(ll the l..I.II, lx’IpIIl‘ltIntIs



[‘lIlelIlHllLIl IIIIIIllj. th.It the tnoinen
l‘Hll hIIIl ~‘.‘~|lll" to 'lIxtII

~“L »I "Itl |\II'

lIIi lltllt lIIItIIII .IIIIl th.II Is lIe III‘I


lillsll l\ L'ItHI" lI' l‘t le titxlttldi ntltl
\ II \ l’le stIlI III itIII t‘tuax h

I..II It‘llill pm. we '.tlllt .tllii

l)ell|l‘\l ItII ‘III I‘M -tIl lllltll I.IIIIh
iillt \: llt‘l.

IIIlII'. ls' pIIlIIII III -t.IiI .ssI 'l'l I‘I

|=t||l.Iilll lI~I I

’ IZII-II ~t|IIIII. .- I .I. IIlI.I.I'


l’IIIIt \t It. It Itit II IIIIhIII III .I. III

[‘IIIHI tllI'I't I It It ‘IIIIII' tt‘t‘t,.’
Ititt III ( ‘s\ s ‘l .Itt: lxIII ‘ I II. ‘
Hut lIts


sIIIIlgI \lttlt-ll


I" t’lllttlt

lllelll.t I III.IIIIII.II.l. IletIII‘ItII'

the ll\s It‘ I'. II IIIIIII~ um I!
lX‘l‘Attll the I‘lt‘Il‘hlll IIII; iI'I’ thin
Ist.Itit IlIIIllnI .I H \llltllttlll
people -.‘I I II I t sIIl t It It I
liltsltl ’III' II ‘III » II

tlIIItIIII l_ . I l I . :I ‘he
.II-IIIIIII, III \'._h‘. I:.I. ‘...I: It.
IIIIIII I‘lJI I \l,>\ I: I l I
Liltt III \.‘.I III».

\I‘ ’ll‘ ' . ‘I
t.‘ h .. ,I .I I

IllIY 'I Il ll l

.IIII lI lI'l III~ -II IIIItl.- I lwen.

See ELECT Page '2








Patterson Halt resident advisers Stacie Hughes (left). Marti Fee and Kim Shafer hand out
candy at the Hope Center for the Homeless yesterday.





- s _ .L..-....—_V..e.



2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday. October 30. 1992


Continued from Page 1

tlte group chanted iit tittisoii phrases
like “Four more seru s" and "t tear:
the House" Mari}
hooked their horns in apprmal \i
least one motorist. however. shout
ed ohscenities at ttte group

l;utce llttrsi. a business lll.lll.t;‘\

[\Atsse‘l's- h\

merit seniort said once ('hitioii siip
porters get titio the toting: booths ott
ltlection Hit) the) too orll choost

"'lhi: voters. when the} get to tire
polls. are going to reali/e \\ hat
(‘linton really stands tor. He's been
caught in lies. ;uid they should he
made public." he said

Miriont} groups, which tradition-
ally support Deritocratic candidates.
were not well-represented at tester—

day's rally lii tacit all but one ot’

the 50 students at the r‘alls itere

But the Bash adiiiiriistratroii. as
well its campus Republican organi-
zations. works ttard to recruit indi-
viduals from other races. said \\ es
Butler. vree chairman ot l'K (‘ol-
lege Republicans,

"\\e \sent out oit .t Ill.ts\|\L' te-
ettiitiit-L sale ,\rtd not to sit} iltat
,sc don‘t need more tittitortiies. htil
'Ac' ll.t‘»t tlcth‘l} lk‘tltlllctl lttl t'tttll
oi the iitiitoirties.” s.tltl Butler .i
lirstoi's iiiiiior “\M l|.1'sL‘ a repre-
sentatta tioiii each that .lt'll\c'l_\
participate iit 'sshat we re dome

”\s tar its uhat ttte Republican
p.ut_\. in general. does, I dunk it's
wrong to say that the) alienate any
llllltitl'lh the Republican party
tlocs llllltL'\ lit the interests ot the
ct-vttiitis.” tie \tltl

\m) “Lilltt‘lt president ot liait-
s}l\.tlll.t l 'ittxeisit} (‘ollege Reptih—
hearts and an oreanr/er ot. the tall}.
said the large turnout proves Btrsh
has a considerable t‘ollowrrig
among )t'tlllfl people

“ l he tact that we have this man)
people out lieie is itist great." she

\\'.u'rter stitl she remains optimis-
he that a [lush \rctor) on luesda}
‘s\lll mean :ootl ttetss tor all col-
lcee .tee sttitleiits uho soon will err-
tcr the nth iit.trls;et

”lhiitgs are tough all otei‘ We
all are itist going to hate to he pa—
tient arid \\.’ttl it out" she said “I 'it-
der it lttrsh .itlritinrsiration. things
\\lll get better H



READ THE '- ..






”(:75 3]
University at Kentucky

Singletary Center

Tickets: $8.00


Continued trom Page 1

lit the Lite [til the Mir DIslltcl
toneresstoital seat. I esrngton Mir}-
oi Scott} litteslci led Republican
candidate |)r (‘harles lilhiiger, a
[K thlllhlI) pr’otessor. by a 30 per—
cent margin However. 23 percent
said the) still new undecided.

l lhitgei “ho “as at l(‘(‘ when
ttie stti'\e_\ “as released. predicted
\rctor’} despite his being so tar he
hind iit tlte poll

"I‘m not discouraged at all." lzl-
linger said “I sa) l “I” “I“ h) a
nose at the “ire."

lit the race tor the l'.S. Senate
race. Wendell l5ord led Republican
challenger ”and Williams 58 per-

cent to 22 percent

In other tinthnes:

'lhe llMlUIll) of respondents 7
43 percent said (im Br‘er‘etoit
Jones “as doing at least a fart ioh in
ott'ice. while IX percent said he was
doing: a good rob and to percent r'at-
ed ,lones's per‘t'or'marice as poor

(‘antr‘ell said Jones had a better
sllt)\\lll}l than t'ormer (toe Wallace
Wilkinson had in a similar poll cort-
ducted at l.(‘(‘ in I988.

alones‘ health-care ret'onit plim
was t’avored 33 percent to 27 per-
cent, However. -11 percent said the)
were undecided,

()lll} registered when new
po!led in the random telephone sur
\e). ultrch has a margin ot’ error oi
plii~ or minus 1 percent,

l)\lltl\l.|l\ ilk‘tttlllllt'tl lt't ‘“ per
\L'lll wt those \lll\t‘\t'tl. 1“ percent
.teie tc’::tsle'ie‘tl lx’epitltlitaiis, .|llii
l" peitciit were tinder Alli‘llle‘l par
l_\ Men made tip V percent ot ie»
spoitdenis. “title 44 percent \teie












Elvis look-alike Elizabeth Jelinek. 66. a UK employee. hands out candy yesterday to drivers
entering the A Lot behind the Funkhouser Building.

Cflflls BRUCE Re “a 5"."




Continued from Page 1

ot the specialit) ot child iieui'olog}
and trained man} child neurologists
III the timed States and Australia.

A natixe ot (ileri Ellyn. lll.. (‘lark
i'eceised his l’h.l) iii NW and an
M I) iii W46 trom the l'nn‘ersit)
ot (‘hicago

Prior to routing: the tactilt} tit l'K.
( lark oas associate professor ot
iteiir'oloe} and pediatrics .tt lohits
Hopkins Hospital \ctiool ot Metli

Hinton: his .l\.1ilt‘llll\ illltl iiicthtal
trite: la Illtttlt' iii.iitj. \oiiii'ihiiitotis
itt: l‘iitlc\slttll .tiid rece't‘.e‘tl mall}
tioiiois l|t\llltllll_L' being trained a
liilhtrghi \cholai iii iteurolog) iii
1 oiidoit. l upland the [cal l ectur‘er



$5.00 with ticket stub lrom
Friday's show
(ash. “St. or .Vlastoreard




porinERosA 7 H l




‘Ol? A LIMIT? 0 “ME



— — mch-gs-‘Ffim - _ - T ntrnuvwmtmrnw afifttr“; .1.
All-You-Caml-Zat Lunch Grand m, I Petrte Rmeye Dmgcr.
Buflct',‘ Sundae S “00“” ' wrtlt Grand Buffet $4 99
Bar . s-m-v 8v. Sundae Bar .
w W hails-1w ”no-ad
”-4 m-zmm 3-3051 13:10," ' "w"-‘"_'.“W'§‘":.-a~:. m“ "a .52:
rms-blt- uurv—tut . .n. um I ”sun...” “I w

' "'""- "' :.~—"":L"~"S

PONDEROSA arias I omosrt .—-~-...-~=.-s





nine inch nails

interscope records

Lexington Green 273-6699
& Festival Mall 259-0528


music stores




621 $103?



Yours at no extra charge whatever with any
(‘linique purchase of 13.50 or more.

l‘.or\ llrsqtre,’(Lrapeskrri Sott l’ressed he Shadow Duo

Super llerrv hitperlipstick
Rinse-0h liVl‘ Makeup Holwrtt

Dramaticallt Ditterent Morsttrri/irig Lotion

l‘xtra Bt’l‘tt‘lll‘s bhampoo
Hair L omb

Onelmnus ioa tll§l()n1l'r


Allergy Tested
100% Fragrance Free


Fayette Moll

”Little Favourites”

at the Ro)al (‘ollege oi l’h)srctaits
iit I ondoii. the Douglas Rese Me;
mortal l ecttiier In Swim). Austra—
Iia. iiiemhershrp til the Johns llop«
kins \ttc‘lL‘l)‘ ot Scholars. and meat»
hership in the Rosal Socrety ot
Medicine in lingland

He was a member oi the \iner'r-
cart Acadein} ot Neurology the
\tisti'alran Association ot Neurolo-
gists. the Briitslt Societ} ot (‘hild
\L‘lll'ttlttfllsls and the International
(‘htld Neuroloe} .\ssocr.tliori

\peakcis \\ ho \till pa‘s tiihiite to
t laik dining the iiieriioiial inehide
lleihtii \letld. pr‘csidz'iti pro tent
loltit i1.lllle\. toiiitthi \‘l the l ix

the-11 ~;ie.i| \e'lllllttlis
it.tllt'e\ ('eiittr ioi lltlllt.tl|l'tle\t .tlitl
the New liritei Mooie.
the l'lx' \etxiiiiiri ( etttei .llltl tot»
met pastor ct 5t l’aul's t‘htiich iii

toiirit'iei wt


Conttnued from Page 1

bod) tells )otr sou‘re not telling
the truth and )ou keep on doing it
1tll)\\;t}. ohich is what Bash does.
it‘s hard tor the American people
to knots what to make ot it "
(‘linton said Btish sins “incredi-
hle. incredible dishonest things."
and aides said he “as reten'rng: to
radio commercials the Republican
president is aii'iit; iii se‘scral slates
(‘liiitoii has complained about .t
eoiitiriei‘cial lll loiiisiana accusing:
lllllt oi taxor‘iite .t compleit l1 tlt i‘ll

oil tt-ie oti «hitting; lie its his

elect .i eitlltllle'leltll ltllllt‘ilt‘,‘ ill
with '.tiiit siaies stiex‘esiiitj: he i..-
\t‘ls :t\iit;_' St-Xe‘llllllc'ltl plaitiieis

the IlL‘lll to decide uhat tielits can
lX planted. .iitt-thei claiiit he ill-
tttckctl as a itilscltootl



Continued from Page 1

main locus ot‘ the e\ent. and re»
treshments \till he served lrom K to
lit pm A non-stop dance parts \\lll
tollou. lL‘itlllrlllg in rock ‘rt‘ roll
and ethnic music,

[he part} is open 3'1 exersone lll‘
tei'estedt 'l‘eh said. Admission is \1

MN ll.\| I,


l) 1: V ITO

tor tosiiio iiieiiihers .llltl \4 tot
”Marts \lllCl'lcllll students attend»
ed our party last year: (and1 he had
a \er‘) good time.” he said
(‘osmopolitan (‘luh consists more
than 40 members. including both
international and American stir»
Fm Illi'H Iii/(tl'mflflttll t"'f"il('
l('/} at 255342}

l’lilil FHSR




W\R\ll( llls'lts
ll“ HllRllh \llt ll\l| lsl \llt’V
IMNNV lh\lll) “It Illlll l'llllllK ‘H~\I\t\\ Kl II R\\ (llKlHlH'lllH \\\|kl\
\1K lMlI l.lllll.ll l‘1\l MINI.” MK llr\|l \lllRl’lh |l\\\\ I|l\t\\ IUUKV lR\\lt)
ll“. l'l th H ”K l,l‘lllR l£l\|\\1l\ \ltl\|MK \1I( Il\|| I'\l \\
ltttl'. k ‘iNl ltt (i'I‘l’t \ l \tll \t\\l|R\ \\\1H\\1\l

|l\\|ll \\\lH~'\ INNI‘sl ltl \lt.t 3"“ Hi hill\ ll\l lLl kltDN

Wednesday thru Saturday at 8:00 pm
Sunday at 5:00 pm
$2 with UK ID at Worsham Theater

FREE with any purchase of $13.50 or more.














Kentucky Kernel, Friday. October 30 1992 - 3



Basketball bash tomorrow


By John Kelly
Sports Editor


11111111111111 1113.1111\ 11111111'1'11111111g
111111111111 1:.11111' 11 .1 1‘15: 11111' N11 3-1
.\11\\1\\1pp1 \1.111' 1~ .1 11111111111 [c.1111
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\.'.1~-111 1'11111'111.

1111111111 111 11111111. 11.1.

.1111. .' 1:.11

Holmes finally wms Halloween Bowl


By Mark Sonka

\12111111 31.1111'211111


11 “Mix .111 1‘ -Il:1 [1'11111111 .‘.11
\1‘1‘1'1‘111 11‘” 10111111.

11111 11111111.\ 11.111 1.1: 1111 11111111111.

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1111111'11'..1111.\ 3‘



“Trust in the Lord With
all your heart”



starting 111111' buck 1111111 ()1'1 1* 111
Nm 1.

Hills. 1111' 11111111111 111:: Blue .\I;111-
nesx 1e~111 1111'1. \11111'11 celehmlc 1111'
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.\11‘( I111)

“1’1'111111 1.11111 \.1j. 111.11 11111\1' 111111
11111\ 1.11111 1‘11.111\1' \‘I Kiltilllglll
.\1.111111'\\ .11. 11111111: 1’111111' 11111\

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