xt7nvx05xv1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx05xv1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915025 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-02-mar5-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-02-mar5-ec. 1915 2011 true xt7nvx05xv1g section xt7nvx05xv1g 

     The Execuative Committee of the State University of
Rentucky met in special session in President Barker's of-
fice, Friday, March5, 1915, at 12 b'clock.

     Those present were: Messrs. C. B. Nichols, T. L.
Edelen, R. C. Stoll, J.C. Brown and P. P. Johnston.

     Absent: M!essrs. C. B. Ter ell and G. a. Brock.

     President Barker made   report relative to imorovements
being made in W inslow Street.  He stated that in  ompany with
Mr. Johnston, he had gone down to see the commissioners
about the street a-.d found thet tfiey were not at all imrress-
ed with the idea that they should deliberately pay any  part
of it. They stated that they were under the impression that
it was for the benefit of the University, and that but for
the University, they would not have engaged in it. 'hey had
passed no ordinance nor authorized anybody to do anything
at all with reference to the street.  The President further
stated that he had never talked with the commissioners before
on the subject and they did not nretend that hoe ever had.
They admitted that nobody purporting to represent the Board
of Trustees or Executive Committee had ever talked with them.
'hey, however, were under the impression that Judge Lafferty
had spoken by authority'in what he had znid to them, although
he had not told them this in so many words.

     Presl dent Barker reolied that they ought to know that
only the Board of Trustees had full authority to bind the
University and that the ExecutiVe Committee represented the
Board when it was not in session.   'uther conversation
was earried on with the commissioners who were very kind
and friendly towards the University; The President stated
that he explained to them that tnis was not a question of
what the Board of Trustees would like to do. They were
confronted with the law, which as they interpreted it,
was like the law of the Medes and Persians- no variation
in it whatever. 'he President said that on being asked to
give his opinion, he had declined. The commissioners cited
the matter of improving Lioeetone Street, toward which the
Uhivtrsity wasto make annual payments for ten years, and
said that they considered Winslow a parallel case.   In this
the President spid that he tsought the university iiad done
wisely, but that bhis action on the part of the Board would
not bind it as to future improvements.

     The Gommissioners held the opinion that they had the
right to put the street through and take the University's
gr oud.

     The following letter from the Mayor of the City of Lbep
ington to the Executive Committee, was read:


To the Members of
     the Executtive Committee
          State University of Kentucky.

Gentl emen:

     ?or some ti-me past negotiations have been held between
the Board of Commissioners of the City of Lexington and
Judge Lafferty, as representative of the State University.
looking toward the improvement of Winslow Stre-t. The Board
of Commissioners and Judge Lafferty finally agreed upon the
following program:

     That the "niversity should dedicate to the "ity a
strip of ground adjoining Winslow Street, about thirty feet
in width, which should become a part of the street; that
the City should then order Winslow Street, thus widened,
imporoved;  and that the cost of this improvement should be
assessed against the abutting property owners, the University
to pay its pronortionate part of such cost and the city to
pay the cost of intersections and of a storm water sewer.

     In order for th e siteet to be improved during the coming
summer and fall it was necessary that the fills should be
made at once so that earth could settle sufficiently to
safely receive the pnving. Relying upon the understanding
with Judge Lafferty the City arranged with the Garay-Reed
Company to be4in the construction of the fills, and under
this arrangement the Carey- eed  ompany has practically comn-
pieted the grading of the street at a cost of approximately
$2000.00 as I am advised.

     I may say here that at the time this arrangement was
made the Oommissioners were of the opinion that other streets
in the City should be improved before Winslow Street, and
that it was largely in order to accommodate the University
and to comply wi ;h the urgent request of its representative
that the Board of 1ommiseioners decided apon the program
outlined above;  and, of course. it was in feliance upon this
understanding with your representative that the expense of
grading mentioned above was incurred.

     The City, of course, understood that Judge Lafferty
was acting as the authorized representative of the Univer-
ilty and that we could raly on his statement. -s has appear-
ad often heretofore on other matters pertaining to the
Unt'versity and we have always endeavored to comply with his
req'1ests in order to aid the University in Rny way the City
could. We have always considered that a request from him
was a request from the proper authorities of the University.

      n making up the budget for the present year the board
Of Commlseloners did not apnropriate any money for the con-
struction of Winslow Street other than it was obligated to
spend under the arrangement with Judge Lafferty; and it
would be impossible for the City to assume the cost of this
wo rk.

     It is the earnest desire of the Commissioners to Co-
operate with the Univoraity tin every way poseible and,


insofar Ps the "'ity can do so, to comply with its wishes
with respect to public improvements. The City authorities
appreciate the State Univers;ity and it was this fact tha.t
really  induced tne  oard of Gommissioners to undertake the
improvemuent of '6inslow Street.

     I do not know the financial conditions of the University
or the restrictions resting upon its authorities in the expend-
iture of its funds, but in view of the fact that these arrange-
ments were entered into in absolutely ,ood faith by both
sides and the situation has resulted in the exoenditure
of a considerable sum of money, I earnestly request that your
Committe* consider the question seriously and see if some
means cannot be devised by which this unfortunate situation
can be taken care of and the Inprovement completed in some
way satisfactory to all parties.

                                 Very truly yours,

                                 J  fb S 'assid

P.S.   As layor or '..e i'ty I f lly realise that no officer
or any person in any w&y connected with the State University.
of Lexington, Kentucky, has contracted any obligation for
or on behnlf of said institution In regard to this imerave-
ment, but the City would appreciate a solution of the matter
in strict accordance with the &kw.
                                        J.:.C .

     Thereupon, upon motion, made, seconded and carried
(Mr. Stoll not voting), the Chairman of the Zxecutive
Coml ittee was authorized and directed to send to the Mayor of
tue Gity of Lexington a letter, of which the following is
a copy, in rsponse to his letter, outlining the proposition
from the University to the 'ity of 'esxington. which said
letter is 8z follows8

Mayor J. E. Cassidy,
     Lexington, 4entucky.

My dear )irI

     We. the Executive  ommittee of the State University,
acknowledge receipt of your letter in reference to Winslow
Street- and also desire to say that we fully appreciate the
kind spirit In which It is written. arnd regret that the legal
limitations by which we are surrounded forbid our doing any-
thing in regard to the matter except as follows:

      he  ommittee is willing to aedicate, or deed. as you
niy desire, the %trsip of land thirty feet wide, which you
have heretofore taken as part of tinslow Street, from the
Campus of the University; but we cannot obli..-ate ourselves
or the University to pay any part of the i.-provement of the
street, but are willing to deed the property as our contri-
bution to public i-provement.   It Is, however, to be dis-
tinctly understood that this Is upon condition that the
street is built within a reasonable time. not to exceed one


year from date, and to be at no cost to the State University,

     Aegretting our Inability to do anything further in for-
warding this public lm-Drovemnt, we are

                              Very respectfully yours,

                              The Executive Committee
                              By C. 3. Niahols, Chairman..

Thereupon the following resolution vas offered:

     BS IT RESO T3D; That if the `ity of Iexington accepts
the  iro pasition this day made by the  xecutive Oommittei,
In regard to t;3e m-king of 5Inslov Street, the 6'hairman, Mr.
C. 3. Nichols, is hersby authorized and empowered, in our
name and for the Stnte Univereity, to deed to the City oef
Lexington, to be apart of the public hi-hvfay known as Winslow
Street, '.he thirty feet of land which the udity has hereto-
fore taken and partially imrroved as a part of winslow

     On roll call (Mr. Stoll nok voting) the above resolution
was unaunimiously adopted.

     The Gomnittee then ad~journed for lunch.

     At the afternoon session the followlng letter from
Profotsor Anderson was readi

                                  February 26, 1915

Presidoent Henry S. .1rlker,
     State University of Kentucky.

ear  it:

     Compliin.- with a request of the ixecutive Commlttee of
the State niversity of Kentucky, requiring the dean of each
college to present in writing, requests for annro-riations
or modifications of exlisting rules pertaining to the business
of each department, I herewith submit to you for the consider-
ation of the Fixecutive Committee, the following.

     I reSnectfully request that $300..00 be appropriated
for meeting the expenses of the Summer School In echanic
Arts for the summer of 1915,.

     This appropriation of $300.00 is to be used for adver-
tising and for paying for the services of Instructors,.

     The $300.00 will meet only in part the expenses of the
Summer School in Mechanic arts but we propose to charge
sufficient fees to make up the additional expenses and

     I guar;ntee that the University will not be called
upon to meot any expqnses no covered by the $300.00 appbi- at.d.


     The request for this appropriation Is made at this time
to cover certain expenses for advertising that connot be
contracted for until the exnendit'ure is authorized.

                                 nespectfully submitted,
                                    (not -.si,~n ea
                                  Dean, oltege of Mechan-
                                  ical and 'lectrical
                                  ng-ineerin D

     Mr. "'d.jlen moved thAt an appropriation of 300.00 be
made Prof. nderson for Summer School work in his department.

     This motion was seconded oy Ir. Stoll and on roll call,
unanimously carried..

     The following letter from Professor Noe, director of
the IlkmeM. Lchool, was read:

                                     March 5. 1915

President          Bark.y. Parker,
     State nivereity of "entucky.

Dear President "arker:

     The eapartment of encation desires to conduct a   ummer
Schtol this year for the benefit of the high school teachers
of the St -te who are unable to be with us excent at the
Summer Session. It frequently happens that a t'eacher comes
to us in the 'Lumier School and becomes interested in the State
University and soon discontinues liIs work fcr,,a year or to to
complete his preparation for teaching 3;ere.   ome of the
best men we have graduated have come to uas in that way. We
therefore believe that it is quite worth cur white to expend
a psart of our budget for the benefit of sueh teachers.   ur
Summer school will not be large, perhaps never can be, owing
to the fact that now the George  elbody   ollege of Teachers
ti appropriating $200,000 for the  ummer session and. making
that the most attractlve center for teachers in the South and
Southwest;  but each year interlst in the University is grow-
Ing largely through the  ummer  ession a9mong tre teachers
of the Utnto.

     We want td offer eourses this yenr in the following
subj ects:
              Educati ion
              Mathematis c
              Modern Lenguages
              AnCi Rt tLanguages
              Home  conomnics
              Agri cul ture

 here is consa derably morj demand in some branches than in
 others. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Kinney will' offer a course In
Soils and  rops for teachers, giving one hour a day for this


work. The department of Physics will offer a single course
for teachers also. In the other subJects there will be
several courses in each department. We have planned to
conduct the 5ummer chool on the following financial basisi

     We are asking $1,500.00 appropriation from the Universi-
ty. $1000.00 of this sum gomes out to the budget of the
De.TPartment of 1'Ducation.  eachers from th8 following depart-
Ments have been selected by the Executive ommittee:

                   2 in Wathematies
                   2 in hUcation
                   2 in Modern Language
                   1 in Latin
                   I in History
                   I in English
                   1 in Rome Economies
                   1 in Physics
                   A single course divided between two in
                   Agricul ture.

     We pay the Physics teacher 1004,00; the Agriculture
teachers $l00.00 and home Economics $150.00.

     Each student in the Summer School will be required to
pay a fee of $10.00 and this added to the  $1500.00 from the
University, will constitute the total income of the -ummer
School .  fter deducting the sums above mentioned to the
teachers in the three Departments, along with the general
expenses of the ximmer School, from the total amount of tui-
tion and approprimti n, the balance will be ppe-rnted among
the nine teachers.   his will make a very small amount for
the services rendered. We ought to have a larger apprtprim
ation but the teachers have agreed to work for this sum.

                                   Very respectfully,

                                      J.T.O. Woe

     Un motion, made, seconded and unanimously carried, the
plan as outlined In above aaid letter was approved by the

     Mr. Stoll raised a question relative to the rebolutica
passed by the Committee at Its last meeting, which required
that the heads of departments make a report in writing at
this meeting of the ommittee, giving the number of Drofessors
in the department, what they were teaching, how much they
were paid, their title, etc., and he wished to know whether
this had been complied with,

     President Barker stated that owing to the Illness of
Judge Lafferty, Secretary of the Voamittoo, the deans had
not been notified of tna resolution.

     Mr. Stoll moved that this report be called for at the
April meeting of the Executive kGommittee.

     Nr6 Brown moved that the President, at the next mooting
of the omMIttee, report the cost to the University of


of Apparatus, etc. used in the Summer School in  hemistry,
and the cost to the University in fuel, and wear-and tear
on machinery used in the School of Mechanical Engineering.

     this was seconded by Mr. Johnston, and carried unani-
m ou sly.

     Prsident Barker stated that he would have a copy of
the minutes mailed to each member of the Gommittee, after
which the meeting adjourned.
