To the Members of
     the Executtive Committee
          State University of Kentucky.

Gentl emen:

     ?or some ti-me past negotiations have been held between
the Board of Commissioners of the City of Lexington and
Judge Lafferty, as representative of the State University.
looking toward the improvement of Winslow Stre-t. The Board
of Commissioners and Judge Lafferty finally agreed upon the
following program:

     That the "niversity should dedicate to the "ity a
strip of ground adjoining Winslow Street, about thirty feet
in width, which should become a part of the street; that
the City should then order Winslow Street, thus widened,
imporoved;  and that the cost of this improvement should be
assessed against the abutting property owners, the University
to pay its pronortionate part of such cost and the city to
pay the cost of intersections and of a storm water sewer.

     In order for th e siteet to be improved during the coming
summer and fall it was necessary that the fills should be
made at once so that earth could settle sufficiently to
safely receive the pnving. Relying upon the understanding
with Judge Lafferty the City arranged with the Garay-Reed
Company to be4in the construction of the fills, and under
this arrangement the Carey- eed  ompany has practically comn-
pieted the grading of the street at a cost of approximately
$2000.00 as I am advised.

     I may say here that at the time this arrangement was
made the Oommissioners were of the opinion that other streets
in the City should be improved before Winslow Street, and
that it was largely in order to accommodate the University
and to comply wi ;h the urgent request of its representative
that the Board of 1ommiseioners decided apon the program
outlined above;  and, of course. it was in feliance upon this
understanding with your representative that the expense of
grading mentioned above was incurred.

     The City, of course, understood that Judge Lafferty
was acting as the authorized representative of the Univer-
ilty and that we could raly on his statement. -s has appear-
ad often heretofore on other matters pertaining to the
Unt'versity and we have always endeavored to comply with his
req'1ests in order to aid the University in Rny way the City
could. We have always considered that a request from him
was a request from the proper authorities of the University.

      n making up the budget for the present year the board
Of Commlseloners did not apnropriate any money for the con-
struction of Winslow Street other than it was obligated to
spend under the arrangement with Judge Lafferty; and it
would be impossible for the City to assume the cost of this
wo rk.

     It is the earnest desire of the Commissioners to Co-
operate with the Univoraity tin every way poseible and,