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Clinton and Hickman County Com ercial Club (Continued)
Committees: No standing committees. (
Purpose: Civic improvement of town and county.
Normal Civic Activities: Specifically, none. A
Defense Activities: Engaged in Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills
Needed in Defense Industries. Interested in Motor Corps Service,
Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance,
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Consumer Protection
Activities• `
Local Publications: None.
CLINTON HOME MAKERS CLUB (State Federation of Home Makers Clubs),
County Agcnt's Office, Clinton. Founded 1928. President, Mrs.
‘ Walter S. Scholes, East South Street, Clinton. Secretary, Mrs. `
Vester Campbell, East South Street, Clinton. Terms expire August,
Membership: l6. Qualifications, any woman interested in home problems.
Com ittees: Program, Mrs. Dick Greffey; Home Improvement, Mrs. Maggie
Ramsey; Clothing Leader, Mrs. Charles Smith; Foods, Mrs. Percy Allen; I
‘ Child Training, Mrs. W. A. Jewell; Garden, Mrs. W. R. McGruder, all of
Purpose: Training in the art of home making. (
Nermal Civic Activities: Cooperating with school lunch and cancer
control programs.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Preparation and Serving
of Food, Library Service.
' Local Publications: None.
CLINTON PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION (State and National Congresses of
Parents and Teachers), High School Building, Clinton. Founded l940.'
President, Mrs. Henry Griffin, East Clay Street, Clinton. Secretary,
Mrs. Henry Alexander, East South Street, Clinton. Terms expire May. 1942.