-4- A
a Clinton Parent-Teacher Association (Continued) V
Nbmbership: 44. Qualifications, parent or teacher of child attending 1
the school. Q
Cpmmittoes: Finance, Laverne Kimbro; Publicity, Mrs. Howard Paschall;
{ Program, Mrs. Wiley Utterback, all of Clinton. 2
Purpose: Promote the welfare of children in home, school, church and .
community. A
Normal Ciyic Activities: Aiding in obtaining National Youth Administration _
work shop and play ground for children. A
Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Food.
Local Publications: None. ‘
' CLINTON WOMAN'S CLUB (Kontucky·Federation of Women's Clubs), Hickman
County Library, Clinton. Founded 1899. President, Mrs. Edmund wrae,
South Street, Clinton, Telephone 28. Secretary, Mrs. R. B. Jewell,
° South Street, Clinton. Terms expire May, 1942.
Membership: 40. Qualifications, intelligence, character and reciprocity.
. """""‘ 1
Committees: .American Citizenship, Mrs. Carl Jones; Gardens, Mrs. R. L.
‘ Bolin; Fine Arts, Mrs. R. L. Johnson; History and Education, Hrs. W. H. {
Claxton; Library Extension, Hrs. R. B. Jewell; Public Welfare, Mrs. H.
S. Alexander, all of Clinton.
Purpose: Promotion of intellectual culture and community uplift. ,
Normal Civic Activities: Sponsor Hickman County Library. Cooperating
with Red Cross, Cancer Control and Infantile Paralysis programs. Aiding
school lunch room.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Library Service.
_ Tnterested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Preparation
and Serving of Food, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Typing and
Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publications: Year Book.