. . "   ’ . ' __ "‘% —‘;;":"*""T?%*`"*;
BIO 110 Introduction to Human Biology and Af<1e<¤r;¤tetl>¤e1'     Reports and discussions on various topics in Plant Physiology. May Ph . I . 1 t f bat . I wth land d th_ Ch m th 3
Continuation of BIO 200. Three class hours per week. Prereq: BIO he repeated for a maximum of eight credits. gis? qggczlt. asp? S gl germ gm k_ I b E; ’ f C ho H py
200_201_ Must hc accompanied by BIO 203 (laboratory). an ism ec ron. woot ass) ours per wee , a ora ry, our ours per
  Elmnentary Adicrobiologyl   week. Prereq: MB 10.. or ..00, CHE 232, consent of instructor.
Bl() 703 General Biology Laboratory II (Z) A curmnr Stud - - - · · ·
·· - · z y of bacteria. Microbial physiology. Relationship of · · ·
Laboratory to accompany BIO 202. Four hours laboratory per week. microorganisms to soil fertility, foods, industrial fermentations, disease,   Metabolism Of M1CTO0rgf1n1SmS'_ _  
Prereq: Enrollment in BIO 202. Also open to students who have etc. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, four horrrs_ Chemical changes produced by microorganisms; properties of their
completed BIO 101 nm] 9_()1_ enzymes; the physiology of their growth. Lecture or conference,
  Orientation in Microbiology   ca ) two hours; laboratory, four hours. Prereq: CHE 232; reading knowl-
: ' ' ' " ` ' d f . - .
BIO   Principles of Ce7letlcS· ()) A course of assigned readings, lectures and discussions to give the 6 ge 0 Germlm or Frmd]
A study of inheritance dealing with physical and chemical aspects of prospective major a view of the past and present nature and signifi- ,.,.
the genetic material and their relationship to the expression of the cance of the field of Microbiology. 770 lmvuorologr and Serology-  
phenotype. Prereq: One year of Biology or equivalent. The theories and mechanisms of infection and immunity; preparation,
p · V, · · d . ‘ . . . __ l
ua so     or 3.13..€;’i1"z;e;’.:z.iX5;$£:;2’.’;;e;;<;€z;ei?e.:; .,...   ..2*2. ar rs3:erre.:.af.r2srzireesszl treat   Leer,
A non-laboratory course in basic ecology taught jointly by Botany their relation to medicine, surgery, and public health. Lecture and I
and Zoology Departments. Will stress the ecosystem approach to recitation, two hours; laboratory, four hours. Prereq: PGY 206; CHE   Bt1Ct€TlOlOg)' of Foods.  
understanding the interrelationships between organisms and their 100. · · . · . ·
environment r...r..dr..g   €................r .....u...... r......., um.   _ _ , }§:·rr,§;;1,,g;5e;}}_,=;;ggge,;3ej,,r;gg;*—;g;;Qegg g;;§§;“g;*$,;§j;@rg§;j$g
hours; recitation, one hour. Prereq; One course in introductory   PTlTlClf)l€S 0fBr1cter1ology.   Lgtum two hours. labomtmy fom. hoius Prereq. MB ooo 01. 400:
Biology. Looturo arid recitation, two hours; laboratory, four hours. (An alter- or 102 and CHE 1l2, i
. . tive course for students who do not have the prerequisites for MB
BIO 620 Genetic Structure of Populations (3) :30 · ·
· -> Prereq er eerrerrr- CHE 104 er 112- 620 Bactenolo o Water and Scwa e. 4
A discussion of the development, theory and practice of experimental _ M. b. I V f     thod f {E 3%.0n S W d.s( S21
and theoretical population genetics, including the basic dynamics   B¢1Cl'€TlOlOg)’ of Foods.   mm lc Og' O .wa in We - S 0 lpul Cd] ` e age lilod
and integrating properties of populations factors which produce _ _ _ _ methods.·Operatr¤n o swimming poo s. Stan ard and ot er met o s
h . I t. d th . H t r I t. { t d Dairy and rmscellaneous food products; food preservation; food poison- lor exumrrurtrorr. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, four hours. Prereq:
° ““g‘iS "' p°p“ S ‘°"S an °“` S °° S Sn p°p“_“ ‘°“ S Y"': “"i zi" ing. Standard methods for official food and public health laboratories. MB 200 or 400. Or 102 and CHE 1]2_
evolution Prere · An mtroductor course in enetrcs and in statistics ’
‘   y g ‘ ‘ ’ Lecture, two hours; laboratory, four hours. Prereq: MB 200 or 400 or
and consent of instructor. (Same as AGR 620). 102_ CHE 112       (__)
’ ' ‘ €CtTO11 ”lCTOSCOp)’. D
BIO   EXp€Tl71lC7‘LidlT€C]l1‘Llql1€SlTl Plclllt 220 Bacteriology of \X/atoy and Sowdgo   Thgory, operation ant; uses of lthg magnetic electron microilcope
) , · , o . . _ . . . 4 . t . 't t. . t` . t ;
l ]t)SlOlOg}. ' h (D) Miclzobrology of · wateir, methods ofl purification. Sewage disposal i`;3mm;§n:q§:l?rmh:ul;2· PS;r;:;1P§Ya2g;   ee m°’ mm om
Presentation of theory and experimental techniques for the study of met Odsg OREWUUU 0 Swlmmmg PDO s· Standard and other methods
chemical constituents by centrifugation, chromatography, spectroscopy lm ""m"m“f’°"· L€°t“’€· two h°“’S? l“b°mt°"Yr f°“' h““"S· P"€'€q’ 6-0 V» d   P · 4
and electrometry. Discussion of methods and design to culture, sample MB 102> m` 200 or 400 ond CHE 112- / UUSGS an 1C—€tt$1€1€· (  
and prepare plant material for use in physiological experiments. Two ., , NHTUFGS. ¢\¢tiViti€S, and methods of laboratory ¢¤ltiV1lti0¤ of Vlf¤$¤S
class hgurg por week; throo laboratory hours per wook_ (Same os D50 SC771l71(1T.   and rickettsiae; their relation to bacteria, plants, and animals. Lcc-
AGR 630·) P'°’€‘l* BOT 501» CHE 232· 233 0* @115911* of i11$¤”11€¥01”· Review of current literature in microbiology; prosorrtotiorr of papeyg ture, two hours; laboratory, four hours. Prereq: MB 550.
___ I _ _ on work in progress in the department or on assigned topics; reports
  6/8 Sl‘¢1flSf1Ct1l C€H€flCS.   on meetings of national scientific societies.·Required of all seniors.   I-Ijgtoyy of Bacteriology  
Smtiéticnl appronyhea to thc analysis of quamitaiivc inherimilce; May be repeated to a maximum of four credits. 'Iwo hours. Conference, two h0“rS· Prereq: MB 550.
definition and estimation of genetic parameters relating to selection; ,9; I l d t \X/, I ,, _
inbreedrngo theory, random-mating and inbred populahons, testrng   ll! (PU] gl 0T-· · (?.)   BdCterldlA71dtom)», 'jdxononly and
and planning lfl KGHGUC €XP€l’1l”¤€¤tS· P1’€l’€q- STA 674 and BIO 620 Students are assigned specral problems in laboratory work and ·,
or consent of instructor. (Same as STA 678 and AGR 678.) reference reading. Laboratory, six hours. May be repeated to a max- NO771enclatllTe· (9)
__ _ imum of 18 credits. Prereq: Major and standing of 3.0 in the depart· Study of anatomical structure of various groups of bacteria, theories
  /60 D€V€lOp7Tl€7”Lt(1l G€H€tlCS.   motif. of staining, principles of taxonomy, code of nomenclature of bacteria
Discussion of metabolism, phenogenesis, immunogenicity, and mole- —-; _ U . l U and viruses. Cytochemical procedures used in laboratory. Lecture
cular evolution as relates to gene action and its modification in basic ° This course is prerequisite to a s1gn1Ecant number of courses in and conference, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: MB 550;
development and physiological processes of higher organisms. Prereq: this area of study. recommended MB 660, CHE 232.