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WHEREAS, each member of the UK Wildcat basketball team has proved to be a
fine representative of this University and has distinguished himself as
someone who has made the most of considerable talents, and

WHEREAS, this particular group of UK athletes has proved to all who have
thrilled to their fast breaks, pressing defense and daring dunks that practice,
discipline, determination, hustle, grit, and Teamwork with a capital "T" are
ingredients that can bring maximum success, accomplishment and acclaim, and

WHEREAS, the Wildcats, through their unquestioned talent, exceptional
teamwork and unselfish play, have brought a fantastic pride and positive
national and international attention to their University.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the University of Kentucky Board of
Trustees officially gives its highest commendation and registers its great
appreciation to Coach Rick Pitino and the UK Wildcats for again representing
this University in the NCAA Final Four. This Board, and the citizens of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, shall be forever grateful to the 1996-97 team for
its considerable national achievements and accomplishments on the hardwood.

      This the 1st day of April, 1997.

      Governor Breathitt entertained a motion to adopt the resolution. Mr.
Shoop so moved. Mrs. Bell seconded the motion, and it carried.

      E.    Student Trustee Comments

      Mr. Aja, student representative on the Board, asked to make the
following statement:

      "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board, as the student representative on
this board I find myself with a difficult task, representing the students who
elected me on the Lexington campus, but also representing the students of the
UK community college campuses. I am the sole student member on this board,
and I believe that is not only my job to represent the opinions of those I
represent but also work and strive for what I feel is right and just for the UK
Lexington campus and community college student populations as a whole.

      My background which included my living environment, family,
education, religion and community are all factors of what I stand for and what I
strive for as an individual. I have been raised to see society from all sides and
spectrums and higher education has allowed me to question what I stand for
and where my loyalties, beliefs, values and morals remain and will lead me.