
industry actually paid workers what they deserve, and where poverty, like in
Eastern Kentucky, wouldn't exist. The issue at hand is not just about the future
of higher education in Kentucky. It is about the future of our children, our
people, our state, our country, and our world. It truly is a sociological issue. UK
and the State of Kentucky can be at the helm to bringing about a truly equal
society, but we're going about it all wrong. Why? Because we are keeping this
political, listening to those who have the power and control in society and we
are ignoring the needs and concerns of the masses, and in this case the students,
the future leaders and educators of our state and our country."

      Governor Breathitt said: "We are alright if we have concerned students
like that on our campuses."

      President Wethington thanked Governor Breathitt and members of the
board for their unqualified support and for their support of what the
community college students, faculty, and staff are seeking. He said they truly
are seeking to be heard in this debate and making themselves known all across
the Commonwealth. It is very important to them that they know and
understand that the Board of Trustees, the governing body of this university,
and the president do hear them and do join them in raising their voices of
concern about an approach that would separate these community colleges from
the University of Kentucky.

      He noted that most of the community college presidents were in the
audience and said that it is good for them to be present and see the board in
action. It is good for them and other members of the University community
deans and colleagues in the audience to know the feeling of the Board and to
hear the position of the University and the board in regard to the "One
University" concept which has been supported for several years.

      President Wethington commented on the second resolution honoring
the basketball team and also mentioned that the university's rifle team was
runner up in the NCAA competition. He commended the teams and coaching
staffs for an exceptional performance.

      President Wethington said that Governor Paul Patton would be speaking
to the Board. The chairman and he had agreed to proceed with the business of
the board as outlined in the agenda and to pause when the governor arrived
and allow him to speak.