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The Kentucky Kernel








No. 26



Vanderbilt and U. K. Squads Junior Journalist To Head Glowing Account Given of Juniors and Seniors Spend First Program of Season Is
Pronounced a Decided
To Clash For First Time
Last Day Spent in
the Staff of the 1921
Week On inspection
Since 1916




The first track meet of the season
will be held on Stoll Field Saturday
afternoon, beginning promptly at 2:30
o'clock. Vanderbilt University and
the University of Kentucky will clash
In the first athletic contest of this
kind that has been held between teams
representing these two institutions
olnce Kentucky lost to Vanderbilt
down at Nashville In 1916.
As to the relative strength of the
Gold and Black and the Blue and
White athletes belonging to the preset respective squads little is known.
Coach A. J. Anderson, Vanderbilt, has
'four old men upon which to depend,
and also several athletes of younger
blood. The "V" men who will be
seen on Stoll Field Saturday after
noon are Captain Nance, Early, Morrow and Mollow. It is not known In
which of the track events the visitors
are the strongest, but history reveals
Vandy has lost but
one thing-th- at
very few relay races during her career. But history does not always repeat itself, so Vandy had better guard
not only the relay but also all the
other field events jealously if she
wants to retain her record against
With the exception of the absence
of Grabfelder and Kahn, Coach
present track squad is practically the same as that which represented the University on the field last
year. This squad, though limited in
size, is composed of excellent track
material, and with the added training
and experience gained since last season, should carry away many honors
in all of the meets of the season just


(Continued on Page Two)




From the Beginning" Shows
Growth of Social Progress.

The pageant, "Up From the Beginning," which was written by Adele
Slade, was read by her at the meeting
of the Phllosophlan Literary Society
Wednesday evening. This pageant is
considered by the faculty who have
read it as one of the best things ever
written by a student. It is to be published next month In the quarterly
issued by the Education Department
and also in pamphlet form.
The pageant presents In allegorical
form, the rise of social progress, showing the contributions of Greece and
Homo and the movements of other
nations. It contains many theories of
the present day as to what factor contributed most to civilization and the
growth of social progress.



Adele Slade, Ludlow, n junior In the
Department of Journalism, was elected by acclamation as
The Senior Engineering class of the
the 1921 Kentuckian. Miss Slade has University Is home after Its trip to
clone unusually brilliant work on the Chicago and neighboring places. Folpublications of the University, having lowing is a glowing account of the
been a member of the Kernel staff last day given by one who was there:
"Saturday, the last day of the infor three years, and one of the editors
of the Weekly Bulletin last year. At spection trip, found the senior engi
present she holds the position of neers gliding over the playful waves
president of the University of Ken- of Lake Michigan. As guests of the
tucky section of the National Press city, they were taken out to the water
intakes on the tug, 'Carter Harrison.'
Kerndon Evans, who was elected Mr. Combs, city engineer of Chicago,
editor of the 1921 Kentuckian some accompanied the visitors, explaining
time ago, resigned, giving as his rea- - how it is possible to supply Chicago
son that he will have to carry too with pure water by running pipe lines
heavy a schedule next year to consid- four miles out into the lake to the
er giving the time to the annual that intake cribs.
would be necessary.
"The banquet given Saturday night
George Gregory, Forrest Weather-hol- t at the Morrison Hotel by the Chicago
and W. P. White were elected Club of the Kentucky Alumni Assoassistant track managers. One of ciation proved to be the most delightthese will be chosen track manager ful event of the whole trip. Speeches,
next year.
Kentucky yells and songs, dancing and
vaudeville entertainers were the features of a general Joy festival that beMARGARET FORD TO
ATTEND CONVENTION gan at seven in the evening.
"Immediately after the banquet the
Little Sister Movement To Be Organ- Kentuckians turned their thoughts to
ized In University.
Toastmaster Marks,
president of the club, made everybody
Margaret Ford, a nominee for pres- .feel at lfome by a very cordial 'Ad
ident of the Student Government As- dress of Welcome.' Whayne Haffler,
sociation for next year, was elected a representing the visiting senior engidelegate by acclamation to attend a neers, expressed their gratitude for
convention of the Middle West
the royal reception in his 'Response,'
Association, in Ann Ar- and painted a word picture of the
bor, Michigan, April 29, at a meeting campus today for the benefit of the
of the organization held at Patterson old timers. Julius Wolf followed with
Hall Monday night. It was voted that a talk labeled "lis ne Passeron Pas"
the name of the organization should (They shall not pass). W. C. FreeAssobe changed to
man entertained the audience next in
ciation, in order to enable the Unl- - 'Chicago, New York and Kentucky.'
versity to be represented at this con- - Dan Terrell then arose and carried
ma neuruia uver
me jiuuu
The Little Sister Movement was in- Travel.'
troduced by Adele Slade, and a mo"The program closed with a heart
tion was made and passed that the to heart talk by Dean F. Paul Andermovement be adopted and that the son on 'The Tie That Binds.' The
president of the association appoint a whole program was made spicy by the
chairman to organize it. The Little infusing of frequent yells and cheers
Sister Movement which is in all large ami songs. Dancing continued in the
colleges and universities, is for the ballroom after twelve and the merry
purpose of helping Freshmen
gathering was all too reluctant to
Is given a "little break up after one of the happiest
sister,' to whom she writes during parties the club has ever known.
Sunday morning at 8:55 o'clock the
the summer, informing her on all University affairs in which she may be inspection party took a southbound
Interested. Upon her arrival at the filer for Lexington. In sole possesUniversity, she is met and given help sion of a special coach the returning
and advice until she has become ac pilgrims whiled away the passing
customed to her new surroundings, hours as only college boys can. Stepping off the train in Lexington late
and can shift for herself.
Sunday evening the weary visitors
General Charles P. Summerall, of were more than happy to be back In
Camp Taylor, who was scheduled to old Kentucky, for a week In Chicago,
speak in chapel Tuesday morning, was although filled with theatre parties,
unable to come to Lexington at that dances and power plants Is enough to
time on account of unexpected offi- make anyone homesick for the
cial business.


upper-classma- n

Monday morning at 6:30 o'clock
eleven junior and senior chemists, accompanied by Dr. Hume Bedford, left
on a trip during which they visited
the various chemical companies In and
about 'Cincinnati.
Those who made the trip were,
Eger Murphree,
Bauer, W. X. Yourlsh; juniors: Mary
Graves, Elizabeth Kraft, Neal Thur- man, Louis Reidel, Paul McCracken,
L. B. Snoddy, H. M. Noel, and Frazer
Monday they visited the ninety-ninand forty-fou- r
hundredths per cent,
pure soap company, Proctor and Gamble, makers of Ivory Soap. Tuesday
they visited the
and Wednesday
Grasselli Chemical Company's plant
at Lockland, from whom we get all
the heavy chemicals such as acids and
ammonia, used in the University; the
Eagle Picher White Lead Company,
manufacturers of white lead; The Andrews Steel Company; Ault & Wiborg
Company, manufacturers of dyes, and
the Rookwood Pottery Company. They
also visited the Globe Soap Company's
plant at Ivorydale, just across the
street from Proctor & Gamble Company.
These were all the places on schedule but It was understood, if the time
permitted, they would Include In the
trip, various industries, such as tanneries, stock yards, The Fleischmann
Company, m'akers of yeast; Lloyd
Brothers, manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, and the Jarechi Chemical
mpany, manufacturers of fertilizers,
ahd other places which would be of
Interest to chemists. Dr. Frank Tut-tihad intended to meet the party in
Cincinnati some time Wednesday, but
owing to urgent business he was unable to fulfill the engagement.


Delighted audiences left the Campus Playhouse Monday und Wednesday evenings after attending the program given by the classes in Dramatic
Production. The three plays, "Overtones," "Joint Owners in Spain," "A
Maker of Dreams," making up the pro
gram of each evening, had a variety
and charm, possible only to
plays. Remarkable talent and humorous characterization were displayed.
Professor Lampert led in commun
ity singing during the interval be
tween the first and second plays. Old
favorites, "Love's Old Sweet Song,"
and "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," were
enjoyed. Dean Simrall gave a brief
but Interesting talk while the stage
was set for the last charming little
drama, emphasizing the importance
of keeping the Campus Playhouse a
playhouse, and- not a work-sho"Overtones," by Alice Gerstenberg,
Is a clever revelation of human nature,
showing the constant battle between
the woman of culture and her real
self, between the crude selfish Hetties and Maggies of the charming
suave Harrietts and Margarets. The
characters were well chosen and much
talent appeared in the cast:
Harriet, Virginia Throckmorton.
Hetty, her real self, Lucille Moore.
Margaret, Carlisle Chenault.
Maggie, her real self, Elizabeth
Maid, Elizabeth Davidson.
"Joint Owners in Spain," by Alice
Brown, permitted .Mary Frank Dulgiud
and Mary Elizabeth James to entertain an appreciative audience for a
too brief time as the crabid old vixen
of the Old Ladies' Home, Mrs. Blair,
and the
forced upon her,
weak, complaining "vinegar-- ole Miss





(Continued on Page 7)
There will be an Important meeting of the editorial staff of the KenDR. CORNELL TO BE
tucky Kernel Tuesday afternoon at
.1:30 In the Journalism room. Every
member of the staff is urged to be
Will Be Civilian Director of the Lake
present at that time, as the Managing
(Editor and Business Manager for next
year will be elected.
Dr. Clare B. Cornell, assistant professor of psychology, University of
Kentucky, and director of the UniverAT "Y" CONVENTION sity section of the American Red
Cross, will become the director of
Fannie Heller and Lulu Blakey left civilian relief in the Lake Division of
Tuesday afternoon
for Cleveland, the Red iCross In June. His headquarOhio, where thoy will represent the ters will be In Cleveland. He has apUniversity of Kentucky to the sixth plied to the University for a year's
biennial convention of the National leave of absence, but no action has
Young Women's Christian Association been taken as yet on the request.
now in session there.
The Lake Division Includes all the
.Miss Heller
and Miss Blakey are taking the place central states of the United States,
of Llllle Cromwell, the
and the post of director of civilian
Y. W. president who was unable to relief Is one of the most important
on the headquarters staff.
attend the convention.

