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Sidney goodwin is
A Tnm


Mechanical Department Improved by Addition of New Machinery Purchased During
Past Summer

ing at Camp Knox during the sum
mer encampment.
Lieutenant-colonLeivenson is a
senior in the Law College.
Simpson is a senior in the Arts and
Sciences college and a member of
the Sigma Chi social fraternity. Ma
jor Rachel is a senior in the Engineer
ing college, a member of Tau Beta Pi,
honorary engineering fraternity, of
Scabbard and Blade, honorary military
fraternity, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
social fraternity.
Tentative List Changed
Last spring a tentative list of
cadets thought eligible for commis
sions was published as the result of an
officers meeting in which
all the
cadets were considered and judged by
the entire military staff. After camp
another consultation was necessary
Howand the list was rearranged.
ever, this rearrangement did not af
fect those men who were unable to
attend camp. Their rating remained
the same, and if a cadet who attend
ed the camp was promoted to top of
list above one who did not attend the
summer training, the change was
prompted by that cadet's increased efficiency, in the judgement of Captains
Schmid and Taylor, who made the
final selections.
Name Other Officers
The rest of the appointmbents if
adaptable to the schedule of military
science classes are as follows:
pany commanders, J. L. Darnaby,
Frank Brown, R. I. Mcintosh, W. L.
Heidrick; staff first lieutenants, L. Y.
Richards, A. S. Johnson, J. W. Ottley;
staff captains, R. C. Darsie, C. F.
McCarty, J. W. Ewfng, H. H. Rice, L.
J. Clarke; company first lieutenants,
W. A. Armstrong, R. "W. Bozeman, W.
E. Sherwood, R. S. Saurer. A. D.
Husk, C. S. Daugherty, J. M. Bush,
R. H. Ackerman, T. L. Adams, H. C.
Bronaugh, M. E. Slagel, P. B. Turner;
second lieutenants, E. C. McGraw, K.
F. Hohmann, K. J. Daubert, C. B.
Smoot, L. W. Stockley, W. P. Burks,
W. D. DeHaven, S. R. Ktrns, W. E.
Ranney, K. A. Akin, W. E. Weems,
E. Scott.
The remaining list consists of the
names of senior cadets who are eligi
ble for appointment in the cadet regi
ment, who Tvill be commissioned in
the Reserve Corps after graduation,
but who, if there is noVvacancy among
the cadet offices, will serve as privates : L. R. Jesse, J. C. Wallace, B.
. McGary, W. J. Sparks, R. M. Cun- diff, H. K. Gregory, W. G. Lehman,
B. Gressman, Lavile Wilhoite
Irents Dickinson, J. D. Vaughn, I. W.
Ott, P. H. McGuffey, L. E. Griffith
M. V.. Phillips, W. A. Price, M. C
tcrott, L. B. Marshall, J. E. Flanery

As a result of innovations of the
past summer, the Kentucky Kernel
will henceforth be a seven column
As far as equipment goes, today's
Kernel, the first of this school year, is
a more modern paper than ever
Approximately six hundred and
twenty-fiv- e
dollars has been spent for
new equipment. One of the most expensive articles purchased during the
summer, costing around two hundred
and fifty dollars, is a Miller Saw
Trimmer, bench model, useful in trimming metal and wood.
additions, amounting to
150, have been made to the supply
of type used in advertisements. These
additions will add to the artistic appearances of the advertisements as
well as effect a convenience for the
Another addition, probably the
greatest improvement of the year, is
the purchase of eight chases, costing
hundred and
twenty-fiv- e
This is the first time that the paper
has gone above six columns and the
extra column on each of the eight
pages is equivalent of two pages. It
is the equivalent of two pages. It
can be seen that the eight page Kernel
of this year will be two pages, larger
than that of last year. This extra
room should provide plenty of space
.for all work that" the reporters can
turn in.
A new casting box completes the
list. This is exteremely valuable to
the office as heretofore much trouble
has been experienced in handling the
large number of cuts used in advertisements. By the addition of this
box, plates can now be made from
mats furnished by the merchants.


Tuesday when registration was carried steadily and quickly.
Classification was made in the New
Gymaasium, Monday and Tuesday.
Students "were accommodated the remainder of the week in the office of
their dean. Wednesday and Thursday tkese offices were crowded with
students making various changes in
This work
schedules or classifying.
ie necessarily slow due to the large ,VORK ON THE 1927 ANNUAL
number of freshmen who are generally unfamiliar with the courses of- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE
fered in the schulde books and are
tnpracticed in filling out the class -- icture. Group pictures of the clar
s, seniors excepted, will be mao
Dean Praises Freshmen
Viring the three weeks of the pho
C. R. Melcher, dean of men, had ographer's presence at such a tim
charge of all freshmen registration. is will be convenient to the greate.
In statement made to the Lexington majority of the class. Individual pic- Herald he declared that the incoming Tires of class officers will precede the
new students look to be of unusually lass section.
high quality and that the freshman
To Depict Civil War Era
class would reach the 800 mark before
Last year, a new custom was start- definitely closed.
registration is
id in the outline of the year book.
The superiority of the new systcn-o- The book was dedicated to the Ken- reeistration is indicated when i ucky pioneers, and that epoch of
is remembered that the greatest num- - Kentucky history was represented in
her rpeistered on one day last year i picturesque manner. This year,
was 650 and that during two days of he Kentuckian will feature that
advanced registration and one day of hase of Kentucky history dealing
the number of ith Henry Clay and the Civil war
students was only 1,047.
period, and scenes depicting such
There were several other changes tvents. Ashland, Henry Clay's home,
system this n the Richmond road is historically
TYincte in the reeistration
year. Of these the most confusing to famous, and the barn near there was
students was the elimination oi the first encineerincr college of the
book which had to be University of Kentucky.
signed in previous years.
Are Selecting Staff
pome Of the less fortunate males
Miss Dorothy Stebbins is editor of
strenuously to the innovation he vcar book, and Fountain Raymer
registration whereby every student is business manager.
The staff 'is
had to submit to naving ni&
not complete as yet, but will be com
All objections ended, how posed of students, most of whom
ever, in the fplaintiff having himself gained some experience with Ted Mc
or herself seated before the
Dowell last year.
eye of the camera.
The editors and staff urge that
is once more over-ru- n
durintr his short stay here, and
ritv uludents and Limestone street eryone cooperate with the photograph
hag taken on the appearance of Fifth make arrangements for their pictures
far as traffic is concerned. early.
Incidentally, the optimists are already
expressing the view that next year U. K. MAN MAY WED
fee even yet bigger ana Dener.


New Romany Theatre to Be One
Of Best Equipped on Any Campus
Building To Be Completed in. January Will Be Work of Beatuy
To Include Latest Features in Theatrical Construction; Plans Are Laid To Make
This Banner Year


The new Romany theatre, one of the
buildings the completion of which is
planned for this coming school year,
will be one of the best equipped theaters on any university campus. The
exterior of the building is to be of
simple construction, well proportioned,
with white walls and green roof, and
will present a most pleasing appearance.
It is directly adjoining the
Art Center of the university.
It has been designed according to
specifications drawn and planned by
Professor Carl M. Sax, head of the
art department of the university, and
promoter of the former sucessful
Romany. The architect is Robert
McMeeckin, of Lexington, former U.
K. man, and a graduate of Boston

parts, apprentices, principals and
those who have, at the end of the year
taken part in three or more productions. All persons taking parts in
any of the plays which are presented
will be entitled to a Romany pin, and
have the rank of apprentices, while
those in the latter class, who have
had part in three productions will be
known as full governing members, and
are to be entitled to certain rights
and privileges, including the right to
put on special Romany productions
and entertainments.
For the opening play, Sardou's masterpiece of French comedy "Divor-cons- "
has been chosen. This will be
presented under the title "The Divorce
Craze," and is scheduled for appearance late in October.
In the leading
parts of this production, such AmerStage Is Large
icans as Mrs. Fiske, Grace George,
The stage is to be 15 feet in length, and Margaret Lawrence have ap35 feet high, and 35 feet deep, making peared, and Eleonora Duse and Sarah
total performance area slightly Bernhardt have made it memorable.
larger than the usual New York
theatre. There will be a comprehensive aitd elastic lighting system, and "ONI ON! U. OF K." WILL
heating plant based on the most
advanced European plans. The decorations of the praecenium, will be (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)
rich in color, and unusual in their
character note.
and suitable words written for it, in
The foyer and box and approached which case the song will be of sufby a long corridor. The lobby and ficient length for sheet music publicacorridors are so arranged that coffee tion.
may be served during intermissions.
It is expected that the new band
Most modern devices are to be in arrangement will make the pep song
stalled for the handling of the stage of value for advertising to the universcenery, making it possible (for a sity since it is not particularly diffivariety of effects to be produced. The cult, thereby making it available for
seats are to be arranged on a sloping use by smaller bands and orchestras.
floor, so that the view from all parts It is not too much to expect that "On!
of the floor will be unobstructed. On! U. of K." may yet achieve the
Other innovations new to America, but popularity of which it is deserving and
practised abroad will be introduced, which has been attained by certain
according to Professor Sax.
other university songs.
To Revive Band Music
Will Be Completed in January
In connection with the publication
Although the new building will not
be completed until some time in Jan of the pep song, the department of
uary, tryouts for parts in Romany music is planning to inaugurate a
plays to be presented during the com- campaign for the reviving of interest
ing season will begin next week. An in band music througout the state.
entirely new plan will be used in This would be of value not only tothe matter of tryouts this year, the ward the promotion of good music
details and dates of which will appear but it would be a means of keeping
the university band well supplied with
in the next issue of The Kernel.
There will be five classifications or good musicians.
rankings of those participating in
They are:
Alumni dues and Kernel subscriplowest, or
mincfr tion are $3.
Send yours in today.

this area to
conveniently arranged on new shelves
and there is ample space for reading
and study tables. Miss Clara White
who for many years has been librarian of the College of Law, is in charge
of the new library. Many improvements have been made and new books
and reports have been added to keep
pace with the requirements of a steadily increasing nrollmnt.
Not only has the law school expanded in buildings and equipment, but
the curricula and teaching staff have
also been enlarged. In addition to
the regular "faculty of last year, Roy
Moreland, a graduate of the College
of Law and of Harvard University, is
now a member of the faculty.



Friday Evening, September 24

W. E. Freeman, Mrs. Ida Harrison,
Mrs. F. L. McVey, Mr. C. N. Manning, Dean W. S. Taylor, Mr. George
Taylor, Mr. George Roberts, Dean
Chas. Turck, Mr. W. S. Wpbb, Dean
C. R. Melcher.
The first of this series of articles
written by Doctor Fortune, will be
found on an inside page of this issue.







Something different in Motion Pictures

University Students, Both Men and Women,
Cordially Invited.




i1 '

College Girl
On Coat Parade
The sport coat strides forward
in a diversity of interesting styles;
novel in fabric, and often fur trimHere are very extreme
values at these prices.


$25 to $50


Velvet and satin lead the more
formal mode, but crepes and moire
vie for high honors. They are
tiered, flared or straight of line,
trimmed by embroideries and delicate laces. Priced very moderate--




hand identifies a
smart costume, and the college
girl will find a complete display
from chamoisette school gloves at
$1.00 to $2.50 to fancy gloves and
tailored chamois and kid from

Smart Jewelry
Slave bracelets the accepted fashion
in novelty jewelry are accentuatd in
smartness by Wolf Wile's extensive displays, two, three and six bracelets on
the same arm, being quite the vogue in
unusual decorative schemes.

Sports hose for the campus reasonably priced at $1.00 and $1.50 are
on display at our hosiery department, as is a complete showing of
silk hose from sheer chiffon to
service weight at from


to $7

$1.85 to $3


Colored patent leather hand bags in the snappiest,
smartest styles exploited on Fifth Avenue have found
their way first through the Doorway of Fashion, and
are on display in fascinating profusion at the leather
goods department at Wolf Wile's interestingly priced
for young girls.


Celestial green, grotto blue, channel
red, coral and canary colored stones and
gold and silver links, combine to make
the slave bracelets an interesting and
necessary accessory for Fall.





$29.50 to $100




Color plays a prominent role in
the mode of street and dressy
wraps, rich tones of dark green
and red being exceedingly good.
They are straight of line or blous-j- d
out in black, and are lavishly
trimmed with fur.


Although the engagement has not

The old residence of Professor Mil
ler on Maxwelton Court has been re
modeled this summer and is now
known as "Maxwelton Inn." Here
rooms and board may now
be secured preferably by professors
and graduate students of the Univers
itv of Kentucky. For information
call 582. J. W. Masters. Adv.

to 10:00


Under the banner of tailored
frocks, march twills, jerseys and
Friska cloth, smartly tailored and
trimmed by buttons and braiding.
In a variety of styles at

been employed by the Sapulpa Cream:
ery Company.

FOR SALE At a very reasonable
orice, typewriter. Call 3242--


Corner Maxwell St. and Lexington Ave.

College Girl
On Dress Parade


femine class.


Bart Peak is back. The popular
secretary of the University Y.M.C.A.
for five years who last year resigcsJ
his office to enter the real estate
in Florida, has returned to tdz
old post on the second floor of the
Mr. Peak was graduated from the
university in the class of 1918 and
while a student here was prominent :n
athletics and student activities.
was member of the Alpha Tau Ome,ii
fraternity. In 1920 he accepted the
position of secretary of the university "Y" and held that position for
five years.
During. Mr. Peak's absence last
year, George R. Kavanaugh served
Mr. Kavanaugh
as "Y" secretary.
felt, however, that he preferred to go
into university administration rather
than Y.M.C.A. work so this year he
accepted the position as assistant to
the dean of men at the university.

Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church



been officially announced when put to
party denied the
did not stop the test, neither
After Graduation he
known 'Miss
rose steadily statement Harris has weeks so it
achieving honors. He
Amprica' for onlv six
editor-in-chiof the 1910
bp was
his courtship bears
rhospn nrofession until he looks as thouch
earmarks of the true Kentucky
roschoH the important position hi all the
now holds in the engineering field
Says There's "Understanding
recently he was greatly honored Aunt interview last night with Miss
the American Institution of Elec Carrie Robinette, a
trical Engineers when he was made of Miss Smallwood's denied the ex
chairman of the membership commit istence of any formal engagement but
tee of that association.
Miss Robinette admitted that Harris
There are still on the faculty of the
court to the little Tulsa
university several professors who paid attentivesince their first meeting
beauty ever
taueht L. S. O'Roark and who in his and she believed that there was
undergraduate days prophesied a bril
sort of "understanding" between them
Hunt future for him, And as Dulaney
Those, on the campus who know
O'Roark matriculates at the univer Garland Harris believe him quite
the best wishes worthy and capable of winning Amer
sltv he has with him
of the whole school and especially of tea's most beautiful maiden and some
the members of old 10 vho affection there is a national beauty contest for
atelv remember him as the "little men Harris might well duplicate
Norma Smallwood's victory in the


"Y" Secretary






Popular Association Head Comas
Back to University After
Year's Absence

Will Have More Honor Graduates
In addition, the university may designate as honor graduates five per
cent of the students who are enrolled
in the second year advanced course
on March 1, as compared with 3 per
cent when not so designated. This
year two students, John Dabney and
Albert Harbold, achieved that distinction and received commissions in
the regular army.
Next year a
greater number of cadets will be
named honor graduates.
The recognition is already being
Sergeant Bryant has
DISTINGUISHED COLLEGE been sent here from Columbus, Ohio,
to assist in the basic instruction and
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) to coach the rifle team. The military
department has expended S200 for
, accessories for the rifle team.
basic and advanced courses, appoint-ments to Reserve Corps, and certifiAlumni dues and Kernel subscrio- cates of eligibility. Ohio State and
Send yours in today.
Purdue were other universities in tion are "$3.



Bart Peak

As U.

The Kentucky cadet corps was recommended very highly to the 5th
Corps Area commander, General
Howze, by the inspecting officers. As
a result every cadet will wear a blue
star on his right sleeve just above the
R.O.T.C. shield. No greater honor
could be achieved by the military de-




receive the distinguished

We are featuring for the college girl
and boy a beautiful Wahl fountain pen,
in either ring or clip style that is
guaranteed. Priced at


TJ. of K. seal stationery, made on
crushed bond, with deckle edge, and dye
stamped with the seal of Kentucky in
blue the stationery for Kentucky girls
per pound



$1 .25 a pound
