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_   THE citnnr. 4 7
  — millions for a bette1· gove1·nment, but how is reform to come? In
  the midst of a conflict, whose issues are human happiness, human W
 i liberty and human life itself`, from what source is reform to come'?
  \Vhence standing in midst of oppression surrounded by doubt and
  ‘ . fearmay humanity expect to find relief? We do not believe that {
  . permanent reform can be brought about by hasty legislation, it must `
  come through a long process of education. The province of the
  Government is the administration of justice between man and man ;
 - beyond this it cannot go. Educate and exalt the citizen. Let him
  know that he is a sovereign. Let him be independent and self-reliant.
  Exalt and purify the home. Let every community be independent, ‘  
 ; and as far as may be sovereign to its own wants—independence is the .
  life of progress. Against the dangers of centralizing all political
  powers place the approved and unperishable principle of local self-
  ‘ government, for an intelligent ballot. is the great bulwark of Amer- V
  ican liberty. ‘
  The issue is here. It must be met. Whether liberty shall be _
 _, preserved or centralized power shall rule. W
  Let it be understood that we do not believe that America has yet ;
  reached her greatest development, nor that our Republic, the grand- f
  est ever formed by the hand of 1llf1ll,l5 destined to an early fall. On f
-   the contrary, we believe that with this rapid increase of intelligence °
  that is now being disseminated throughout our land, this increasing
 » tendency toward centralization will be checked and our ballot will be
  made stronger and purer. We believe that these great discussions
~  and agitations that are now exciting the minds of the people bid fair
  U tothe ultimate and just solution of these vexing problems, and
  that our Republic will yet fulfill her mission as the great standard
  bearer of freedom and advancement. For the struggle of human .
  liberty never goes backward among the English·speal