—' ‘écoker T, Washington Club, Colored (Continued) · v ·
A Memoership; 15. Open to Negroes of good character.
Ccnmitteeszl Sick, Rebecca Bibb; Entertainment, Fanny Bell Young, beth of
A Russellville, _ ·`"
. Purpose; Humanitarian work among the·Negro race. ;
Normal Civiq}Mqcivities:_ None reported,
Degense Aetivitiesi lnterestgd`in Auxiliary Fire Protection, Hospital and _
Clinical Assistance, Sewingxa nd Preparation_of Surgical Dressings, Red · `
Cross-Assistance, Child Care, Collecting Books, Consumer Protection Activities,
Local Puelicatiens: None.
( BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, TROOP #241 (National Council, Boy Scouts of `
America),_c/o Boy Scout Quarters, Armstrong Street, Russellville. Founded
1942. Sceutmaster, Hugh Barclay, Russellville. Term indefinite.
Memeership: 20. Qualifications, boys not younger than l2 years of age,
able to pass Scout Tests. _ . S
, Committees: Executive, G. B. Williams; Training, N. C. Hancock, both of
Q Russellville. `
Purpose: To develop boys physically, mentally and morally. To aid in
I public service. . A
( Normal Civic,Aotivities: Preewar not reperted.· New cooperating with
  Defense Agencies in di,r¤s to collect metal, paper, ate,
3 Defense Activities: Engaged in Collyctior if Scrap Metals and Other kbtals,
A Collecting Books. Training For First Aid. .
A local Puplications: None.
( _ ,
, Society; National Beard c" Kissions Frceogterian Church, U. S. A.), c/0
f Mrs. J. W2 Griffin, 55°`J st Fourth Streetp Russellville. Founded 1957. .
, President, Hrs. J.`IL Criffin. Teleg[on~ Zll-R. ,Secretary, Mrs. George
A Page,'Rhea Boulevard, husrellville. Telcjhone 345»L. Terms expired
A March, l9a2. __
§@§®ership: 25. Open to women church membtrs.