~ e M · :4; : -v- » <~¤—5&-;—r—·-—:=:%i—.:;¥§   
_» H pf I, ° M k iS'I`A'I`E GIRLS ;|·'|N/\I. (Z.\S'I` IS QVARSITY MEETS
. fav} 0 lng ur 5 g msn-; mm (GAME g mm: von Tm; , vm; l·{ElI)El.Bl·lR(}
X     Of     I 'I`() L()UISVIl.LE "(}()Ll,I•J(}E WlI)()W"j TEAM SATURDAY
l 1 r = t to u   ) e be be t —»——»———
In Best Game or Season. the Falls, Stage Manager Sandman Has Selected I New Audimrmm F|°°r to be Scene _°'
.1-_'- _ City Five Defeat: the Blue and a Well Balanced com an to * Fuwre Baku BIH Game. on
’ More Than Ten Thousand Votes Cast 'l`uesday.——Plcnty wh. . " ’ · sow. smdun.
, ate Qunntet 23 to 12. .
p of Time to Enter Your Frncnds and · "'°"“°° "*"‘°"• °'*’ *°° ————-
Win the Box. » MISS (@'sTAR8_ I <>¤m¤¤y· coco cAMes'coM•~c.
MISS JEANETTE BELL LEADS THIS WEEK . v_ _   _ 7 __ _· REHEARSALS SNA,,,,Y_ { ·¤·¤.·~ vmny live pnuyt nw next
 j_j | lhe gms mum lrom the- l nm:-rsltyl mmm Saturday Mvnlng WMU Hwy
wonnowsng ln me orncm standing   0* ··<····~v***·* ····*¤·*=·>‘···* ¤··· •<*········*<>’ H _ ’ " ’,,,,.,,t ,,1,. ,m,n,,., mm, ,{,,,,,,.,,,,.,,; 0,,
· ¤-ar to ti lr. m. '|`¤<*¤d¤¥¢ PATTERSON MEN nw hm Prmuy °"'°`"h"* ""'I "Q""   lu"` Im"' mm mr "TI°° (`UHU;:4£Illl'Ilt’\\'I}'l)llll[ill1(ll(()l‘llllll Moor, 'l`In•·
_ Miss Jeanette Bell ...... H  ....,,......,..., 5,400       to I2- `Tlw "“|"“"" lm"] *‘|""’U'l1—€ ‘*' ‘ \\'lr|<>\~" has b•*·¢-n ;.;iv<»n out hy smgoi Mlm uml “.hm_ mum has H hmm,
• MIIB   JBD8 Tucker ............ . .... 3,950 ` NHHS ('ough lundml H". lhlllisinu f0r*Ml1lllU-{(‘¥` Sllllillllllll. 'I`ll$‘ (‘()hl|l|*[l[l()ll.g(·||(•(\"|p ypl U) l)\gy_ and {hp rpyq ()|'
Miss Pauline Hm"` ‘‘‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’‘’ ""l'500I     tht) Fans (`ny gmx in the tryouts was keen, {unl as u nhltlw svrnps will he held in tho- \\'ooal-
Mns mn lanes ,........   ,.......,,.... . ............ 1,360 ————— FM ~’*~*¢<>¤— ¤*~¤·*¤v§·* ¤¤~· ·*~·¤¤Imt_ me mt is i_M_m_ huh_m___d· ,8,H, ,.8,k A,,d,t,,,,,,,,,_
_ Miss Rebecca Smith A ,..,.,. . _,__   ,,__ 1,210 Trophy Given by Judge Barker Goes Work in l>¤H=·4|¤1¤.¤1¤¤d uuw Miss <·ou¤l¤| Tl ` In H ul r Y · In Helilelbem me Vm_Sm_ Pxlwpig
       H                 phancps for §h()[§_     l( 0 O"     Illuld         Of an easy    
Mm, Frances Game, _ V___VV _ __,,eV______   ____ mm, mg with Mermd Vmom sand, also, mat Miss Hough gl‘i\('P·!i" the pr<·s•·nnnlon or mp play, nnnpssp mp regular Hnmm wm K0 in whim mp
Mh"' m°r°“°° Hughes ······· · ·············· 1-010 _______ muy accepted most of the prmwrmll in any cusp an mzdprsmdy Sl'°“v* °x`!;.1unw is valleel at eight. The auditor-
Mlsn Elizabeth Rhodes ...... . ..... V. 850 (`h“""°"· U"°"°°"“d°"°*” 'l"° [0 pus'|('PllIl()Il1ll ublllty, lmm ut the img.-g€(·;;0n of [Hgh and
Mlm! MIH6 Stamper .» .......».....». . .......   820 TWO UNION MEN ON TEAM. victories Over the (`"mmm wm"' lm, The Cal!. Kentucky Avenue. has been internally
( The above standing speaks for lt·| `;“ 'l‘*` K**"¤¤°k>’ ‘l"'““’t mm H"` *“"i*`"’““I llilly llolton, at hnlf-l»nck——~ll, Mnr·‘ ppmodeuéd mw (mp uf [pp fastest
self, Voting has began ln earnest unda (Ylllllfmtlll (`ll|*‘Y mF\'|¤¢·l FHS! 'l`|\\|¥"'· *°""°" of ll"' l’l“yhm their usuul “"°""Y|l‘l>u»t1, lend; J. ('ulhoun, tnnulvrstmly. lr|0m·g {n me Sm(p_ wig]; umplo 4·nm·
I Illh0\I§h B0 HIP D0 OHS CMI lJl‘€dl(‘l day night dropped the gavel at X'gamP‘ ln their Imsslnm they Hpmnmli |’+*U*l‘ \\vl[llt*l`S|lt)()Il, l‘r•·el€¤¢Y of €Vm€‘¤\€9 of society debate ln mldst of an lnfvrnullhy the l‘°"h"vm*` m°· uml "S “ "`S"" llur¤1s. !m.“· ;|,,.,,— \vp(|m.Nduy arm,·m,,,"_ um;
who wlll be the strongest contenelers din. The l’utt+·rsun mon nvhme wlrh|""° Y"'“'“""" gm ""“' """" _“"‘”"· l Hiram Holton. un Alumnus of Illini-tl'ouml nw lnylnn e·ntir•·ly l-o»n|n··m·
I · ut the fllllsh. cow bells, rusp handles, steam clmxtsl wmml it was the In-mmlst play"] lmm UW- WHKPF. '|`- H¢‘¢l¢|<·ll. to fast work.
p The past week was marked by un- und other symbols or nnvageryitnwlle game Of the “"“ """· “"‘l U"' "‘"""""` Nutty Mviiowun. za truln•·r—Il. Mil- ·r|.(~ sl~1n·nn14· for un- rest or the
i \lB\ll\||)' h6•lVY voting Bhd d90ld6d attempt to lntoxlvute the Jrtiolul ear ion of mp Fore board wm Om? wml IPT, L- M<‘(`|0Hkv.Y· season is a string of good dates. All
' ¤hI¤80¤ in thi! Silndllllt of thi! COD- so that argument could not abide. to make the mmm mum at l‘°wSvm°‘ HON- Hliilll Hivkw. Stutv S+·uutor|ure· oortain e·x¢·•·pt the \’unel¢·rbllt eu-
! t¢lt»•¤!I· The Unlon supporters became ulmont Feb"""y 20* S°m° """`° gam°‘ ¥`¤`0¤¤ $¤l\wl¤t=tmvl||<· -- W. (Toss. n|.!gugnnwnto whlvh are expevtetl to be '
? MNB B0}! Bild MISS Tucker ISS! week rlotous and contlnued the thunderlnx The mst half was u period of hm firuhurn. Imrtlheql wlthln the next few clays.
were tled for last place and thls week bemqm umn the hnmnng, ulthqmgh l"“Y‘“¤ mm the "m“"`“ ""ij:‘i"‘l wm; Hub llivks, his son U. \\’lll·—tt, t‘,!·r|,(. pmgy-um ;·u||0ws; ,
UIFY ITG llllr BHG H10}! for HTR! lll¤0<‘· bullt on the rocks, <·hull•·nged the old u bum lend Of two p°‘mS’ ‘ SS Tu" W'¥`l¤|lf1¥`¥- At Auditorium.
'I`hv standing ofthe other contestants Hiblksul pnrnhlo wnh |nmmp•·rnu· ’"`°"*"l u'"`° (Hmm"! Shms mr tl"` Jawk |·um|»<‘¢*. foot bull ¤·o:u·h-—(‘. Jun, ::l~}leh|4·lherg, t‘olle·go.
is practically the same with the ex- gpguym Smw ""°· uml m""‘ H"g'“"" *I""`“'|\\'illinn1s. J. <‘nlhonn, |.·,.p,_ g.;;i.v,,m|m·pm {mm-.-Si;y_
ceptlon ofa great lncrease ln the nun1· The nrllpmmivp was roprpsmntgul hy '“'° f"“|”· m"" (:""“l' "I'“‘k"'| "" l`op+·r‘ni<·u¤ 'I`nll»ott. tnto rm llilly l~`•·h_ 4 Alnmllull 1‘o1h·;.;n,
· her vt vom. AH nearly one thousumi Mr. wnm. m. won umn Mr. ~i·~m»¤- "’“ *"""‘“ ’""” ""' ‘*"‘"‘ “l"" """"N. M \\'il|i¤¤¤¤¤><. J. rt M¤¤·¤¤·. »··.-».. 7 ¤·..¤»·l·mn· nr ¤lo.»:~»~a¤¤··.
¢'¤l‘¤|¤ have UH"! ldV€|\ 0Ui U WH €Vl· son, who argued that tho I’re·sid•·nt "°°ulR‘ $i|•·¤¤f N|\ll‘|»|¤>’. ¢·•·Ht•·¤‘ ll. 'l`:u·k··tt. l·‘.·h_ ll-li.! l'nlv•·rslty ot"|‘•·nm·=,
Umu NTB IBN d¤)'· Howewer. vctee for a term of six yearn and he lm-li nm brpuk up H". mmm nom- wmlk mul Nlulrhy 'l`ul|m1•<|»:¤·, ··n•·r;z»-ti¤· rutu |-‘..p, fl |‘;.i\.·|·Ni;y or (‘|miym3tl_
glblé to I`P·Pl(·’(‘[lOll. \l(·*blHl"%. l’3\'IIt·*,!thP‘r 0p|NH“\“IS' and lhpir Ii".-““rd" lh"}! ll Hi||"?'.Uli¤ll<‘l¥. .\l;n‘¢h lz! Aln~¤kie·`nm t'oll•·s·_•·.
—__-__` w_—vi—_——_ Hpguuve I9"a‘_i0uHI`,. llllulllti t‘lll\lt’ lll llll`tl\\ll ltllllfl IDX .\Il?¢¥•'¢· Tuul Iymlrgnnl lv" 'nvkh, J. (·UI,H. uuHl·h_ .`l_~_ \‘_| Ut hp ’2(4lH_d‘lhll| with
  'l‘h•· judge-s voted [un tn ono for |‘|m;hFS and [hull" Mpunwhihl MH`; '|` H¤‘•|¤|¢*ll. l'_ or |,_ null l',n|‘ ('., on tht- l.uui>will•·
.».-..-...-.M (lm negative, 'l`hesv jutlgos voting |'ur!"0ugh Iwguumml mm- mlm wmlx uml Ulliv N|ll<‘ll¢‘ll. it >\lll¤l¢*Ill J. (`itl- null (‘i|h·ih11;ui lluors, l‘•·>|>e·•·ll\‘•·l)’.
mpg; wml vmaqrbm Unlvqrgiiy, the merns or the urgument www l*ro-l"'"“" """l:* “"" Mm M"(`""“'" ‘I""`“A |¤<>¤¤¤¤. (F. *|¤¤¤!•·tt. I ,..._-e{»e~---.---
-—-— lessor Miller, Professor Jumslon unt! un Open smh ’ Uivk Nl<·Al|ist•·r, u stu¢I•·nt—r.l_ ` ` `
State University has arranged for Reverend (`uN“,€ll. of the First Hap'! 'rllté \\'()I‘k of RUSS (}()\I§ll, \\`]l();)hu.sh‘ J. §Il,(¤("ul(_ll.  
• a debate with Vanderbilt University tlst (`lulrcll.   zgf (iiufhgujli; l)(:;:::§’d:El;i$:i;l ·Hlll>:)` l}lo|>}>e·l‘. at stud+·nt I-]. lhth- X ‘   WAY
to be held in Lexington on Friday The judges upon the merits of the · e ‘ mgv. . me.
evenlng, Aprll 17th. The subject for lndlvlduul men were Professor (llIlis,'“""`k 0*. m“ M'°(`“"u"' was '""i"*"i llzunivl 'l`ibb¢·tt, town nmrshnll-—-ll. This Announcement coma Wim
mtg debate lg, "nesolveu, That the Ur. Terrell. Ur. Muxfmll- Ill'- **0>‘<\ MM! ably gow" It “uS_ uw lmsshm umHs°"""""‘· "· M"(""""“H· Hearty W¢ICOm¢.—S(Ud¢NtS Wait
President of the Unlted States Should Professor l·‘urquhur. ,"“l’m "°‘"· work M §H“" M"°`l"`*"‘°* { Janne- \\‘itln·rspoon, the (‘ull4~g;4· mg to See what me smgcrs
be   by Direct vote Of the Peo. yrhe rea"] [INA), Selevtpd out of tho: [II(ll:[uil.\\'(‘II Illt‘ SHIIU l|\'t‘ I-l'(lIll ll \\‘(l|‘S•* \\·i(lUw Missvs Spuilhll and Mi[(_lu_H·l Have in Store.
plg_" nix was lloemer, llrxt pluve, Puynv ` .0 ‘ l |¥<‘S#i•‘ '|`1U\\\•‘l`. the Hl\|ll•*li<‘ Mil'! _   __
va|]dQ|'b"[ hgg ('h()B6n [hQ nQg8,[lV(! BBCOHG, und Mr. Julius Wolf, thh`d·| ’ rrhv Nlinullnryj   lxlixsus   and huliS` I Hpu]*k(\|]_ tw l()\'(*l‘s (HA }.\(\tNl lllllNlt‘4
side of this question. The llebatlng 'l`heee· three men will compose tln•~‘zTi°H“l3‘ ll NHNM fiom? (TI" liloru \\§lg;:ins, · n 1‘nshionnhl•· uml mw mn an W Mm uw muhul
Committee of State Unlverslty has ar- Varslty team which meets tho l'nlv•·r-|‘ ”"*°"H ""* "°"‘   ”“ ‘ '°“*· ‘U ‘ \\'l\lH'\’i·‘¤`l¤
University are ellglble to try for a leagues do the- Maryland twist on the- I‘°"i“m‘° ‘°°· m`·23· · { liorllun 'l`x—=on Xlissos lmrnnll n¤n|.Hou;`_ ’
place on thla debating team. We now vuuul tolls question. ln the spring. PWM Kuulsi `Mlis Tu"] ;=‘ MISS K|`l|\‘Ul<‘|`- I lmlllmlu wmuwm is l___mm___lI in
have nnlterlll UH UNH H\IbjB('t.   \VIl8Il the H0\\'Hllg (]l'Pt-lu Xi(*s5(*||- uutlgll E"   §|(.( ullunl l' U I (`tll'll JPIIKN Ml$$t‘$ |.)'l|t‘ lllltl!L.UIHH.llAiUH “nh the ulllhnllluvlllvlll ul
ntudenls who desire to try for a place ger Ptilllli out last Mouduy its heaul mm'.? mfm mul fuss .H"“I'°" "· ' .\livl1ot. Mm mm_M_l TU mow Mm |_Mm_mlN_I_
uu the team wlll report wltlnln tho was ¢·ov•·red with the- •·ml»luzone·d •·¢»p,;—IMh*S.l.""l   Misi ('°"’i°l' 'L t   Snllio t‘n»n•·¤·on \Ii»~···< \\'i4-l;lir|‘t·lhN >"_m__S www"` NWN mp |_m_k___l
next wee} to [|w1·umn\Ill0t•. See nw uonwu of Josvpln |io•·¤u•·r‘. u¤ Nw |€°"°·I°·° (_`?"m.`°{|' mv l`UuNI¥l`.` """ WH"- .-;.;,,...4 pon.; l1..· nn-t;··»¤ nndi··¤n·•· ··~··•·
an noon un possible ¢·uu¢·¢·rnlng um- tclnumplon hnrd·h•·ud of thu llnlvorslty `"°l’h'°` mlm °°' l‘°`\.'"‘°""' \· X" lluth .·\ik•·n \|i»~·¤~~ l·Isl·-s und MN_mhh_d lH_l_`_ mr smh ml M,__Hl> H
terlal and alde of the subject. debating vlrcles und we udd lwre our (" A' »\|¤·¤‘r‘ilt- MH [W _m.m_i_lm m my mm Um
.1. ’l‘. 4*. NUl·}, own sanction to '|‘ln· l\1•·¤¤engo¤·‘n nnm- 'H'"""“ .u““""'“’“"`_“"" |”"“"‘· j 4|o~··n·l¤i¤¤<· !¤=¤rkl··>‘ \|i»~··~ Smith \,__m_,_ lwgmm MH ml. ‘_(_hlm_ its Im,
Vhalrman of the Uommlttee. num- und nay thu! Joe is the umn of '|`h"°° UI Iwrlods l" Hmmhls MMI \\'***’*|· lh_‘____sm,' hom in mmuu mm m,.h.U
"*"— W i HAN in V V i i the hour whpn [he wolves ure in plogp -- J TUV |'•'|l•‘il|'*i|l> l|i|\*‘ h¤‘•‘l| \||\\|*\|i\H}` Th? ` lmrus Ul l“`_m\, muh hm}
The path of duty lu the long puth pursuit, as on lust 'l`lnur»·u|uy evvnlug. A prolly ulrl vnu mnko n ~oun;|~¤¤¤¤l·1·\ MMI l¤¤<|l·¤¤ll¤>¤¤> ·¤¤`·‘ UM! "'|`l¤•‘ mi____> mh ___|__._l__d umu HH. |M.,_,l
that leads to the most beautiful var- A ¤·uu·¢·ensfuI •·v•·ultu; from tlw Unlon rnnn do most nnythlnt; nnl•·<>: —ln· h.•p I*`<·||··=‘·· \\`i•|<·\\" MU '¤·‘ \l¤·‘ '¤‘*l I**`¤*
° dem-1 ot roses. l ·ltanelpolnt. May more vouw like lt Ienn no no one or 1ln· I;t||lll\. ·|¤¤· ¤i··¤· ··\··¤‘ ·¤=¤=‘·•l l·~ i|¤·· $\¤‘¤·l|·‘*`>» "`*"*‘*"""' "" *°·‘¥" H"’