or, indeed, any other-to conceive that
it was more than a passing ailment, and
would soon disappear. The family
became vaguely uneasy as the spring
merged into the summer, and a plan
was proposed for the plump little
five-foot "wifey" to take her big hus-
band, the Captain, on a long trip to
the seashore and mountains.
The trip had been taken, but Captain
Gordon's condition did not show the
improvement that the anxious mem-
bers of his family had so earnestly
hoped to see, and after the return the
busy little wife immediately set about
securing a couch for his office, for the
invalid insisted that he was able to
resume his duties. She explained that
"the Captain might rest a little now
and then from his labors," for the
sturdy old soldier would not for a
moment entertain the thought of giving
up his work-the loved, chosen pro-
fession which he had followed so faith-
fully and successfully since he came