out-a gallant young officer of twenty-
three from the Civil War, the sole
survivor of the four members of his
household who had gone forth to fight
for what was to be the Lost Cause.
Everything at the office was made
especially comfortable, for how willingly
would every bne have spared the quiet,
kind professor, who combined so won-
derfullystrength and manlinesswith gen-
tleness and lovableness of disposition.
The experiment lasted one week-he
came home at the close of the sixth
day and said quietly, "I must get a
substitute until I am well enough to
attend to my work as it should be
done." So the substitute was secured
and a consultation of doctors followed,
with the result that a new line of treat-
ment had been adopted. A few weeks
failed to bring good results, so other
treatments had been tried, until, a few
weeks before, a skilled specialist had
ordered him off to the infirmary for a
period of several weeks.