The days spent here were days of
great suffering, but grandfather was a
man of monumental patience, and no
word of complaint passed his lips.
It was just at this time that a crushing
blow had been dealt the hopeful,
cheery little wifey, who had always
been laughingly termed "boss of the
ranch," "head of the house," and such-
like terms, but whose right to these
titles had never been disputed by the
indulgent husband or devoted sons and
daughters, for her ready hand always
carried with it relief, and her merry
laugh brought cheer and sunshine.
Her only brother had been stricken,
and died within a few days, but the
brave little wife and mother had hidden
her deep sorrow in her bosom, and
after a few days, only a smiling face
was presented about the house.
When the allotted time at the infirm-
ary had expired, the young doctor,
who had studied the case with such
zeal and attended his patient with the