a comfort and luxury fund," explained
Alice, "and all the members of the
family join together in giving it."
"Grandfather, we hardly knew what
to call your pie. It was not a chicken
pie, even though it did contain a bird
and a turkey. It was not a lemon pie,
even if there was a lemon in it. It
could not be called an apple, peach,
cherry or mince pie, though there
was plenty of fruit in that box, wasn't
there" said Alsie, with a laugh, when
everything had been examined.
"I think I shall call it my 'Love Pie,'
for never was a pie so highly seasoned or
delightfully flavored with love as this
has been," answered grandfather softly,
"and I want the dear little girl who
thought of it to know that I have
enjoyed it more than any pie that I
have ever eaten."
The invalid was a little wearied with
the unusual excitement of the morning,
and was soon ordered back to his bed
for a little rest.