places. Probably the greatest number and most mag-
nificent caverns in the world are found on the North
American continent, most of them being located in the
United States. Thousands of people from this country
and from foreign countries have visited Mammoth Cave,
Wyandotte Cave and the Luray Caverns, and innumer-
able articles descriptive of them have appeared in
various newspapers, magazines and booklets in recent
years. The one locality in this country in which is to
be found without doubt the greatest number of caverns
is in Edmondson County, Kentucky, about ninety miles
south of Louisville. Underlying nearly the whole
county are innumerable caves, some vast in extent, some
small. It is said that there are not less than ninety caves
within this limited territory that have been explored.
Mammoth Cave is the largest of them all; Colossal
Cavern the next largest in extent, but far more mag-
nificent and beautiful.

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