Your committee begs leave to report that in pursuance of
the resolution under which they were appointed they met at
Patterson Hall, examined the premises, and located the Depart-
ment of Science in the basement thereof; and, directed Prof.
Palmer and Miss Marshall to proceed with fitting the apartment
into shape for installation of the science.

     We employed Miss Isabelle Marshall as instructor in
domestic science for the balance of this'uterm at the rate of five
hundred dollars a year which she has accepted; and we appropriate
not exceeding one thousand dollars for the installation of the
plant,- the expenditures made in carrying this resolution into
effect to be made under the rules regulating expenditures in
other departments.

     Mr. Ferguson's motion that the report of the Committee be
adopted was duly seconded and carried by a unanimous vote.

     The minutes of the committee appointed to receive bids for
coal, which met October 7, 1905, were reread, and a correction
made concerning the voting of President Patterson who was
present at that the meeting; whereupon the same were accepted
as corrected.

     At this point there was presented to the Board the Treasurer's
Report which was read but referred to the committee on Treasurer's

     The report of the Business Agent was refered to the Finance
Committee unread.

                                                      Page 63
     Prof. Scovell came into Board Room, when the matter of pro-
motion in the Experiment Station as recommended bynthe Board
of Control was again taken up. Judge Lafferty then moved that
the minutes of the Board of Control be adopted, and their action
ratified and confirmed. Said motion was duly seconded put upon
its passage, and carried.