The Departments of Study comprise the following:
Physics and Astronomy.
Chemistry, Elementary and Applied.
l Mental and Moral Philosophy. i
Civil History and Political Economy. .
Agriculture and Horticulture.
English Language and Literature.
Latin Language and Literature.
Greek Language and Literature.
French Language and Literature.
German Language and Literature.
Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering and Drawing.
Natural History—Botany, Comp. Anatomy, Geology, &c.
Veterinary Science.
Practical Mechanics.
l Theory and Practice of Teaching. .
Book-keeping and Peninanship.
Military Art and Science.
Architectural and Landscape Gardening, .
Scientific Course.
Physics and Astronomy.
Chemistry, Elementary and Applied.
Agriculture and Horticulture.
Yetcrinary Science. r
Civil History and Political Economy.
Mental and Moral Philosophy.
. Natural llistory—-—]lotany, Zoology. Comp. Anatomy, Geology, Min-
eralogy, &c. U
‘ Latin, Partial Course.
• French or German.
Practical Mechanics. f
‘ English Language and Literature. in
Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering and Drawing. -
Landscape Gardening. _
Military Art and Science. J