i ahve, to this College, free of tuition charge. Said students
shall be selected as follows: Ist. The trustees and teacher
if of each common school taught within said Representative
’ District shall select and send before an Examining Board
appointed by the Court of Claims mm pupil in the school
managed and taught by them. 2d. Any other person resi-
dent within the Representative District, and within the re-
quired limits as to age, may present himself to the examining
board appointed by the Court of Claims as a candidate for
selection, and from these persons so appearing, viz: from
the pupils sent before the said Examining Board by the trus- ,
tees and teachers of common schools, and from such persons
within the specified age as present themselves, the Examin-
ing Board appointed by the Court of Claims shall select one
student, and properly certify to his selection, who shall be l
entitled to remain at the College four years, or until the
course of_study for which he matriculates shall have been
completed. Preference in such selection and appointment
g shall be given to energetic, moral young men, whose means
·y are not large, to aid whom in obtaining a good education _
F this provision is specially intended. Properly prepared stu-
i dents, under the meaning of the acts of the Legislature, of
which the foregoing is a summary, are those who can pass `
a satisfactory examination in Spelling, Reading, \Vriting,
Arithmetic, Geography, and English Grammar, and who are
between the ages of I2 and 25 years.
All teachers, or persons preparing to teach, male or'
female, are admitted _free` of tuition charge for one year, at ,
the rate of not more than four, at the discretion of the
Boardof Trustees, for each Legislative Representative Dis-
trict. All the classes in the College are open, without extra
fees, to students who matriculate in the Normal Depart-
_· ment. i
. Compensated and Uneompensated Labor. l  
The work necessary for carrying on the Agricultural and °l
, Horticultural operations of the College is done by the stu-
. dents in those departments, and is paid for at rates varying i