l ,t.._____. .7_ ,..`,..... 74....-_..- 7.7—._ .
3 from tive to eight cents per hour. Its design is two·fold: to
{ put in practice the instruction received in the class room,
  and to assist indigent students. The experience of this Col- .
  i lege is that of Agricultural Colleges generally-—-that com-
  pensated labor is not remunerative to the College.
  The C0//0g.e h0/ds /isc/f 2//Z¢l]é'}' 110 00/zgzz/1011 /0 fu1·11zL01`11100s. "
l Students are paid monthly for the service rendered, and _
A   apply the money as they see proper.
N0 5/Z/LlIL’}Zli, h0ZL'[7/é'/', $0011/0’ 001110 1*0 1*/1/s C0//001* é`.‘€'f£'C/Z.//g'
l /0 11111111/rzz`11 /1z111s0@" L’.1'(,`/7tSZ·Z/Eb' by 00111j101151z/01/ /(2bO/. l/It
/é‘(l.S`Z s0r1011@1·fZz10 1/0//ars /101 011110111, 0.1·0/1151110 0f his 6'{l7‘/22.}/5*5
·’Z€/hl/L` /101*0, s/1011/1/ 00 nt M0 0011111101zd 0f Z`?/L’/QV 5/I/dflll 2000
ttl/sh0s 1*0 0210// /lll//l.VL’//{ 0f M0 01/111111/1zg0s 0f M0 £07l!pL’llS(l/PL2?
[(lb07" 5j’5/é`/I/. i
No compensation is given to students in the Department
C of Practical Mechanics, inasmuch as no pecuniary returns
; are possible to the College from this Department as at pres-
ent organized.
A l All- students are liable to be called upon for occasional
work upon the grounds belonging to the College, and to
such worlc no compensation is attached.
1 Preparatory Department.
For the benefit of those who are inadequately prepared
. to enter the regular College classes, a Preparatory Depart-
l ment has been organized, under'the charge of a principal,
l assisted by a competent staff of assistants, which will pro-
{ vide the necessary elementary instruction. The conditions
l of admission into the Preparatory Department are, a good
{ knowledge of Arithmetic as far as percentage, English
‘ Grammar, and Geography.
y Certificates of Character. r
I All applicants for admission into any class in the College,
l or Preparatory Department, must bring satisfactory testi-
l monials of good moral character. t