jj Seeds
  of the
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, Perspectives 80.
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{ e were not aiming atjust training workers but We have provided the opportunity for a lot of students to
lt to create people who would be leaders in Allied Health enter fields otherwise unavailable to them.
jj education and in the professions, and we have succeeded A reasonable number of Allied Health students have
A in that. stayed in Eastern Kentucky because of the rotations they
lj The College has placed a good deal of stress on did there."
l interdisciplinary education, and that has been one of our JOSEPH HAMBURG, M,D,,_faeulg»,· Fire; andformer
` hallmarks. We have a national reputation for that. dean mf the College ty' Allied Health Przy’e.tsions,· president tyf the
One specific major difference is in physical therapy. \/Ve American Sociegw m’Allied Health Prcy’essions 1972; chairman ejthe
j have provided people to staff physical therapy departments Association of Southern Allied Health Deans, 1982-84; Fellow ty'
in hospitals, rehabilitation centers and services. No doubt the American Association for the Advancement 1y' Science; member of
I that has made a major difference throughout the state. the Institute qfMea'icine, National Academy q"Sciences.
Another specific major difference is the Physicians
Assistant Program which provides people to complement
t the actions of physicians.
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