( Y I
Iaditionally, the major research in colleges of ' } V   I
pharmacy is conducted in the test tube and with some . . @3 ~   I
animal experimentation—to indicate the ability of drugs. I 2   , · V i
feel the major factor in the building of our college and its hi ‘   `*   ? I I
faculty has been the availability of the Medical Center and   I E
the spirit by which the medical and other faculty has ——·~   A` _:_f$~=$,,     ‘¥‘°   " I t
accepted the basic scientists from the College of Pharmacy I   _      ` rh   _   i
and encouraged them to conduct research in clinical   I   _ ,       as 7 AI I I
applications. Only about four medical schools in this f T  A·» `         I I
country have been able to achieve this interdisciplinary i "     I     ‘       I W
cooperation. `         `   A '`li I t
"I owe my career to our outstanding faculty interaction i     **3 '         _ · I
environment. I utilize a lot of the equipment that is P   ¤  {ii I A   Q, i _ I I
available in the hospital and draw on the availability of the V=  I  F   _ `      {TQ A A   » (
medical faculty to collaborate with."       *‘ _  I  g g s .    
GEORGE A. DIGENIS, Ph.D., Researcher G instructor I   __»__i     I  ` 1
in the College of Pharmagi GAD-Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistgwg `_, i`    `   E
professor and director, Division 1y' Medicinal Chernistgz, professor in A   `irt {4,*   —t ·   I
the Graduate Program ry' Toxicology, associate prtyfessor, Department   *‘     I C
tyf Nuclear Medicine, College of Medicine. I v_   I,    ' `·  _       ‘ t`
Dr, Digenis is nationalbi and internationalbi acclaimed for his I _ I   A     I
work in monitoring the peyformance gf novel drug dosage forms by I     A I w         __j_ I      I V
imaging equipment; the design and synthesis of novel drugs that will , Q _ _ A _   V V   ‘      
influence the action 1y' enzymes that appear to be keg; in emphesema, _ ‘   ‘ \ __ ` "~ L _     ` I A
. . _ . . ,»·_ Vx*·.»,,,y·t_,, _'   _      V I
aging, and reproductive processes, and recentbw in developing   ,.».—   V     . I I
compounds that will serve as “markers" in earbz detection of certain   A ° ¤     I _ = l
tumors by whole body magnetic resonance imaging equipment. ..   ” .=~‘       CI
  , $(4;;,;*   _   began painting by holding a brush between my
    ‘   ` ~"” P `‘`,    w r, ·V   teeth in 1980. Shortly after that, I began going to the Family  
_, F I _ R .   _   I   Medical Center and the Special Patient Care Dental Clinic  
°·  V: _ , '   ) fl  V   at the Medical Center. Prior to that time, I hadn’t gone to  
- I     % a dentist for a long time.  
A. . I. , A A 7, The public, in general, has a problem in dealing with
I_ 'A ·       handicapped people; they’re afraid of handicapped people, ‘
V I ' .   A; A I whether they’re doctors, nurses, etc. But the attitude of the I
" f p     I   people at both these places is different. In the dental clinic, I
 — /·• '   ': A'   they are able to handle you—they know how and that I
_ .   . {ilu   ,   makes a big difference. They don’t make you feel I M
”  _  ‘A   Mtg "special." They make you feel like an ordinary person- I T
I _ t   AL. - A I A A which meta}? handicapped persons are—they just have a few I Z"
·   ’ minor di culties.
      l The dental clinic has made a difference to me by what I I
, A I _  I 7 do with my art. I paint oils—mostly landscapes, but some  
`   still life. Painting is a goal I’m working toward. I hope  
  ` ~,\ someday to become self-sufficient with it."
*l   '—.·  REBECCA HEAD, patient in the Special Patient Care Clinic  
 hs:       ` ‘. in the College ¢y’Dentistgz and the Farnibi Practice Medical Center. I _
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