tenant. Previously, he was an The course acquaints newly Thomas C. Cassady ’34
operations officer with the lst commissioned medical service   Fairview Heights, Ill.
Corps Support Command at officers with professional and Chrigting Hopkins ’15 July 4, 1985
Fort Bragg, N.C. administrative responsibilities Louisville Margaret E. Roscr ,34, ,53
M; as Air Force officers. Htirtlicld March 5, 1985 Lexington
Madeline M_ Purifoy ’84’ is_s¢hedu1ed 10 §€1°V€ Wlih the Elizabeth Bell Alexander July 15, 1985
a graduate of Hazard Com- All Force Mcdlcal Caller Pr ’16> ,51 Ralph G. Edwards ’34 ’41
munity College’s nursing pro- gioll All FOTFC Base lg llllll0lS' Frankrorr Shawnee Mission, Kan.,
gram, also has earned one e ls an actlve mem _Cle Of the September 29i 1985 January ll 1985
associate dc rcci d UK National Alumni Associ- · - , ’
S ll arr an {WO . Dee Lorne McNeil 16 William B. Sampson ’34
in applied science. In both 1984 5llOll' Hickman Hariington Tex
i and 1985, she was selected to M t February 2, 1985 June 13, 1585
il appear in W/10 ur W/10 Among Thomas   Hall II 85 has John Freeman Wilson *21 F A An ,35
r Students in American Junior completed the U.S. Air Force Lexington Lay? time cn
Cvllégéi. military indoctrination for S t b 17 1985 cxlllg On
 _ medical service officers at ,Cip C;] l;rT i 1 ,23 Date unknown
__ _ Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex- Pdlgias Pdrk aglor Janlles E' B1¤¤kJr- ,55* ,52
Susan   Olllges ,84 has as. The course acquaints newly l al Lexlngtnn
eemplereri ii nnejyenr residency commissioned mudicui person- _MaY nr *985 , Aususr 8. 1985
program in medical technology ucl with professional and ad- Lawrence S- Burnham 24 Roman T. Brom ’35
at Wilford Hall U.S. Air Force ministrative responsibilities as gaguean 9 1985 Louisville
Medical Center, Lackland Air Air Force officers. e mary * F€b¤‘11¤1'Y 6, 1981
Force Base, Texas. 'Anne E- MeCneSneY ,25 Edward T. Carvill ’35
M. Newport Bradford, N.H.
Darrell W. Woods ’84 is a Former   `{ilif;ci&€;r?g;r Date unknown
missile combat crew officer Ch r , J0l1¤ Davis Haggard l35
with the 91st strategic Misuiic R, if °s T· n“gh°‘ SL 25 Whispering Pines. N-C·
Wing at Minot Air Force Base, All; mcg? 1985 April 26, 1984
N.D. He recently participated V ueust ’ , Reberi E- Hatt°¤.]r- ,35
in Global Shield 85, an exercise   L“eY Ellen Edens 25 Louisville
designed to enhance readiness · Oealai F15 D€C€mb€1` 15, 1985
and thu ability tif sAo tu carry >   new ““l‘“°‘”“ Eyaitt Eaii Pramtiei rss
out orders should deterrence   ° Mary L0\1iS€ MZSOH ,28 Lcxirigttm
fail- L Somm Au ust:. 1985
___ May 1, 1985 g ’
. Evelyn Lucile Rietze ’35
John W. Snarr ’84 has been {oseph Rl Klmbrough ,29 Louisville
commissioned in his present exington Date unknown
rank of navy ensign upon grad- C- Frank Harscher lll, 3 September 6= 1985 james Milton Rush ,35
uatinn from oiiicci candidate consultant te the mining in- Frances E- Skinner ’30 Bedford
School. Snarr studied princi— dusrry, is an associate with Evansville, Ind, Date unknown
ples ofleadership, the organiza- l`l0W31`d, Needles, T8·mHi€¤ & August 8, 1985 C h _ D wh_ ,35
tion of Naval commands and B€1`g€1'1€l011e (HNTB) iiFC111i€CiS, *Warncr Ford #31 Laeeeiile * Ire
the uniform code of military §¤§l¤€€fS and planners IH Lex- Lexington Dznlsvltf
justice in Officer Candidate mgmn- A f01”m€I` S€CI`€i8.I`Y &1’1d July lg, 1985 e un nuwn t
SChOO1_ l-lc carried si bachelor deputy secretary of the Ken- Sante Lawrence ,32, ,49 gorothy Hall Curtis ’36
of general studies degree from lucky Department for Natural Paris Aexmgtgnlggd
UK. Resources and Environmental Sc tcmbcr 22 1985 ugust ,
Protection, Harscher has also P , l Raymond A. Reister’36
Phu, B M h it ,84 _ served as commissioner of envi- glla N' Gtrlttcll ,32 Nicholasville
in 1p. . ars a His a rrmmcmal protection and €X_ awrencc ufg r]u]y8 1985
co-p1lot with the 140th Military . . . , , August gg, 1985 »
Airlift Squadron at Barksdale ecuigvcrduircctcirr of wu faclht-lcs *_]ohn Marshall Jones ’32 Thelma Owens Watts ,56
_ _ . t ·
Air Force Base, Ariz. He was m — cn uc Y c was exccu we Palm Beach Fla. Dallvllle
. . . . assistant to the Georgia trans- ’ l IO 1985
reviousl assi ned to Williams · · · ul 8 1985 Ju Y *
ii v s J v ,
, A_ F B _ A _ portation commissroner and _ Ab St . h ,37 ,42
ll Gmc aselll rlZOlla' head of the Georgia Tollway Llre Mem:} Lotitsvnigc cr ’
— Authority. Emma Re ms ’32» ’50
Vincent M. Holloway ’84 M LOulSVlll€ Date llllkllowll
.i has received the parachutist Dan Isselt the airtime icad_ June 22. l985 e§°berrl?leks°n Lear ,39
badge upon completion of the ing Wildcat scorer irr UK bas_ Alex Sapurso ’33, ’34, ,38 Olllsvl e
airborne cuuiuu at thu Us sui, Luis obispti, ouiir. May 21% 1985
_ ketball, has begun a new career _ ,
Army Infantry School, in Fort after 15 years Of professional August 6, 1985 Th¢0d0l‘€ W- Cozlnc 40
Bennlng* Ga" basketball. He is now breeding *Fr¤nk Earle Scale ,33 Sviarglgmfggd Pa`
  thoroughbreds on his Wood- l-·€Xu1§l0l'1 Ju Y ’
i Rebecca R. Hartfield ’85 ford County farm. He’s al- August 6, 1985 Fletcher S- Gaston ,40
t has completed the U.S. Air ready sold a yearling colt, that Glen Cecil Shepherd ’33 Wingate, N.C.
Force military indoctrination he c0·owned with Tom Gentry, Versailles MaY 8i 1985
for medical service officers. at the Keeneland summer sales. july 7, 1985
_ UK 3l