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t     IN the extreme western part ofthe State of Kentucky, quite I ’    H 
~ as remote from any other inhabitant, there now dwells one of the _   I
J  U most eccentric, and, apparently, one of the most contented and · ` j  _ r 
_ C happy characters, that the western country atfords. The true ,p_    
V name of this~·extraordinary person, is Tr1oMAs BALDW§: al- ‘   ` 
though better known in the neighborhood in which he i` Qells, · e `   { 
, by that of " the Christian ».Philosapher;" » a title which cannot be V   -`
_   considered ill applied to one who has drank so deep of the cup e . p‘‘:    
S  ? of sorrow, and borne his afilictions with so great a share of g N  
·   j christian fortitude and resignation. It was in the latter part of ` j · t _   as 
,   n November last,e(1835)that the writer, in an excursion to the if ` e , Jfgjy   
L  Q`   _¤west,jwas induced, by the solicitation of at christian friend, to    
»   visitltllisevenerable Patriarch (now in the 86th year of his age)  C ``,-  i  
;    sinhissecluéed retreat. His humble, weather-beaten hahita— t ill  
`    e` Ltion, compo§,of rough materials, is one of his own construe-    
l  V Y tion, and §hei‘e,'i` as he stated, he had, with the exception of a ,_      
~ l  ; few months, dwelt entirely alone, since the melancholy period ` » ny yl   
r ii when every member of his family (with one exception) fell vic- ' »   g » 
p   .p; timsgto the ferocity of the merciless savages. His own rela- ‘ ‘*   lg
Q tionqof the murderous deed, together with other interesting par- ei  I, 
j     ticulars of his early adventures (which he freely and concisely t      
i  é   ` imparted to the writer} a§, in substance, as follows: ` _,_, •   W. 
 @3, He was born in the State ofiNorth Carolina, in1748, where l    
 ge he early married and lived happily with his family, until the _ g    
r  — month of May 1780, when having formed an acquaintance with C     ig
~ 5  Capt, Daniel Boon, who had become quite celebrated in the "T--{   t
e T  " Carolinas, for being the first settler of that portion of the west- I ._ ·   i
l  4- ern wilderness, which now comprises the respectable State of —   _
··    - Kentucky, as well as for the bravery by him displayed in his _ igii fa  
»   as frequent skirmishes with the savages in that quarter, he was ·  i. 
   y prevailed on by the Colonel, to accompany him, with his family,    
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