
body grows, the demand will become more pressing.    The
deans of men and women report buildings full with wait-
ing lists.   On the men's halls the University owes ap-
proximately '186,000, and is paying in interest and sink-
ing fund 823,720 annually.    Doctor Hughes, in his re-
port, states that the dining sources af the University
should earn a sum large enough to finance a residence
hall for women.   This can be done providing the opera-
tions are more carefully supervised, and a daily cost
system installed to check expenditures.    With that in
mind, the plan will be inaugurated at once and the cost
plan put into effect April 1.    With a trial of two
months a demonstration should be made that will give
a clear statement of the facts.    The dining service
is hampered by insufficient refrigerators and store


     During the latter part of January, the water
courses of Kentucky and the Ohio River reached the high-
est flood stage in their history.    The effects of the
high water are well known to all.    The City of Frank-
fort was harassed for a week and considerable damage
resulted therefrom.   The same is true in the cities
along the Ohio.   As soon as a wire reached us here at
the University, stating that all the resources available
should be used for flood sufferers, a call was made upon
students and faculty for food, bedding, clothing and
money.   Some half a dozen truck loads of clothing and
other materials were sent to Frankfort and Maysville,
and a considerable number of students volunteered their
services at different points.    I have had letters in-
dicating the appreciation of communities for the work
done by students.   The University staff, students and
friends contributed $3,444.08 to the Red Cross and
special funds.   The sum of 82,453 was sent to the
Treasurer of the Red Cross, Mr. C. N. Manning; and 8500
was sent to the Mayor of the City of Louisville. Other
sums were used for incidental expenses, leaving still
on hand for relief purposes approximately $400.00.

     It is very gratifying to note the willing and en-
thusiastic volunteering of members of the staff to do
whatever they could in collecting clothing and materials,
as well as packing it and transferring it to the points
where it was needed,


     Research Funds for Opthalmia.    The University has
received from an anonymous donor the sum of 825,000 to