v g .  
_ x Nineteenth Annual Report of they
L Division of Entomology and Botany.—The testing and im- —  
· proving of forage plants have been continued in the plots, of <°
  which there are now 147. There are few forage plants calcu- - M p
A lated to be of value` in Kentucky that have not, at one time- or   _
  _ another, been tested here, and the information obtained from _
. § these experiments has been in constantdemand in correspond- ‘ :4 I
V   ence with farmers. ~ '  
··   The rotation of plots arranged some yea1·s ago with the United ._
t l ‘ States Department of Agriculture is still continued, and begins . i
° · F _ to show results. A second series started in the spring of 1906 A
i i on a somewhat different basis are also promising interesting ‘ J
A i i results. i ‘ V ‘ C j
Q Seed inspection under the law passed by the last Legislature ’
§ _ has occupied a good deal of· time in this Division during the  
L l year. Four hundred samples of seed have been examined under  
C     the law, and thirty found adulterated—-some of them badly 1
jg,   adulterated, bluegrass seed being adulterated, with Canada blue-
.   , g1·ass seed, and orchard grass seed with rye grass seed. That `
-     E the inspection work being done is having a good effect is shown · g
      by the small number of adulterated samples secured by our `
  Tl   collectors in territories visited a second time. During the past
      year, nearly all the adulterated samples were secured in places
  I that had not previously been visited. This law makes no pro-
      visions for payment of inspection, but the Station has under-
  it   taken to carry out its provisions, and the expenses incurred have
  —.·.»   l_   been met out of the fertilizer and feed funds. i
  _} As State Entomologist,IProfessor Garman has inspected, dur-
.     ° ing the year, every nursery in Kentucky. He states that some C
  ,   were found to bein an unsatisfactory condition and a second ,_
fg- L  inspection was required. _ In one case a nursery was found in- A 4
  fested with San Jose scale. The trees were at once saturated
.»‘_ f TQ  with coal oil and burned, and no other evidence of the presence
lf  of the pest in nurseries has been observed. _ ·
  Some experiments, promising interesting results to fruit
  growers, have recently been undertaken by this Division in Har-
  - din County on a commercial orchard. Twenty-four trees, con- _
  sisting of two varieties oftwelve each, have been set aside for
Y  some careful spraying tests to show the benefit of different treat-
  ments. The treeshave already been sprayed once, and will be
    followed throughout the season and results will be carefully t `
    noted. _ · i