l _ 82 BulI¢liuVN0. 126. _ ‘· ,
l   The analyses do not show why the tobacco in Mr. ]ones’ field
  ` A {should not have done as well as that in the adjoining field of Mr. _
  » Prewitt. Thetwo analyses are much alike, the diiference exist- 1
  ’ _ h ing being in favor of Mr. ]ones’ field. Thelarger proportion of
Q nitrate where the tobacco was poor is to be noted here, as before, ,  I
  ‘ · . and the effect of this upon the wheat was very apparent.  r
f   ~ The corresponding subsoils were collectedand analyzed as ·'
is 1 ifollows: ‘ <
  4 l 14649—Average of the second 6 inches, IO cores, from the  '_
{ ,_ ~V _ same holes as 14648, Mr. 1?rewitt’s pasture; west side. The  
I * * 4 2-mm. sieve removed 0.9 per cent. Calculated total weight of {
  - *‘ soil per acre, 1,632,000 lbs.; weight of sifted soil, 1,617,000 lbs.  
.;; A 146_17—Average of the second 6 inches, 6 cores, from the  
  1 _, same holes as 14616, Mr. Prewitt’s corn Eeld. The 2-mm. sieve  
  removed 4 per cent. o_f `iron gravel and some cherty and sandy  4.
{W l l fragments. Calculated total weight per acre, 1,718,000 lbs.; Q
  weight of sifted soil,` 1,649,000 lbs. "  
  14651—Average_of the second 6 inches, IO cores, from the T ,
  A same holes as 14650, Mr. Prewitt’s second tobacco field. The 5
lg 2-mm. sieve removed 0. 3 per cent. Calculated total weight of ’ `
  soil per acre, 1,774,000 lbs.; weight of sifted soil, 1,769,000 lbs. _
  . I4653¥—AV€I8g€ of the second 6 inches, IO cores, from the  _
  4 same holes as 14652, Mr. ]ones‘ tobacco field. The 2-mm. sieve Y 
  i removed 0.8 per cent. Calculated total weight of soil per acre, __
E 1,671,000 lbs.; weight of sifted soil, 1,658,000 lbs. .
  Amtvsas or THE Monsrunz-Fas; Sussoits--Pan CENT.r -  1 1
2 i Pasture Corn Tobacco h Tobacco  
Field Field Field
Number ................................. 14649 14617 14651 14653  
* Organic and volatile matter ...... 5.612 6.285 5.267 ” 5.878  . ,
§ Total nitrogen ............ . ........... .147 .188 .124 .158 1
  V Nitrogen of nitrites .... . ............ .00001 trace .00002 .00002 V ·
  Nitrogen of nitrates ...... . ...... .. .00080 trace .00010 .00060
  A P205 dissolved by 1-5 11.HNO3.. .0380 .1270 .0460 .1800 I
  ‘ K2O dissolved by same ..... » ....... .0649 .0067 .0125 .0126  
-5 CaO dissolved by san1e. ............ .264 — .450 .250 .486 ·_
MgO dissolved by same ............ .048 .048 .028 .036 `
p Acidity as CaO, Hopkins method .0022 .0022 .0011 .0011 `
  . \Veightof soil peracre,6ins.,lbs 1,632,000 1,718,000 1,774,000 1,671,000 .