l .
  84 Bulletin N0. 126. .
l   At the time of sampling, the field was in rye and was to be sown
  1 l - with clover in the spring. The land is rolling upland with wal- S
  7 nut and red oak timber and some white-oak- `It was cleared in  A
in 1 the winter of 1896-7 and planted with tobacco in the Spring of 1897.  
l ` ’ This was followed by wheat and clover. It was put in tobacco A
  , 4 A again in the Spring of 1900, followed again by wheat and clover. {
{ , 4 The clover was cut for hay in 1902 and the seed crop saved in  ·
  i A 7 the fall. The sod was plowed in March, 1903 for the third .5 
  . planting in tobacco. The soil was deepjloose and worked nicely v 
{ ‘ 4 _ and was in Hue condition when the tobacco was planted and Q
l ` _ v_ Y there was no apparent reason for the failure on part of the  
iq J i ground. No fertilizers hadbeen used on this field. Wheat was jp
,, , _ sown after the tobacco, but was winterkilled and hemp was sown L r
gl _ in the Spring of 1904 producing a iine crop. .  i
  7 I4735—··AV€I’8g€v0f the firsti6 inches, I2 cores of sampling Q_
  4 tube, from the part of (the field that produced good -tobacco in  ;
¥; 1903. A good-looking, brown soil, slightly acid to litmus paper.  w
  14736—Average of the second 6 inches, I2 cores from the  ‘
  i same holes as 14735. Like that sample in appearance and  g
  ’ slightly acid to litmus paper. , 3 `  g
  14737—Average of the iirst 6 inches, I2 cores from the part  i
  of the Held that failed to produce tobacco in 1903. Like 14735 .
  ‘ “ in appearance and slightly acid to litmus paper. Q 
  14738——Average of the second 6 inches, I2 cores from the _` 
5. same holes as . 14837. Like that sample in appearance and  Y
  slightly acid to litmus paper. 6 4
  " Arutvszs or ·r•-as Monsrune-Fnzz Sous-Pen C1-zur.  i
  Firstélns. S€CODd61l'lS. 'First6Ins. Second 6lns  r
  Number .............. . ................. 14735 14736 14737 14738  ‘
Q Organic and volatile matter ..... 7.968 6.504 8.101 6.263 Q
 _' Nitrogen .. ......... . ........... . ..... .280 · .200 .292 .190 f
·  Phosphoric acid dissolved by ’
  1-5 r1.HNO3 ....... ....7 ........ . .0063 .0016 .0028 .0016  .
  Potash dissolved by same. ........ .0316 .0206 .0314 .0198  .
»  Lime ........................... . ......... .375 .333 .343 .311 .
; Magnesia ................................ .036 \ .028 - .036 .032 i`
el ·
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