34 Bulletin Number -124; ` .
l` they have completely disappeared. Statements that the species l ¢
·i T — occurs here are often made by people who have mistaken our com- I
  , mon Bull thistle (C'a.rditu.~; Zcmceolatus) for lthe Canada thistle. T  
    The Canada thistle is a rather slight plantl with prickly leaves  
j‘ _Z   which are green on both sides. Its heads of flowers are purple but 1
Q -_ l small, not at first measuring quite three-fourths inch in ·% diameter, l
.. »   J _ and the bracts beneath the flowers are pointed brit not prickly. The °  
 ?   ’ Bull thistle diiers in all these respects. It is very-tall when allowed , · j
it  it to grow unchecked in good soil, and often stands, from- four to five .
  "».- ll I feet in height. The braets beneath its purple flowers bear long, »
_   I, ‘ sharp, priekles, like those on the leaves, andjtlie heads are large—/ ' *
l   y an inch or one and a half inches in diameter' in some cases. The
Ke if l   I leaves are silky whitish beneath, a character` by which it may be
I       distinguished from the Canada thistle at a glance. Its seeds, though l
Q    like those of the Canada thistle, in general shape, are larger, and ”
j_   ·'.°   ' are gray rather than brown,{with, nnder a lens a fine black stria-
    ’ tion. They are sometimes oblscurely angled, but not carinatc. y
    Length, from 0.04 to 0.17 inch. V Average examples measure about
  I 0.16 by 0.06 by 0.04 inch. They have thegsame terminal rim and _ #
 if   tubercle as the seed of the Canada thistle. V -_
  ‘ Kentucky has on her statute_bo—ok the following with refer- '
  l_'lj   ence to the Canada thistle: ·
  l l
    '(Act bt December a, 1892.) _ i
    Sec. 200. It shall be the duty of every person or persons, and of ’
    every corporation holding lands in this Commonwealth, either by
    lease o1· otherwise, on which any Canada thistles, or weeds commonly .
    known as Canada thistles, maylbe growing, to cut _the same, so as to I`
  g prevent such weeds or thistles from going to seed and the seed of the i
    S`H.l1l€ fI‘O‘111 Ylpélllllg. Ally IJGFSOH Ol' p€l`SO11S, O1` COI‘])0I*H,tl0I1 3.5 3.fOI`€· ·.; `
  § said, who shall or may have land as aforesaid in this Commonwealth, _
    and who shall knowingly neglect or refuse to comply with the pro-
  . visions of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of live dollars, recov— Y} p
    able before any justice of the peace, or by indictment in the circuit
   E courts of the State. '·