~   · In Account with the United States Appropriations.
V   i , `_Hatch Adams
  _ I Fund. Fund. _
j To Receipts from the Treasurer of the_ .
W:   United States, as per appropriations  _ ·
.   Q . for Hscal year ending June 30, 190-6, i
`i`   under acts of Congress approved _ `
`   { March 2, 1887 (Hatch Fund) and
    g March 16, 1906, (Adams Fund) .... $15,000.00 $5,000.00
      Expenditures: ·
    By Salaries ............ _ I. : . .i .... $11,715.80 ~$ 124.95
      Publications .......... . ...... 866.26
y` :_ , ; Postage and statioueryi . . ..2 . . . 171.01 ·
.·i»   l V Freight and express . ........ _. 62.72 . ‘
  ’,‘` ‘     Heat, light, water and power. .   480.14 _ ·
  L] Chemical supplies ..... i ....... 48.83 543.99 .
  .   Seeds, plants and sundry supplies 187.45 `
ij;   Library ........ ; ........... 286.08 V V
  Tools, implements and machinery 139.50 l
  Furniture and fixtures ........ 649.08 _·
  Scientific apparatus .......... 66.90 4,331.06 _ .
    Traveling expenses ........... 215.63
    Contingent expenses .......... 110.60 `
  $15,000.00 $5,000.00 _
  \Ve, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the C0rpor— t
  ation, do hereby certify that we have examined the books and _,
  accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station for ‘
  the fiscal year ending July 30, 1906; that We have found the \
  t `
  _.t   `
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