V l   · OF THE i l
  _ Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
V   » FOR THE YEAR 1906 `
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~ _     For convenience of the work, the Stationpis divided into the
`Y i| I following divisions:
_,i,;l   Division of Gheniistry, `
    . Division of Entomology and Botany,
‘   E Division of Agriculture, ’
      Division of Fertilizer Control Vlork, ·
  ,__l Division of Food Control Work,
]I`_   Division of Animal Husbandry. _ _
.,'   Station S2l(l·](f.—BT1'. George Roberts, who was with us some V
1·;?_;,”.t‘.€€g years ago, but resigned to aeeept the position of Chemist in
  Charge of Fertilizers in the University of California, was of-
`,  fered the position of chemist in the Fertilizer Division here and »
Q, '-‘¤   aeeepted, beginning his work in May. Mr. li]. S. Good was
‘~_Q`Q,f€.; if elected as Head of the Division of Animal llushandry, July, ‘
  1906, and eanie to us on September lst. Hr, Benjamin R.
  Hart, a graduate of this (lollege and assistant ehemist in the
  Health Department of the (sity of St. Louis for some time, was
  eleeted as chemist of the feeding stuffs control and began his
  work in May. M r. F. G. Vaughn, also a graduate of the Gol-
  lege, was chosen as assistant in the Seed Inspection work.
  ieldanzs Act.——During the year the bill known as the Adams
  Bill passed both Houses of Congress and was approved by the
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