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48 Bulletin N0. 125. _
THE CLOVER LEAF-BEETLE (Phyt0n0mus pu,m:mtus).—This is ‘ Z
· one of the snout beetles, somewhat- resembling the plum curculio in i
shape, but smoother. It has been observed by me in Kentucky. The y
beetle measures somewhat more than a quarter ofian inch in length.  
The eggs are placed in clover stems in August, and the grub, hatch- `.
ing from them, works upon the leaves, sometimes completely ~ 
‘ destroying whole crops of clover. Both grubiand adult feed at  
A night, and are so timid that they cannot_ well be observed since they g
drop to the ground as one approaches.- . 'lr - ~  i
T1-In Cnovnn STEM-Bonne (Lemguria m0zm·di.)—A beetle  i_
’ about one—fourth inch long with shining blue-black body and orange-  i_
- red thorax produces a rather slender grub that eats out the centers E
of the stems. The eggs are thrust into the stems in May or June,  A
V and the mature insect appears in late July or in August, and con-  "
tinues as an adult over winter. 'Thisis a Kentucky insect and has  Q
been observed by me at times eating out the stems of hemp. It  .
feeds on a variety of plants and has notbeen observed in numbers  A
sufficient to do greatharm to clover. ~ · -  1
THE Cnovnn Roor-Bonne (Hylastcs trifo‘Zii).—Tlie miost de-  
struetive known insect attacking clover is a small, stout, black beetle,  ’
about 0.08 inch long, which lays a 'whitish egg from which hatches a  
rather thick-bodied grub; This eats out the centers of the main  it i
roots. It was originally observed in New York, but has spread F
westward from that Stateand may occur in Kentucky, though I ni 
‘ have not thus far encountered it; It belongs to a family, most  
members of which bore into wood and tree-trunks, the clover-infest—  A
ing species being thus somewhat exceptional in habits. i ` g
Failure Due to Absence of Lime, Potash, etc.  J
(5) This is not the place to do more than mention the pos-  
sibility of failure in some cases resulting from exhaustion of certain  
` soil constituents necessary to plant growth. Lime is_ sometimes  ’
found beneficial on cloverssick soils, because of its corrective action  
where the soil has become acid. There are a number of mineral  
plant foods absolutely necessary to the growth of plants, and the €‘
complete absence of any one of them will result in failure in grow-  »