Best Copy


1 ccllmb to the snow-capptains In Uganda which were their
In the comparatively
Kenya territory, lying between the
east coast and the mountains, the
climate Is so temperate as to have
attracted a rush of British colonists
since the war.
and resort-seeke"It Is refreshingly cool, especially!
at night, In Nairoml. capital of the
colony," he says. "Many residents'
use fires all the year round, and It
Is not unusual after sunset to sec
ladles wearing furs, although the
town Is practically upon the equator".
The populuar picture of Africa as
hcat-rlddulcd for the early fall, are golf and a vast stretch of desert and
Jungles, Wells points out,
the cross country run. A team of
comes from the early explorers who
four will represent each organization In the cross country affair with did not penetrate to the high plains
the team placing four men first and mountainous country. Stanley
winning. A training system will be sighted the Ruwenzori range, or
adopted by Mr. Robinson In the near Mountains of the Moon, in 1868, but
future for the purpose of conditionit was not until 1906 that the peaks
ing those who will go In for the were actually reached by the Duke
sport. Contests In keeping of Abruzzl. It is here that such a
j distance
with each season will be sponsored natural eccentricity as a snow storm
with the participation trophy going while the sun shone vertically over'to the organization with the great-regist- er head has been observed.
est number of points at the end of
The explorer, iri his World's Work
the scho1 ycnr'
article, also notes other little-know- n
l curiosities,
such as the snake that
can spit its poison into a man's
low-sluface, the ant bear, a six-focreature with a powerful
snout which moyes auto travel dan
gerous by digging up the roads in
rooa; tne
quest of subterranean
The "man who gnu, whose tail is valued by the naNEW YORK
and the
flnrfs truths so liicrpdlhlfi that thev tives as a
an antelope so tiny and
sound ke bare.fnced lies" is back
ln Amcrlca. He ls carveth Wells, agile that it can balance on four
the cxpiorer whose hobby is to feet on a space the size of a dollar.
freaks and
track down nature's
curi0sltles In the most remote cor- ners 0f tjie globe
.. .. w . . . frmn ,
-aheart of tropical Afr'.ca wUh.ITCrfllTT
a tale of snow storms, ice
woolen sleeping bags, and pear- -

The annual Tall tennis tourna- merit, snonsorcd bv the dcnartmcnt
ofvlntra-murathletics, will open
the morning of Thursday, Septem26, according to announcement
by Sid Robinson, professor of physical education, and the new direcathletics. All entor of Intra-murtries must be In Mr. Robinson's of- by Wednesday afternoon, Sep- flee
tember 25, at 5 o'clock.
Approximately 100 aspirants for
the new net crown are expected to
for the contests.
Only six men may be entered from
each organization to count in the





they represent and registered In the
Intramural office In the basement
of the men's gymnasium.
changes may be made In the lists
after they are entered. More than
6 men may enter from each organ!
zation, but only the points won by
uie original u win ue couiuea m
trophy awards.
Points will be awarded as fol- lows: One point for each player
entered; two points for each match
won; 30 points for singles or doubles






place, will be posted by Mr. Robin- son on the morning of September
.26. Any under graduate student of
the university is eligible to enter
the tournament except members of
the varsity team.
The singles tournament was won
by Frank Davidson, Sigma Nu, last
spring and the doubles by Barnes
uuu, iimepunuums. mr.
Robinson, a Graduate of MississiDnl
A. and M. in 1924, comes to Ken- tucky from Cornell, where he has
been a graduate student and instruc- tor.
Courts on the university grounds
are ln excellent condition. They
been worked and rolled within
the last week and are being occupied
each afternoon. With the announce- ment of the tournament opening,
the demand for the courts will in- crease ten fold.
-sperts, sched- Chcr Jntra-mur- al




ed for each match forfeited.


Carveth Wells Tells
of Freaks Africa
"Incredible as Lies"


v thp pn,,atnr ' nnri whprp.' ftC(.ord.
inc to the noDUlar idea, only tor
ridity prevails. And he has the)
facts and photographs to prove his i
"The ob!ect of our expedition to i
the Mountains of the Moon, under
tne auspices of the Geographical



Wells in an article written for
Worms worK, "was to mspen tnat
popular idea that central cquato- rial Africa is a steaming jungle and
to show that, on the contrary, it
enjoys a delightful climate."
Equatorial equipment for the
peditlon included heavy sweaters
and woolen sleeping bags, ice axes
and skates, he itemized. The heavy
clothing and heating apparatus was
. used
in the middle of July in the
.high plains country of East Africa,
long before the party began the ral

Use for Mill Byproduct Seen
By Expert Chemists; Intense Flame Discovered
Indications of a possible use for
sawdust that now makes trouble- some mountains around sawmills
have been contained in a paper pre- --- -cal Society by Professor W. H. Pet- erson, R. J. Allgeler and Professor
E. B. Fred of the University of
Wisconsin. In a
research program, they have discovered how to
make the powdery wood waste Into
acetic acid, the active principle of
vinegar, and lactic acid, which is
what makes sour milk sour. Both
these acids have industrial uses that
render their domestic significance
an entirely secondary matter.
Three steps were involved in

turning wood Into acid. The first
was turning It Into sugar, which was
done by the familiar method of
treating It with a strong chemical,
such as sulphuric or hydrochloric i
acid. Then the pulp was further
treated with a carbohydrate-con- -'
verting enzyme contained In malt
sproups. Finally, the process was
completed by the addition of a
that has the power to
ferment both hexose and pentose
The mud on Stoll Field this week
sugars into acid.
has been trampled by the cleats of
From 80 to 90 pre cent of the more than 100 wearers of the green
sugar present was fermented, the jcrslcs, candidates
for the 1929
resulting mixture of acids consisting freshman football team. The fresh10 parts of lactic to one of acetic. men have made quite a splash, and
Wood sugar produced by the Ber-glt
process in Germany fermented from all head frosh coach, ls ln for
gave the same yield ' Prlbble,of trouble ln sorting the men
equally well and
and ratio of products.
out ln teams to be first, second,
third, etc.
Vague rumblings from the camp
of the Wildcats seem to have it that
Artificial diamonds have been' the first scrimmage between the
promised the world by Professor J. Big Green and thier seniors will
Wlllard Hershey of McPhcrson Col-- 1 take place on Saturday of this week.
The frosh have seen only one week
lege, Kansas.
The most promising modern at- of practice and the kinks and rusty
tempts at achieving this much-soug- joints are Just being Ironed out.
If past years serve as
end Hershey said were made the frosh squad will adwindle to
30 years ago by the French scientist
Moissan. Taking up the work where some 50 or 60 men as the season
Molssan left off, the Kansas chem- ages and the going becomes harder.
Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia, Misist has made some improvements in
his technique and is hopeful even- souri, and several other states flock,
contributed to the freshman
tually of producing good diamonds
and the sons of Kentucky.
ln the laboratory. His process conCoach Prlbble has begun the task
sists of melting pure carbon with
filings of various metals ln an elecplunging the
tric furnace, and then
satwhite-hmass into an
urated salt solution. The cooled
mass is subjected to further chemical treatment, and then tested for
diamond particles..

Over Hundred Report
For Big Green Team
of Introducing


the yearlings to the !
Gamagc system of football and to
the general
conditioning grind.
Tackling, blocking, passing, kicking,
running signals, and all that goes
with It, has made up the week's
Among the likely looking candic,
dates are Groggin, of Danville;
of Benham; Scay, Big Stone
Gap, Va.; Johnson, Montgomery,
Darby and Blevins, of the Ashland
Cutler, of Missouri;
Miles, Owcnsboro; Blckel, of Louisville Male lgh; Vondcrhcldc, of St.
axier, at Louisville, and Boardman,
of Eminence.
"Do you think they approve of my
sermon?" asked the newly appointed minister.
"Yes, I think so," replied his wife,
"they were all nodding."
Beautiful Girl: "No, Sam, I cannot be your wife. Please go away
and forget me."
Rejected Lover: "No use; I'm a
memory expert."

Athletes Get Aid
From Action Films
Coaches Find Movies Will Aid
Grid Players in Learning

Movies and football practice don't
mix, ordinarily, but coaches in nearly 200 cities and towns ln Oklahoma

have found movies a vital factor ln
the development of gridiron teams.
This fact was brought to light
when a check was made on the
number of schools that used film-slidand movie reels, showing
football formations, provided by the
bureau of visual education of the
University of Oklahoma extension
The football pictures were posed
by players under the direction of
Knutc Rocknc, famous Notre Dame
coach. In the flllmsllde group, the
Illustrations arc divided Into five
scries ranging from 45 to 90 slides
each, dealing with the subjects
"Handling the Ball," "Blocking and
Tackling," "Offensive Team Play,"
"Defensive Team Play," and "Typical Team Play."
Twelve complete series are kept
on hand in the film slides to supply
the demands of high schools, while
two prints of the motion pictures
are kept going In a continuous circuit from early in September until
after Thanksgiving.

Sold By



McVey Hall


A flame so intense as to melt its
way through any known solid substance, is produced by a new type
of blowpipe, employing finely powdered aluminum instead of the
more familiar hydrogen or acetylene
The new invention is described by Dr. Frank M. Strong of
Syracuse University, as follows:
"A screw conveyer carries a slow
stream of aluminum dust from the
bottom of a hopper, out through the
open end of a brass pipe. The dust
is met here by a swift cross-streaof oxygen, with which it forms a
fine and uniform suspension. From
this point the mixture is passed forward through a larger tube, which
a little farther along ls divided into
eight smaller tubes. The latter diverge from the central tube for a
short distance, and then are curved
back inward so as to come to a
sharp focus. The aluminum-oxyge- n
flame can be lighted at this focus
point with a match or Bunsen burn- -

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