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Editor's Note: The Constitution
of the Men's Student Council Is
herein published In order that the
male students of the University
may learn the rules and regulations concerning their conduct
while attending this school and
the functions connected with It.
The Council, as the leading
studcntgovcrnlng body on the
campus, acquires Its powers of
regulation and enforcement from
this set of laws.
The Constitution was approved
by the University Senate April 8,
1928, as provided herein by Article 7, Section 1. Since that time
It has been amended, as provided
by Article 7, Section 3, by the addition of Section 9 (Article 3), and
Sections 12 and 13 (Article 1 under
We, the men students of the University of Kentucky, in order to secure and maintain an effective organization of student government
in accordance with the authority
granted by the University Senate to
the Student Council, do establish
this constitution.
The name of this organization
be the Men's Student Council
of the University of Kentucky.
Section 1. The membership of
the Student Council shall consist of
men students elected by the qualified electors of the student body of
the University of Kentucky.
qualified elector, within the meaning of this Constitution, shall be any
man student regularly enrolled or
registered In a college of the University of Kentucky, except such as
may be enrolled in short courses
not leading to a college degree, or
in the Summer Session, and except
such as may be disqualified or dis


Scc. 9. All summons for apCommerce and Education shall be the following year. It shall be the ceedlngs of the Council; to notify
pearance before the Council will
unrepresented, this system of rota- duty of this member to call a meet- committees and olflcers of their apCOLLEGE OF EDUCATION
on or pointment or election; to notify all be issued by the Registrar of the
tion to continue from year to year. ing of the councilmcn-clcc- t
The Junior representatives shall be before the fourth Friday In May for members of the Council of any University.
may be called
offispecial meeting that
elected by the qualified electors of the purpose of electing other
Sec. 10. A violation of any of
by the president; to read all papers
the Junior class of the respective cers for the following year.
the foregoing
shall be Extension Department Head
colleges at a meeting called for that
punishable by expulsion or susSec. 7. Election of officers shall handed to him for that purpose by
Is Aide; Purpose of School
purpose on the first Thursday in be by secret ballot. A majority of the president; to conduct all corpension from the University, or
Is Explained
May, such meeting to be called and the votes cast shall be necessary to respondence and report the comby reprimand, or by depriving the
presided over by a member of the elect an officer. If the first vote munications received; to keep a student of his social privileges.
1029 summer school sessions
rc- The
Council delegated for that purpose docs not yield a majority, the complete record of the funds
Expulsion as herein used means
at the University proved a banner
by the president of the Council.
second vote shall be taken on the ccivea ny mm; maite a complete ac- ( permanent exclusion of the
year in the history of the Instituof the same at the end of the dcnt from (nc University. Sus
The two representatives two candidates who received the
tion when a total of 2,041 students
term to the Council and to the Fac
pension as herein used means exof the Sophomore class shall be highest number of votes.
ility Auditing Committee, and turn clusion of the student from the enrolled for the two short terms,
elected by members of the Student
Sec. 8. In the event of a duly
figures show.
Council from six nominees, one elected officer not returning to the the balance over to his successor; to University for a definite time. registration
from each college, selected by the .University or in the event of his pay out money only upon the order Reprimand as herein used mcdns number did not Include the classes
In football coaching and the specof the Council, and perform such an admonition to the student givqualified electors of the Sophomore declining to take up his duties upon
en by the proper officer of the ial course for agricultural students.
class of the respective colleges at a his return to the University, his of- other secretary-treasure-asr. usually devolve upRegistration for the first term of
meeting called for that purpose on fice shall be declared vacant and on a
Council according to the circumSec. 4. A quorum consisting of at stances in the particular case.
the summer, which began Monday
the. first Thursday in May, such such vacancy shall be filled by the least eight members of the Council
morning, June 17, and continued
Sec. 11.
When the Council through Wednesday, reached a tomeeting to be called and presided Council a,t Its first meeting.
necessary for the conductevent there is not shallofbeany
finds a student guilty of a charge tal of 1,320. Of this number 400
over by a member of the Council a Sec. 9. In the
regular member of the Council
preferred against him, and agrees were graduate students.
Sec; 5. Meetings shall be held
delegated" for that purpose by the who is on the staff of the Kentucky
upon the sentence, the student
president of the Council. Both Kernel, then the men members of j throughout the school year at the shall appear before the Council
Before the first day of registraSophomore representatives may not the staff of the Kentucky Kernel discretion 01 me president 01 ine and the sentence be pronounced tion was over, the enrollment swelled to a higher mark than that of
be from the same college. In event shall have the right to elect from Council, but there shall be a meetto him by the president of the
the qualified electors of the Sopho- their membership a representative ing held at least once a month.
Council, such sentence to take the first term of last year, 1,256
Sec. 6. A special meeting will be
entering school at that time. This'
more class of any college fail to on the Student Council.
effect immediately.
held upon the request of the presinumber was thought to be a record
select a candidate, the members of
Sec. 12. Written notice of each
dent or five members of the Council.
would stand for some time at
the Council shall have the power
case to be considered by the that University, but the number this
Sec. 7. A favorable vote of the
(Officers of the Coancll)
to nominate a candidate from that
Council shall be filed with the summer topped it by G4.
Section 1. The officers of the majority of the members present
The names of the Sophoshall be necessary to pass" any Senate Committee through the
more candidates shall be filed with Council shall be a president,
The courses offered to students
measure or to decide any question Dean of Men.
and secretary-treasure- r.
the secretary of the Council by the
the first term Included a full list
Sec. 13. The president of the in all the six colleges in the Unimember of the Council in charge The election of officers shall be as unless otherwise provided in this
Council shall give written notice versity and the Graduate school.
of the meetings within five days provided in Article 3, Sections 6 and Constitution.
Sec. 8. Roberts' Rules of Order
to the Dean of Men and the Regafter the nominations. The elec- 7. The president and
Dr. William S. Taylor, dean of
tion of the representatives of the of the Council shall be bona fide shall govern the procedure of all istrar of the University of each the College of Education, was di
Sophomore class by the Council, students of the Senior class whose meetings of the Council, except In sentence when it is imposed.
rector for the summer, assisted by
shall be within (en (10) days after standing Is such as to assure their cases wherein such rules conflict
(Article 2)
Dr. Wellington PatricK, neaa oi tne
J graduation
at the end of the year. with the provisions of this Constituthe candidates are nominated.
Section 1. Any student expelled, University extension department.
tion or the
Sec. 5. The Freshman class shall
suspended or deprived of his social President Frank L. McVey and the
be represented by the male officer
Section 1. The president shall
privileges by the Council shall have regular board of administration
(Powers of the Council)
of the highest rank; his election preside at all meetings, appoint all
the right to appeal to the Universihad full charge of University
shall immediately qualify him for committees, and perform such duSection 1. Any member of the ty Senate. This right shall termin- business and continue work.
membership on the Council; he ties as are usually incumbent upon Council may be removed lor any ate upon the expiration of ten days
interesting feature of the first
cause deemed sufficient by two-thir- from the time notice of the sen term was a
shall not have the right to vote.
such officer.
series of trips by which
Sec. G. The election ly the CounSec. 2. The
of the members of the Coun- tence is served upon the student.
summer students became better ac- cil of one of its members to serve perform the duties of the president cil.
Sec. 2. The Council shall have' qualnted wltn points of interest in
during the following year shall be if he is absent or Incapacitated.
Sec. 2. A vacancy occurring In the power to arrange an appropri- th Bhe Grass
held on or before the third Friday
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Council shall be filled by the ate contest annually between the
Second Term
secretary-treasurin May; the member elected shall jthe
to take and Council, but the system of repre- Freshmen and Sophomore men stube presldehlk .of .ttie. JpOancil during preserve corrcct'mimltes of the pro' sentation of classes and colleges dents of the University.
Enrollment for the second semes- -,
shall be preserved.
Sec. 3. The Council shall select ter of the summer session reached
Sec. 3. (1) The Council shall have at Its first regular meeting of each a total of 721, breaking the prethe power to regulate the conduct school year, one of Its members to vious record of last year's second
of undergraduate men students at represent it at the meetings of the ; term registration of 674 by 47 stu- all University or student functions; Universitv Senate, and one to reD- - aents.
(2) To prescribe rules for the resent it at the meetings of the Dis
Registration began at 8 o'clock
conduct of Freshmen;
cipline Committee. The president and continued through a week.
. (3) To act in
with of the Council shall have the power Approximately 625 students enrollbody In to appoint xa member of the Coun- ed the first day, according to inthe women's
arranging the social calendar and cil as a special representative to the formation received from Dean Tayestablishing rules for the holding of University Senate at any time he lor.
all dotllllons, dances, hops, enter- deems it proper.
In connection with the summer
tainments and exhibitions, subject
, sessions, a catalog including infor
to the approval of the University
mation as to enrollment, ciassinca-tio- n,
Senate Committee; and
housing, fees, courses, a sched(4) To make all
ule of lectures andhburs of recishall be necessary and proper for
tation was compiled and published
banking iiiiu c.MtuiiuM me luieyu- for the benefit and aid of the stuing powers, and all other powers
vested irl the Student Council by
"The purpose of summer school,"
tlls Constitution.
45 Counties Represented by said Dean Taylor, "is to offer an
80 Men and 28 Women; Uni- opportunity to teachers, superinSection 1. This Constitution and
versity Faculty Members tendents and supervisors to take
shall become effective upadditional work and keep up with
Assist in Work.
on ratification by the University
the recent Improvements in eduSenate.
Forty-fiv- e
counties were represent- cation; for undergraduates toshortSec. 2. Any part of this Constituw
may be Tepealed ed in the fifth annual week's course additional work and thereby
tion or any
en their length of time spent in
by .a three-fourtvote of the mem- in poultry raising at the University
for persons debers of the Council or by a" majority which was held late in July. Eighty the University, and Y. M. C. A., Y.
women, rep- siring training in
vote of the undergraduate
men men and twenty-eigresenting counties extending from W. C. A. and social welfare work."students of the University.
There are many students of this
Sec. 3. This Constitution may be Ashland to Fulton, were in attendance. Farm poultry problems were class who cauld not complete specamended by a favorable vote of
ial work and keep up to the minof the members of the Coun- considered and practical work given ute
with the latest educational
cil, provided a written copy of the in InrtMniT fMilHnf
proposed amendment has been sub- breeding stock and other operations. . methods if it were not for the sum
During the regular
mitted to the Council at a previous
Memoers oi tne university tacuity were assisted in the work by H, school year, these people are busy
teaching schools or are actively enSec, 4.
of the H. Steup, of "The Poultry Tribune,"
Council may be amended or new and Prof. Berley Winton, of the Uni gaged in other work. As a vesu'.t,
they must depend on the summer
ones adopted by a majority vote of versity of Missouri
session to give them an opportunity
Ti,n in-- H f imMnrc nf v,
the members of the Council, proSI at
- t0 !ten! tne "?l,versltyA.
vided a written copy of the propos- tucky Poultry Improvement Associaed amendment or
has been tlrm mooting rinrW M,o wwk vnt. ' """"US l" ouituua ui UlU uuivej accounts for the yearly Insubmitted to the Council at a pre' ed to continue its activities in be - sit'
half of the furthering of raising of "eu?c, ol wuuwii re8wniiB wr
vlous meeting.
At the same time
hnttnr and more nrnfltnhto nnnltrv special work.
regular students are permitted to
on the farms of the state.
(Article 1)
m tnanema courses
Arrangements were made to turn
Section 1. No undergraduate
and reduced rates of tuition.
male student shall, while under over to the Experiment Station suf
the influence of intoxicating liq-o- r, ficient funds with which to employ
field agent in poultry im- - HiCOnomiC I JF1SIS
be present at a University or a
student function.
A resolution was passed by the
Sec. 2. Freshmen shall wear
the regulation cap from the time board urging the International Baby
Chick Association to hold its 1030
of enrollment until the first FriA champion ringer of marriage
annual convention in Louisville.
day in May following.
polygamy, Condays
Other members present were W, bells in tho now ofcelebrates fewer
Sec. 3. Freshmen shall not atstantinople
tend the Junior From or Senior E. Pyles, Maysville; A. L. Volkers, weddings, annually, than any of the
Lexington; Strauter great
cities of the world.
Sec. 4.
Freshmen shall not Harney, Paris; George R. Turner,
Out of a population of 700,000
Campbellsvllle; Clyde Sanders, Lanbreak Seniors at student dances.
adults, only
are marcaster; Mrs. John Fister, Lexington;
Sec, 5. Freshmen shall be courried, according to statistics gatherteous to upjiertlassmen at all J. Holmes Martin and J. R. Smlti ed by a Belgian expert, M. Jacquart,
of the Experiment Station.
who has been conductlnc: the first
Sec. G. The Council shall have
reliable census ever taken in Tur-- j
power to summarily inflict approkey. Four hundred thousand bach- Will
priate punishment upon any stuana 100,000
a 4- TT i eiors ana bacneior-giri- s
dent for contempt of the Council
j widows, widowers, and divorced per- in accordance with Section 10,
sons who have not remarried, form
Night classes In advertising open-- 1
Article 1, of the
of the adult popula-ln- g
Sec. 7. Any student guilty of
Sept. 30 in the College in En- - tion.
perjury before the Council shall gineering and Commerce e
Unl-- 1
the first three months of 1928
be punished in accordance with versity of Cincinnati, Include; Prln- - mariages in the city totaled 1,050.
clples of advertising, marketing . In the same period this year the
Section 10, Article 1, of the
methods, advanced advertising, bus- - number dropped to 705.
Sec. 8. Any willful act or conIness English, theory and uses of
The severe economic crisis which
by a student such as causes color, design and lettering and prin- - Turkey is traversing Is a factor of
or threatens a substantial injury clples of design.
the amazingly widespread celibacy.
Registration for the 150 U. C. Taxes are going higher every year,
to the property or reputatiou of
the University, or to the students night courses in engineering, com-- 1 and the cost of necessities every
merce and applied arts will be Sept. month. Proportionately down goes
thereof, shall be unlsliable in accordance with Section 10, Article 23 to 27, from 6:30 to 9 p. in. in the the ability of the averuge man to
1, of the
Engineering Building.
support anybody but himself.

franchised by the action of the
Student Council).
Sec. 2. All candidates for membership on the Council shall have a
scholastic standing of one or better
at the time of the election and shall
not be on probation for any cause.
If, after election, a member Is placed on probation, he Is automatically
disqualified to serve on the Council
and the Council shall elect a successor in accordance with Section 2,
Article 6, of the Constitution.
(Election of Council Members)
Section 1. The members of the
Student Council shall be:
Six members of the Senior class;
four members of the Junior class;
two members of the Sophomore
class; and one member of the
Freshman class. To Insure the permanency and promote the efficiency of the organization, one member
shall be elected each year by the
Council to serve the succeeding
Sec. 2. The six representatives of
the Senior class shall be elected,
one from each college, by the qualified electors of the Senior class of
that college, at a meeting called for
that purpose, which shall be held
the second Friday in May, such
meeting to be under the direction
of the Senior member of the Council from that college.
Sec. 3. The Junior class shall
have four representatives on the
Student Council. For the purpose
of representation, the colleges of the
University shall be listed in the
following order: Agriculture, Arts
and Sciences, Commerce, Education,
Engineering and Law. To effect a
system of rotation of representation,
a representative from the colleges
of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences,
Commerce and Eduoation shall be
elected in the year 1929 to serve
during the following year. In 1930-3- 1
the colleges of Agriculture and
Arts and Sciences shall be unrepresented. In 1931,-3- 2 - the .colleges of









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