United States Attorney, Louisville 9A
_ 67. PROHIBITION AED NARCOTIC REPORTS, 1956 to date, `‘=. Tiolations as sub-
· p mitted by federal agents. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 open files, 2 ft., in
- filing case. R, 215, (528)
lied ` Piscal Accounts
68. EXPENSE VOUCHERS, 1897 - 1898. Vouchers for personal expenses of at-
.J1- _ torneys and assistant attorneys, (Never,) h x 9 folded documents, 2 ft., in
~_‘ (4, _ upright steel and wooden holders on enclosed wooden shelf. Dirty, sooty, R.
,» gl »,,M[` 268, (2677)
.U‘ ·_.· 69. DUPLICATE ACCOUNTS, 1906 - 1912, Expense accounts of attorneys and
5 ¤ · 1 ,: assistant attorneys, Arranged chronologically, (Never.) h x 9 folded on-
; y, V f7 velopes, 2 ft., loose papers on steel shelf, R, 268. (2728)
,(x7; ldd 70. TELEGRAMS AID ACCOUNTS, Jan. 1927 - 1929. Copies of telegrams and
V cost records, (Yearly, official,) 5 l/2 x 9 papers, 16 ft., in 10 drawers cj
steel filing cases, R, 215. (552)
- - . Miscellaneous
el . ( 71. WITNESS DISCHARGE ORDERS, 1906 — 1921, (Never,) h x 9 folded papers, 7
V I 6 ft., in steel upright document holders. R, 268. (268h)
_ c. 72. GRAND JURY DOCKETS, Nov, 19lh - Sept. 1950. Register of all grand
lr H _ jurors. Indexed, (Monthly, official.) 10 x 15 vols, (8), 2 ft. h in., in
. ‘ cabinet, R. 211, (71h)
{ , 75. REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, Apr, M, 1919 to date. Dockets containing
,,_' _, brief record of complaints filed and disposed of. Indexed. (monthly, offi-
_»i cial,) 12 x 15 and 12 x 18 vols. (18), h ft., on shelves in enclosed cabinet
.. ,.,1, Rs.2ll, 218. (715, 18h)
,._ 7M. WITNESS DOCKETS, Apr. 1921 — Jan. 1926, Record of witnesses summoned
e ,_V_ and amount of fees paid. Indexed. (Never,) 10 x 15 vols., 5 in., on eneles
, ` wooden shelf. nusty, R, 211, (711)
_ Correspondence
j(~- 75. LETTERS AND ORDERS OF ATTORNEY GENEhLL, 1886 - 1897. Instructions am
‘ orders issued to the attorney, Arranged chronologically. (Never.) h x 9
folded papers, l ft., in pasteboard box on steel shelf, R. 268, (27hl)
- 76. CORRESPONDENCE, 1925 - 1927. Accumulated through ordinary office pro·
· _ cedure, grranged chronologically, (harely, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 6
‘ S ft., in 5 drmrers ef filing case, R. 215. (529)
official.) 10 x 15 folders, 5 ft., in drawers of steel filing case. R, 211.
( ee )
·» - 78. LIEUIL REPOBTS, 1927 - 1955, Summaries of activities of courts as
compiled by attorney and submitted to the ntterney General, Filed chronolog-
1 lcally. (ienthly, official.) l0 3 15 envelopes, 1 ft., i; drawer of filing
·, ease, a, 215. (551)