United States Marshal, Louisville ll
· Criminal
· · 87. REGISTER OF UNITED STATES PRISONERS, 188h 4 189h. (Never.) 18 x 2h
vols, (2), 6 in., on steel shelf. Bindings broken, R, 208, (5521)
88, CRIMINAL PROCESS BOOK, Oct, 1886 - June, 1896, Indexed by docket,
(Never,) 12 x 18 vols. (5), 9 in., on steel shelf, Bindings broken. R.
· · 208, (5527)
· i · Dates of commitment and discharge, Indexed, (Never,) 10 x 15 vols, (5),
9 in., on enclosed steel shelf, R, 268, (266h)
I 90. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, 1909 - Nov. 1915; Nov. 19lh - may 1925; 1950 to
- · date, Indexed, (Older records never; late records, daily, official,) 12
x 18 and 16 x 2h vols, (60), 18 ft., on wooden and steel shelves, Old
dockets, covers dirty. Rs, 26, 206, (2650, 57hh)
91. ALIEN REGISTRATIONS, 1917 - 1918, Registration of all enemy aliens,
residing in the district, during the World War. Arranged alphabetically.
(Rarely, official,) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case,
R. 2O6• (5757) _
92. LIST OF REGISTRANTS, 1917 · 1918, Registration of enemy aliens dur-
~“ ing`World`War, Arranged alphabetically, (Rarely, official,) 8 1/2 x ll
‘ ‘ folders, 5 ft., in wooden filing ease. R, 206, (5750)
~ 95. COMMITMENT CARDS, 1951 to date, For Jefferson, Daviess, 1eCraeken,
r Nelson, Warren counties, Arranged alphabetically, (Weekly, official.) 5
‘ ` x 5 cards, 9 ft., in 9 drawers of filing ease, R, 206, (5758)
9h. ‘INDEX, 195M to date, Criminal index showing docket and ease numbers
n (Weekly, official.) 8 1/2 x 11 bundle, 1 ft., in desk drawer, R, 206.
I (5755)
95. BERTILLON RECORDS, 1955 to date, Finger prints, name of criminal,
alias used, date of arrest, classification, signature, color, sex, criminal
and personal history of individual, age, height, weight, date of birth and
·, information submitted to FBI in Washington. Alphabetically arranged,
` (Weekly, official.) 8 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in drawer of wooden desk, R, 206.
V (57%)
» 96. WARRANTS, 1955 to date, Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.
. Q 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drmxer of steel filing case, R, 206. (57hl)
. Fis eel, Ac c cunt s
V1. 97. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 188L - 190h; 1922 — 1925, Money received and expende
by Marshal, (Never,) 12 x 18 vols, (8), 1 ft., L in., on steel shelf,
Bindings broken, R, 208, (552h, 5528)
. ‘ V 98» CASH BOOKS, 1896 - 1927, All money received and expended, (Never,)
.» » 18 X 20 Vols. (2), 6 in., on enclosed shelf, Covers badly broken, R, 268.
- (5516)