United States Attorney, Covington 2
5. REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, Sept. 1901 -Sqm.. 1929. Used as docket to
various complaints, and shows action taken. Fifty-one volumes numbered 1
to M8, including four volumes of number 1. Indexed. (Never.) 12 x 18
vols., 18 ft., on enclosed wooden shelves. Covers dusty. R. 5. (850)
ht GRAND JURORS AND WITNESS DOCKETS, Nov. 1901 -Sepm 1950. Names of
grand jurors and witnesses assigned to criminal cases. All dockets come
plete to 1928, except Covington and Richmond, where last entry was made
in 1925. Indexed. (Never.) ll x 16 vols. (17), 5 ft., on enclosed wood-
en shelf, Covers dirty, sooty, R. 5. (851)
5. CIVIL DOCKETS, 1902 - 1922, Cases and judgments rendered in courts.
, Indexed. (Never.) 16 x 18 vols. (2), 2 ft., on enclosed wooden shelves.
Covers dirty, sooty, R. 5. (8MM)
o 6. CORRESPONDENCE, 1902 - 1952. Letters to and from pardon officials,
Attorney General, internal revenue officers, prohibition commissioner in
Washington, commissioners and other persons contacted in perfomnancc of du-
ties. (Never.) 9 x 12 vols., letter files and paper packages, 22 ft., on
- enclosed wooden shelves. Covers sooty, dusty, bindings broken, ink faded.
R. 5. (855)
7. WITNESS DOCKETS, 1905 - 1928. When witnesses were summoned, report-
ed for duty, and when discharged. For all courts in district dockets are
complete to 1928, but first entries were made as follows: Frankfort, 1905;
London, Covington, Richmond, 190h; Jackson, 1909; Catlettsburg, 1910; Lex-
ington, 1920. Indexed. (Never.) 8 x 12 vols. (50): 5 ft., on enclosed
wooden shelves. Covers dirty, sooty, bindings broken. R. 5. (855)
8. ·CONMISSIONERS TEPORTT, 1912 - 195h. Trial reports, correspondence,
dockets, other papers and reports, submrtted to the Attorney, by commis-
sioners. Filei chror;l2g;ezl1y with dates on outside of packages. (Never.)
"’ 9 x ll bundles, 167 fi., On enclosed wooden shelves. Outside wrappers
--_ soety. R. 5. (856)
9. ANNUAL REPORTS, 1915 - 195h. Copies of reports of activities, sub-
mitted to Attorney General at Washington. (Never.) 12 x 15 packages,
` wrapped in heavy paper, 8 ft., on enclosed wooden shelves. R. 5. (8h5)
Papers pertaining to cases brought before court. (Never.) Variously
sized bundles wrapped in heavy paper, 50 ft., on enclosed wooden shelves.
Dirty, sooty, scattered. R. 5. (BM6)
11. CORRESPONDENCE, 1915 - 195M. From and to officers of the district
. court. (Never,) 9 x 12 loose papers and loose-leaf book, 10 ft., in 10
wooden filing case drawers. Dirty, sooty. R. 7. (BMO)
,_ pondence and copies of e1erk*s transcripts and other records relative to
·<, 5 93395 ¤U¤b©Tod 5G9 to 1a59. Filed numerically by court docket numbers.
j (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 2h ft., in 12 drawers of wooden filing casoS.
Dirty, sooty, R. 7. (BLQ)
iA~16·6 ~i·