

Vol. X FA I




of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky.. Friday, Oct. 15.




Card Section
Is Abandoned
Snkvs card section "ranted approval onl lust n Is - li.H
lieen discontinued at l .ist lor tins M'.ir .is tin' tcsiilt t a will
melee of card throw inn at Salurdav s nhiii n-- l kl lixillull o.itne.
thletic Director liernte Miiw
requested tin- disc oiitmu- .iik i' in a letter tit tlic student pep oru.uuatiou
l!f ports to Silky indl alert that
at least Inn persons rrr injured
In the spontaneous
card throw- J
neither of them seriously













damage was reported to hand

irstruments of the Marching



In his letter to Sukv. Mr Sliue-l- y
said. "The throwing of the iirds
in the card .section at Sat in da V
riiuht's earne forces me to request
Sukv to do awav with the rard

18-2- 3

An editorial discussing Saturday
night's card throw lnc incident and
the subsequent discontinuance of
suky's card section appears un

Stan's Ihtml


ji lists will bp featured Thursday night when Stan Krnton brings his Festival of Modern
American S. ii Stars In the Coliseum. They are tup row I. to r Art Tatum, Stan Krnton. Shorty
-. I
Rogers, a.ffoirlie Ventura: (bottom row, I. to r.l Candido. shelly Manur, Mary Ann MrCall, and



Stan 'The Man '
Heads Jazz Show
Thursday Night

Rush Plan
Will Benefit;
Small Frats




and Iraternity academie standards ;md the selection ol Hilly
May to play at the annual ll'C
Y1k ol modern jadom will appear with "The
' in. the Community Concert dance were approved
J'estival of Modern American Ja.
Iiiterlrateriiit Council this
and Lec ture series at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Memorial Coliseum. week.
modern musical autyrgations- - Stan Kenton's
Three i i
The revised plan, adopted Tuesorchestra. Sh. itv lloners and his Ciants, leatnrini; Shelly Mamie, day night, allows fraternities with
ill or less active members to conand the Cluilie Ventura (Quintette w ill hiuhliuht the ja
tinue rushing the




festival now cclehratihU its second year.
Other Jaax greats featured on Tatum. another ol the lenders in
the program ol progressive music Thursday night's Coliseum perinclude the jaw master of the formance.
piano. Art Tatum; bass handled
Tutum has an increasing reperby Slam Stewart; Everett Barks-dal- e tory ot selections which he has
on guitar; Mary Ann Met all Worked out in his unique blendinu
will handle the vocals; the sensa- of jazz feeling
and technique.
tion of the fcuitar, Johnny Smith
The vocalist of the jaaz show,
and the ultra modern sounds of

salute to the I'nited Nations w ill he ohscrved on campus net week with displays,
conferences, and a series of
talks on dillcriit phases of l'

The week-lon- t;
prog! am, sin-- :
soted by the campus Leaiiue ol
Women Voters, is an annual
tempt to focus attention on activities of the world-wid- e
Dr. Samuel
Inman. noted
I'nited Nations authority, will
speak on "A New Strategy for the
I nited Nations" at 'I a.m. Monday
in Ouignnl Theater.
A second speech by Dr. Inman.
in conjunction with UN week, will
deal with "The Near Hast, the
Arab League and the Communist
Threat." It is scheduled lor Monday noon in the football room of
the Student Union.
Dr. Inman is a former adviser
on foreiKn affairs to the State Department and consultant at tiie
UN conference in Sai Francisco
in 1945.
He is the author of some 15
books and has recently written approximately Kit articles for the
new edition of' Collier's Fncyclo-pedion which he serves as an
associate editor.
President of Worldover,
Dr. Inman is alflllaled with the
Federal Council of Chun lies' Commission of International Goodwill.
He was a member of the factfinding mission of Christian leaders
sent to the. Holy Land to
the practicability of the UN

semester while limiting the larger
chapters to one- - week beginning
Friday. Semester rushing will affect Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Farm House, and Tau
Kappa Fpsilnn.
The IKC also voted in favor of
Dean of Men L. L. Martin's recommendation to change the fraternity academic standards. The proposed plan, subject to faculty ap- Jerusalem Internationalization
proval, places, academic stand. nt plan.
Born in Texas and educated at
on a semester rather than a yearly
Columbia University. Dr Inman
Dec. 11 was selected as the date lived in Mexico for 10 years. He
Continued on Pane 16i
(Continued on Pane 6


Carnival Gales Open Tonight




"I feel that it is a veiv ttanner- our practice and I am alraitl


will net



Warren I.utz. UK band director,
'hat two instruments
were broken by the I lying cards.
The card section, which had
planned to present several tricks
before the half, was no a tile to do
so after spectators knocked down
its speakrr svstem. A futile attempt was marie to present several
tricks without the use of the
('alley Moncure. Sukv member
m charge of the rard section, said.
T have never been so sick in mv
hie We spent so much tune and
el fort to make this the most
card section ever
"Card sections wink at other
st'h",s' 1 ""'l s,," 'hV '
More than 100 cards were lost
or mutilated in the throwing
A rommitlee has been appointed!
by Suky to work In conjunction
with the Student Oovernment Association in hopes of having a rard
section next year.,




Shorty Rogers.
Mary Ann Mi ( all, w ill sing Mings
Many muse critics have ac- that made her famous and have
claimed the Jh?. Festival as the
greatest sm.le contribution to kept her famous since I'lt.i. The
modern jazz. Special arrangements vocalist has been described as the
have been co..i posed and new Ideas gal whose voice Is what jazz is all
incorixii ated in this second edition about.
of the Kent. i, presentation.
Kenton will b at the helm of
the show Thi.ctav ninht, conduct- Inn his In rue :..udein orchestra in
an array of y. iz talent.
"Modern America's Man of Mil- - '
sic" Is the only bandleader to have
the distinction of winniim the' '1 w entv seven fraternities and sororities will
orchestra award on
participate in the annual Lances Carnival
three different ccca.sions.
Although Kenton considers him- l(l:'i() tonight under the north
self a name Californian. and it from 7:30 to
was there hebeijan laying the side of the Stadium.
foundation ol his musical future.
The winning fraternity anil sorority fll tlic
he was born in Wichita. Kansas,
To launch his "Presentations in queen ami ImmiIIi contests will
Progressive Jn:'7" In 1947. Kenton
trophies at the Carnival Dance, to Ik- - held
returned to E.ilboa. It was then
that the jazz leader decided to from S p.m. to midnight tomorrow. The
forsake the ballrooms in iavor of
Carnival queen also will 1m- - crowned at the
the concert state.
His third venture Into modern dance.
music began In ltjO, climaxed by
Lances, the junior men's honorary fraternity, has
the Hollywood Bowl performance purchased over $05 in trophies to award the queen
novations." Follow- - and the winners m the fraternity and sorority
of Kenton'i "li.
log the Bowl concert, he reformed divisions.
dance orchestra and
This h the first time the yearly carnival has been
returned to Balboa for the slim- staged under Mc Lean Stadium. According to Curtis
Songster, president of Laaicrs. the change will
The essence n! Jazz, the swinii-iiV- '. minimize the expense to booth sponsors, as inbeat, - the
et An dividual tents are no looter uccessury.


The Carnival Dance tomorrow will feature the
music of Charlie Blair and his orchestra. The two
attendants to the Carnival queen will be presented
also in the coronution ceremonies.
Additional music will be provided by Frank Wagoner's combo. Tables and chairs will be set up in
the ballroom and on the terrace. Admission will be
r person to the dance
A set price of 15 cents has been set for admission
to all booths this year. Curtis said. Judging will be
basrd on the quality of the booths and the amount
( money taken In.
All proceeds from the carnival and the dance are
to deused each year by Lances for scholarship
serving UK students.
queen was Marcia Wilder, Kappa
Last year's
troDelta: the Iraternity winner und runner-u- p
phies were taken by Kappa Alpha and Phi Delta
Theta respectively lu.-- t year. Delta Delia Delta and
Alpha Gumma Delta won first and second places
m tiie sorority division.
BKiih titles, queen candidates, and their sponsor
cm. test. Skeet
for tonight include Strrnuth-testint- i
Continued cm P..... S

UK Contralto

Will Sing
At Musieale
Phyllis Jenness. contralto, will
present the second concert in the
Stindav afternoon Musu ale series
at 4 HJ pm. Sunday 111 Me morial
Miss Jrnnesa has recently been
added to the music faculty and
this will be her first concert in this
area. She Is a graduate of Slate
Teachers College, Bridgewaier.
Mass., and has been a professional
singer and teacher In New York
past smen years. Tart
of Miss Jenness' teaching was aa
assistant to Orace Leslie, teacher
of singing, New York Citv Miss Jenness' experience In New
York included contralto arias in
the oratorios Messiah" and Elijah." and Havdns and Schuetz's
"Seven Last Words." 8he also appeared in the operatic roles of
"The Medium." and
"The Old Maid and the Thief
Miss Jenness has been soloist in
leading churches In Hartford and
New York and is now contralto
soloist with the Second Presbrter-ia- n
Homer Barnes will accompany
Miss Jenness for this concert.
The next concert of the series
will be on November 7 in the O'.iig-i- h
I T in u i e and
uiil leatuie Got
doll Kiiu.ev. cell, s', i.ncl the University Ino

