The Sun Shines Bright on our New Kentucky Home"
We hope Stephen Foster would not take offense at our liberties with his lyrics. Foster, as you know, felt a keen sentimental attachment to our state as portrayed in the words to his most famous composition, "My Old Kentucky Home." Like Foster, we at the morning HERALD and afternoon LEXINGTON LEADER are proud to serve Kentuckians.
But our new home, unlike Foster's, is not "far, far away." Located at the intersec-
Bfft^mlik *'n * ^a'n * Midland on the east end
of downtown Lexington, the new home of I    1 '    M    your HERALD and LEADER has been
jj-i- W\^L**|fiJ aptly described as "the most technology I 1/ /j   >1    cally advanced newspaper production fa-
     7#^f       I'lB    cility in the nation." ^^^^^^
Jry- ^ JaH ^ million investment Jj    in tne ft're of Kentucky,
our complex features so- m?5^^m
phisticated equipment manned by skilled profession- I fflW als, a working combination geared to deliver you
the best possible newspapers. Ihmmmm
Two computerized Goss Metro offset presses, the latest develop-ment in newspaper printing tech-
nology, highlight the innovations M^P/^ of our new home. Visible from ? lE^^jvSri^b
Midland Avenue behind almost three stories of unique glass frontage, these towering, high
speed presses can produce up to 65,000 newspapers per hour and guarantee color reproduction second to none in Kentucky.
Add to that an impressive array of other improvements, ranging from high speed, automated inserting equipment to separate video display terminals for each Herald and Leader reporter to rail facilities for the direct delivery and storage of 3,500 tons of news-^^^^^^ print, and you can readily see our firm commitment to the future of Kentucky.
Each and every improvement, of course, has been designed with one overall goal in mindto deliver more of what you buy a newspaper for. We believe our new facilities will help us attain that goal. 3s That's why we can say with confidence, "The sun HHPlI   shines bright on our new Kentucky home."
The Lexington Herald-Leader Company