Chapman, Thomas Huston, 34 byterian, 200; Mt. Harmony Bap-
Chapman, Judge Thomas Strother, tist, 181; Old Highland Baptist, 79;
_ 34, 200, 204 Presbyterian, 158; Presbyterian,
Charlton, Sue (second wife of near Caseyville, 134; Presbyterian,
‘ George Hite), 38 Morganiield, 82-83, 96, 101; Pres-
Cheshire, Dr. John S., 186 byterian, Spring Grove, 203; Pres-
Chicago Light Artillery, 49 byterian, Sturgis, 133-134; Presby-
Chickasaws, 8 terian, Sullivan, 183; Presbyterian,
Choctaws, 8 `Uniontown, 83; Sacred Heart Cath-
Christian Church, founding of, 83 olic, 81-82, 187, 189, 208; St. Agnes
Christian, John, 192 Catholic, 81-82, 90, 156, 161, 167.
Christian, Matthew, 191 214; St. Ambrose Catholic, 81, 208;
Christison, A. L,, 202 St. Ann’s Catholic, 82, 106, 214; St.
Christison, Charlie, 181 John’s Episcopal, 84, 157, 162; St.
Churches: Peter’s Catholic, 82, 131, 185, 189;
Antioch Methodist, 79, 209; Bap- Tabernacle Missionary Baptist,
tist, Boxville, 194; Baptist, Gran- Sturgis, 148, 237; Union Church
gertown, 196; Baptist, Grove Cen- Boxville, 194; Union Church, Casey-
ter, 197; Baptist, Little Union, ville, 80, 82, 170; Union Church, De-
201; Baptist, Morganfield, 79, 96, Koven, 176; Winter Chapel (Catho-
112; Baptist, Sturgis, 122; Bap- lic), 161; Woodland Baptist, Spring
tist, Uniontown, 79, 8,3, 154; Beth- Grove. 203; Zion Baptist, Pride and
any Baptist, 181; Cane Ridge Bordley, 183, 192, 202.
Meeting House (Bourbon Coun- Circuit court, 17-18
ty), 83; Christian, Bordley, 83, Circuit court clerk, 19
192; Christian, Boxville, 194; Circuit judge, 18
Christian, Caseyville, 83; Chris- Cissell, Judge Ben P., 205-203, 216
tian, Morganfield, 83, 96, 101; Cissell, T. K., 136
Christian, New Liberty, 83; Cissell, Wilfred, 205
Christian, Seven Gums, 83; Chris- Cissell, Will, 202
tian, Shiloh, 83; Christian, Stur- City Building, 108
gis, 83. 123, 237; Christian, Union- City Park, Sturgis, 132, 147
town, 83; Church of God, Mor- Civic Club, DeKoven, 179
ganfield (Negro), 84; Church of Civilian Conservation Corps
_ God, Sturgis, 146; Church of (see CCC)
Christ, DeKoven, 177; Colored Clapp, Ellen Richardson, 228
Sanctified, 84; Cumberland Pres- Clark, Anselm, 159
» byterian, Sturgis, 82, 134, 137; Clark, Cecilia (Mrs. Wilfred Cissell),
Cumberland Presbyterian, Casey- 205
ville, 82; Cypress, Commercial Clark. Judge Thomas J., 175
Point, 123. 195; Duval’s (Meth- Clay, James F., 176, 207
odist) Chapel, 79, 96, 209; First Clements, A. W., 206
Baptist, Sturgis, 90, 138-139; Clements, Judge Earle C., Forew.,
Freewill Baptist (Negro), 84; Pref., 206
Little Bethel Baptist, 79; Little _Clements. Edward Hanson, 3-I
Union Baptist, 47; McClure’s Clements, Elizabeth Hughes, 206
(Methodist) Chapel, 38: Metho- Clements house, 165
dist, Boxville, 194; Methodist, Clements, Martin J., 34
Caseyville, 80, 170; Methodist, Clements, Mary (Mrs. Hiram S.
DeKoven, 177; Methodist, Grove McElroy), 40
Center, 197; Methodist, Morgan- Clements, Patrick, 34
field, 79-80, 96, 100; Methodist, Clements, Samuel Lewis, 34, 77
Morganiield (Negro), 84; Metho- Clore, T. B,. 54
dist. Sturgis, 122, 133, 237; Meth- Coal companies and mines:
odist, Uniontown, 80, 154; Meth- Alloway Mine, 71, Bell coal mines.
odist, Uniontown (Negro), 84; 126, 145; Bell Coal and Navigation
Missionary Baptist, Morganiield Company, 142; Bell Union Coal and
(Negro), 84; Missionary Baptist, Coke Company, 69; Calloway’s
Sullivan. 183: Mt. Ephraim Cum- Mine. 181, 200; Casey's Mine, 34:
berland Presbyterian. 82; Mt. Co-operative Company 70; Cum-
Pleasant Baptist, Uniontown berland Coal Company. 126, 196:
‘N€gI`())_ 84: Mt. Pleasant Pres- Cumberland Iron and Land Com-