é_ hours. Prereq: ME 151 and engineering upper divisnon Uranium resources and cost, nuclear plant costs and req: Engmeenng upper drvusnon status; prereq or con-
`H- Status. the interrelation between mgonvectional and nuclear riufi ME 325- ‘
ll powercosts. Prereq: ME 475 or ME 514. ` H
¤— 1
1E Formulation of economic relationships. Familiarization An exploration of modem instrumentation techniques The f0fm6¤¤f]. d¤$D€f5¤¤¤, 8¤d ¤0¤!f0| of ¤¤f_¤¤||U¤¤{¤ E ?
with alternate mechanical systems and application of and problems; transducer principles; analysis of dy- fron) combustion processes. Computer modelmg for arr ; {
3) economic principles of selection of alternates. Prereq: namio response of instrumentation systems; theory of QUBIITY [mpafii 6$$€$$mF¥)T; Pwmqi ME 321. ME 330 } ‘
.€ ME 321. engineering upper division status or consent of measurements; random processes; pressure; temper· and €¤QlT\€€fl¤g UDDBY d!VlSl0¤ status. o `
g_ instructor. agure, strain gauges ami iniartiixl Tegsureréwergq tech- ME 568 SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS (3) A e
_ · mques; magnenc, op aca, eec rosa nc an o or ra- _ _ _ __ _ . _ ~ `E
5_ ME 359 MANAGEMENT ENG|NEER|NG_ (3) cording systems; automatic data reduction; measure. Solar radiation availability, materials and properties for 1] gy
a_ Analysis of systems for material control, quality control, mem of errors. Prereq: ME 310 and engineering upper ¤¤“€¢Y¤¤'$ and thermal €¤€F9Y $Y0F¤99. hea! Yf¤¤$f€•’ m · -
Ii_ and production control. Includes applicatiodn oi linear division status collectors zzgd sgoragf systims. Desl¢‘gg13€Uf ¤¤ f|}9h¥. $D¤¢€ mg')! and ¤¤d\·!$\¤6| €¤V¤f¤Qm€m$· wi
" valves, gears. and materials of construction. Lzcturc, consent ofinsrrucmr. (Same as CE 529.) ghe physrcral ami bezavyoral rzactnorg 0f_ orglagsms to _ My
three hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: ME3 1 and ynamnc, t erma , ra natnve an gravntatnona resses.
en 'neerin u e division stat s. ME 530 GAS DYNAMICS. (3) Mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic performance of {
3) gl g pp I u Consideration of the mass, energy and force balances b¤d.Y $UbSVSi€l'¤§- USB of NW6 hU{¤6¤ D§3f¤f¤9\€f§ in the V
ME 366 THERMAL POWER SYSTEMS. (3) applied to compressible fluids. Isentropic flow, diabatic d¤$|Q¤ of P¥0T€0UV€ and P[0$ih?U¤ d9V'€€§6_"fj me $UP‘ _ f
Application of basic thermodynamics, fluid mechanics flow, flow with friction, wave phenomena and one—di— POW $Y$i€¤’¤S· F{¥€f€¤¢ E¤Q¤¤€€¤'¤¤Q UPPBY d·v·$¤¤¤ Status
3) and heat lf8|'1Sf6I’ to the analysis of thermal SYSI€mS. In- menslonal gas dynamics, Applications tg duct flows End consent 0fl¤5lfUCt0l'. I
nd ternal and external combustion power plant systems and to jet and rocket propulsion engines. Prereq; ME ’
at and n0n—c0mbustion thermal systems are analyzed. 321, ME330and engineering upperdivision status. Q}/|EEC3€:|Z)OEB%h¢ENT$ OF AEROSPACE (3) w
Z1 Commercial aspects 0f thermal systems are studied. ` _ - _ _ _ _
Prereq: ME 321 and engineering upper division status. ME 531 FLUID DYNAMICS I. (3) Flight performance of airborne and ballnsuc vehucles.
- Stress at a point (introduced as a tensor of rank two). Space vehicle prqpulsicn and structures. The space en- .
3) ME 371 SEMINAR. (T) Equation of conservation ofmass, rate of strain tensor, V{V¤¤¥T]€m· Man IF §P8€€- PF€T€¤$ ME 327 and 330, 6***
gr Students will undertake literature searches on a major derivation of Navier-Stokes equation, source—sink Q¤¤€€¤¤9 UD¤9¥d¤V¤S¤¤¤ $¥aT¤S· V
A engineering problem and will report orally on these find- flows, motion due to a doublet, vortex flow, two- and _ _ _ _ `
ings approximately once a week. A written summary of three-dimensional irrotational flow due to a moving cyl- Pf€¤’€¤¤¤$¤¥€ fm 9f¤d¤6¥€_ W0¥k¤ $Y¤d€¤Y$ d€$"'*¤Q Y0
these presentations will be submitted at the end of the inder with circulation, two—dimansionaI airfoils. Prereq: i¤k€ 8¤Y 0* fhe *°"0W"'•9 ¤0¤F$€$_ Should UBVG a
3) semester. Lectqra,_ two hours per week. Prereq: Engi· ME 330, MA 4326 and engineering upper division ih0{:u9h;{V0*'k"’*9 kn0W|€d9€ 0* €h€m'$Y*’V, DhY$*C$ and
,9 nearing upper division status. status. ma (ima 'C$· `
IS ME sac Tomc uv Mac:-aAN¤cA¤. me 540 ANAn.vsns AND suv¤un.ATnoN OF ME_61<> ENGINEERING ACOUSTIFZS _ _ <3>
,9 ENGINEERING (VARIABLE TOPICS). (3) DYNAMIC SYSTEMS. (3) R€V'?W 0* the BIEWEMS Qf '“€°h¤”'°§' V'b'a"°[‘· ¤'°P‘
A lecture-recitation course on a topic of current in- The analysis and computer simulation of mechanical ¤9at'Q¤ °f WGVES W! €°_m'“U°u$ med'?} ?°°u$t"? WaV°
terest. Modern developments in mechanical ¢?ngineer— systems with emphasis on the development of §$;:)aY;1nlgygrégPgygggo"m;·;ng?;r$;‘f§'%Rt€?fdzzaglld *
ing will be stressed. Offered as a technica eective in mathematical models, the experimental dezerminarion U _ · _ _ _ ·
mechanical en ineering. May be repeated to a max- of system properties and the prediction of transient and A¤¤L{$¥*¤ m€¤$L{|’9m€¤Y ¥€¤h¤*¤¤€$2 aDP|*¤¤¤¤¤$ ¥¤ m€· ` `
3) 9 . . . .
,9 imum of nine credits. Prereq: Variable, given when steady-snare response. Singlg degree and ynuIu_-glegreeé cha”'¢a' and Hmd $Y$¥€m$— P'€'€¤· EM 5*3 °*' ME540- ~
d topic identified and engineering upper division status. of-freedom systems. The e ect of non-Innearmes an, V
Q. N coulomb friction. Prereq: CS 221, ME 343 and engr-   ENGINEERING (3)
I. ME 390 TECH OLOGY AND neeringuppardivisnon status. __ ~ _ ~
4 WESTERN CULTURE (ag) Qrmcal treatment of the Iayvs of therzmodynanucs, rela-
' Interaction of technology and Western culture with nl- ME 542 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF ¤0¤$¤m¤¤9Th€¥m¤dY¤6m*€ DYODBVUESI $t¤b¤|¤W ¤f $Y$·
, lustrations from the classical, medieval, Renaissance, MECHANISMS, (3) YGFYQSJ ih€l’m0dY¤8m|C DFOCGSSBSZ selected $D€¤|8| ` »_
3) Englightenment, 19th Century, and modem periods. Fundamentals in the analysis and synthesis of mech- ¥0D¤¤S· PV€V€¤f ME32T- ,
a_ Emphasis on the character of the interaction. Limited anisms including coupler curves, guided plane systems `
5 disucssion of technical and quantitative aspects of and linkage design. Prereq; ME 344, EM 313 and engi- ME 621 ADVANCED ENGINEERING
,Q technology. Present and projected technical problems. nggring upper division $;atus_ THERMODYNAMICS _||._ _ _ _ (3) ·
jd o Prereq: HIS 212, or four semesters or mathematics or Br%¤t¤:1c¤ver¢:(s}i>¤;Sr?t¤5r¤c·?;4 Tiph¤¤é¤w<·¤¤r·c rhivrv J
SCi6¤C8, OT two semesters of history or consent 0f MA 543 KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY, (3) `8¤ €0Fy0 UC_U§ \0¤S- B8 ¤0¤S_ 8 €6¤_qUB¤ U_m V
instructor. A continuation of ME 542, dealing with glje motion of and €_|¤$$'¤¤| $T6¤$*'¤$i B¤¤rzr¤¤¤¤ '¤}€9(°`d*ff€*’€¤¤a' I _
3) ME P N T WORK IN rigid planes passing thrcugh5rE£1ItipIe positions. Theory ggzaéggligggrgs SZEZBYEIJJZSS:]Séti»::P;$1?¤g31$€:20E2;· =
395 INDE E DEN and application. Prereq: ME . · · · V
ne .
ar . . . .
Specnal research and problems for mdnvndual students ME 563 BASIC COMBUSTION PHENOMENA. (3) . -
Q who wish to pursue independentinvestigations. Maybe sgmuhaneous application Of fluid mechanics, hea; and ME 625 ADVANCED HEAT CONDL{CT}ON: _ (3) VL
· repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prereq: Consent mass transfer, chemical kinetics and thermodynamncs C0m¤V?h€¤$'V€ $5mdY Of heat P°¤duC*'°"‘· der·v==¤·<>¤ 0* ,`
|$ . . . .
1 of department chanrman. to combustion. Topics covered include chemncal knnet- 9°V€m'“9 _€¤Ua¥'°"$; d's°U$$'°“ 9* me Va"°u$ b°*}“‘ ’
f ` ics, chain and thermal explosions, detcnation and def|a— d6FY_¤0¤d*Y§0¤SJ {€V¤€W 0f GIGSSICBI h€8t C¤¤duCtl¤n ,
M ME 475G INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR gmrion, flammabiliry limits, stirred reactom. Flame sta- S°'u*!°"$2 d'$°U$§'°“ 9* °u”°'?* P!'°b|€m$· m°th°d$ 0*
Z ENGINEERING. (3) bilization in high and low velocity streams, Iammar and $_0Iut'°"‘ and 9"*9'n€€"fn9 aPP|*CaY'°“$ 0f heat C°nduc‘ ‘
ix Introduction to basic topics of nuclear science. lmerac- tuybmem dmusjon names, dmpm burning, and mggql tnon. Prereq or concur. MA 432G. a x
tion of radiation with matter. Design and operation of combustion. Prereq: ME 330 and engineering upper n- ‘
`" nuclear reactors, shielding, instrumentation, health vision status; prereq or concur: ME 325. 'éA0Emg$ghgr;¥/’;*;1515$0¢EgaL g£x;§g[:_Odr:;ivati°n(gz `
physics, fuel cycles, use of radioisotopes. Prereq: PHY _ _ . i
232, MA214. ME 564 Pn0Pun.s10N SYSTEM DESIGN. (3l €¤¤¤**°"$ °* °°*“’€°*'°" 0*, '“°$5· '“P'"°"“*'{‘· and
\ Design of systems for aircraft or missile propulsion. €¤€[’9Y2 b¤undary1averequar¤o·ns; classncal solutnongof h I
§' ME 4806 THERMAL ENVIRONMENTAL Centrifugal compressors, axna|»fl0w compressors, tur· Iammaf €0¤V€€Y|0¤ P¥0b‘€m5· ¥¤"b\-Hem C0¤V€¤f|0¤. x `
“} ENGINEERING. (3) bine and exhaust systems, and combustron chambers. a;a|°9“;$4g$gV€€n momentum and €n€'9V- P"9"€q· ME E ·
31 An i|'\i|’0dUC(0|’Y CO$fSi]Emp?3SiZiI:1Q the ihgilgeering gggiurz,   hgqrg; |ab0ra3j9ry,·¤N0th:>urs_ Prereq: ME 3 5. M OV CONCUTTBNY- _
systems aspects o t erma envnronmen a asngn. an engmeenng upper nvnsnons a us. _ .
a` Principles and applications of building energy     *’*AfD'{_*T'O'f   TRA:]S§ER· . . (3; `
’“ requirements and thermal comfort criteria. Prereq: ME · ME 565 ENERGY ENGINEERING. _ (3) "')°'P as ° Y €'ma 'Z ':"°"· { € $‘€'g!"'?t'°“ ° ‘ _
325 and engineering upper division status or consent of Energy supply and demand, material and_ energy 'ad'a"°" S'°P?""€i· an i 8 §}"a_Y$*$ 0 *3 'aY'°*’! h€¤¥ -
instructor. balancesforfossil fuel to fuel conversnon mclqdmg ther- Y'a"*$f°[· BSU YS 0 Kecenga *a§°“”é'§zg¤*¤h:i;;€ ¤¤· ` ; ;
3: modynamic considerations, analysis of electncal p0v•{e1 ;:Jr?;?r:;r::*€ d¤$€¤5$¤¤¤5· FBYBQ- , M G or j  3
I RI/IE 514 NUCLEAR_ REA(;|L'OI;(_ ANALYSIS |. I f'   gemaragnonpby conxaggtgazrgal rrljetfyfss ?lSlEb\§2%0;$¤§;|6E · l}
" eutron Cr05S—s6CK|0hs, 6 ISSIOH pI’OC8$S. n INI 6 met 0 s, rereq: an en EY _` gi
9; medium critgzality calculations, thegcurfaclzcr formxla. 220 and engineering upper division status. (Same 65 %i06r§·`2nE;l£5 Ogwwwéhslggivillé emphasis on viscogg ~ ‘ y
J N t d' ' d I win own t e . e CME565.) . . "
" thilorlan cri;icl:aiRn cgczulaiigns ?0r the homggeneogs f|°W· Exact and ¤P¤¤’0><•m6{€ $°|uU°"*$· b°¤¤d¤*’Y 'QYBF V ‘_  
reactor, elementary reactor kinetics. Reflected reactors ME 566 D|R5(;T ENERGY CONVERSION {)h€¤fg- J$¥$, Wag? (;¤f3¥¤¤Q Qvswfgi, C0;TTDV€$§|¤; \ ` `
multigroup methods. Control rod theory, PROCESSES, (3l 5;;;*** ¤'Y aY€"af*1 Y *0 Ynamc $*8 "tY· Y6*’€¤· fit,
3) h€*°"°9°"‘°°‘-'S '€a°Y°"'$· Prereq °'°°¤°u"¤ MA432G· Basic considerations of direct conversing of gwermal to °'°°“$€“t° "”'$"U°*°'· ' iv ‘
*9 electrical energy. Thermodynamic aq D9 0_f¤'1¤¤_¢€ ? !{ -
S; ME 515 FUEL MANAGEMENT   Rs characteristics of solid state c0nvers¤%n iilexilcesltgé glgligilz i2gAP2E1i§;?0l;`E FI6P|%n;Lg:_An/énsional   _  
' 5532*3%. iii.“;%$$¤ii¢2.£j%ingJ’bu.nup, ¤ssii?A ;;;$;*:2,,_*“$*,:;$,$,';;;*;;·,,5‘;€*3:;:;:;;1,,.:: operating dmnycs. Sulasogc pow. qgdggrapggdcqods sum,. _   if
P'°du°*$ and waste ha¤d"¤9· P'°¤€$$?¤9 and recvcling characteristics of fuel cells. Analysis of MHD geryera- $°!"° °‘é‘1; pe uh atL°" ry ° am'; ° cfarameg j Q ;
3) of fissile materials, isotope separation, and applica- mrs and accelcmori Space applgcatgon of dgrggt nsglcslz 0 nquecs oc s. blnsgea L ware mo man. an j`  
1` ti0n$· Fuel CYCIG D€FfO|'manC€ of YYDECBI reactors. energy cgnygrgign devices and sgurces of power. PIG- S Oc Waves- Ompressl 8 OUU 6W aY€|'$ an If'|I6I’- `_ I- L
'° » ‘*~ ` { .
3 3 1;
233 j 5  
p " Q — i
p i ] {