l (3 )
é Mrs. Drucker, Mrs Sachs, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. McCall, Mrs.
i Stanton and Mrs. Walker were introduced and spoke helpfully
1 along the lines of school suffrage.
' A letter was read from Mrs. Geo. Avery, President of
l Federation of Clubs in Kentucky, pledging the hearty co—ope-
‘ ration of the Clubs in the effort to :ecure full school suffrage.
E Fraternal delegates were introduced from the Susan 1’).
i Anthony Club of Cincinnati. ‘
i The Convention adjourned.
i Second Day, Friday, 10 A. M.
E Devotional Exercises conducted by Miss Morgan.
‘ Minutes read and approved.
I The reports of the Treasurer and Corresponding Secre-
tary were made and adopted.
Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennet was reappointed chairman of
Federation Suffrage Committee.
It was voted that it was the sense of the Convention that ‘
the size of the National Executive Committee should be
reduced by dropping the State member.. .
! Is was voted that the Legislative Committee be composed l
t of the general oflicers. .
l The news of the death of our valued friend and coworker, t
‘ Mr. Hubbard of Hickman, was received with sadness and was
I felt as a great loss to the work. The Corresponding Secre— ‘
l itary was directed to send a letter of condolence to Mrs. S. M.
‘ ' Hubbard. ‘
‘ The following pledges for money to carry 011 the State i
work were given: 5
J Mr.GeorgeHandyi..........,,......$8.00
Mrs. Hubbard...i...1.,........., 5.00 l
l Mrs.SallieBennet......1....1.t..,,.. 10.00 i
; MadisonC0.E.R.A.._..H,..M..... 10.00 1
T MissLauraClay.,i_.,....,,t....... 25.00 t
‘ Mrs.MaryB.Clay....,..1.t...,... 600 ;
. NewportE.R.A.....,............... 5.00 . f
A, MrsGiltner........t...,.........1.. 3.00 .
l . Twentieth Century Club . . . . . . . . . ,1 5.00 j
Mrs.\Volcott.....i...._ 1.00 i
'_h l
Making a total of 78.00 i