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A chart showing the organizational structure of the review committee is
attached. Generally, a project which is to be reviewed should be submitted
first to the appropriate support or unit review committee. However, any
investigator, or any reviewing panel, may request review by the University
Committee, either as a primary reviewing panel or as an appeal review
panel. In all cases, the decision of the Human Investigations and Studies
Committee will be final.

Regulations and procedures of all review committees are available in the
office of the Administrative Assistant for the Human Investigations and
Studies Committee, and this office should be contacted for information and
materials for initiating protocol reviews. When an investigator wishes to
request review by the Human Investigations and Studies Committee or by
the appropriate support or unit review committee, ample time to meet all
necessary deadlines should be allowed. Except in emergencies, the dead-
line for the receipt of a protocol for review is two weeks prior to the next
scheduled Committee meeting. The Human Investigations and Studies Com-
mittee meets on the first Monday of each month. After receipt of the ap-
propriate material, the investigator will usually be requested to appear
before the Committee for a brief question and answer session regarding the