e} lr  ugust 1982 r. Vol.52 No.2
Demands for continuing education are creating a parallel university
that serves the very special needs of the adult student and the community.
UK faculty and medical students take their services to Eastern Kentucky providing valuable medical care.
Dr. Mac Vandiviere s ends at ical da in the res irator clinic in Pikeville.
Cu//rz/00 and Dr. Rowell, Too/ 8
Dr. Charles Rowell is life to Callaloo, one of only two black literary magazines in the country.
The First Sixth Man/`I4 Frank Ramsey ’54, an all—American at UK, went on to blaze
a trail in the pros as the Boston Celtic’s sixth man. l-le recently became
the first "sub" to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. Oldest Anrcient
Structure/I7 Prof. Tom Dillehay’s archaeological dig in Chile has uncovered some significant history
in the life of man. A CI¤y Model/i8 Charlotte Clay ’75 has carved out a E
place in the sun for herself as one of Florida’s top models. Fifty Yeurs L¤ter/I9 Edwin R.
Denney and his classmates in the class of l932 will be comparing memories at their reunion
r in September. Judge Denney gets a head start on the conversation.
Business partnership formed. . . Annual Giving Fund looking for million dollar year
l Commencement ’82 report. . . faculty awards and activities. . . research news
e University Archives
d Class Notcs/ 26 M,,,.,,. r, Kr", i.ri,r..y . Norm
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The Kentucky Alumnus (ISSN O-/32-6297) is published quarterly by the Unrversrty ol Kentucky ll?82 OEEIQ ERS PRESIDENT Morris Beebe E18, Lrexrngton; PRE.5IDliy'l-El [(’ T Paul l-r·rr·.·.~rrL '53;
Alurnnr Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, lor Its duesqtayrrtg rrrerrrbers. TREASURER Mrs Joe T. Murrrs '38, Lrrxrrrgton; SE(`RElARt' Jay Brrrrrrlrelrt U18, Lexrrrgtrrrr
lndrvrdual dues are $l5 annually wrth $2.00 ol tlrat anrount used rn publrcatron ot the nragazrrre. ASSOCIATION STAH DIRELlORJayBrirrrrlrelrl118; ABSOI IAIE DIRU, I<_1RBrtrC Wlrrrrrler 'BB;
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky and additional rrrarlrng oltrces. POSTMASTER EDITOR Liz Howard Dorrrrrrarr '(;·8; MEMBERSHIP LOORDlry'.AIOR Aria D Rr»tlr»·.rrri TN, Brwrrrtrr
Send changes of address to The Kenrrrrty Alurrrrtrrs, UK Alurrrnr Association, Lexington, Kentucky Barn, Julia Brothers, Lrnda Brrrnrlretd, Margie Carlry, Rrrtt l|lr·>r_ /\*rrr·lrri(3r1rrr·, Rrrtrs Hrrrrlrrr rrrrri
i 40506—Ol l9 Ennis Jrrlrnson ART DIRECTOR Elarrr<· Grrlolr We-lwr.
Optl'tlOl'tS expressed In The Kentucky Alurrirrus are nat neCeSSarily those ol the Urtrversrty ol Kerr-
tucky or the UK Alunrnr Association.