This ccursepresentsan economic approadt tothestudyof regions The ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. » (3) An extended original investigation of a speclic hplc designed ar pry. AGR
errphasis is on the role of spatial relationshps ir economic   Analytical consideration of the role of agriculrre irt economicdavelop- sttdents experience in methods of research and an inbnsive sud) d A W
Topics considered include market area analysis, location theory, eco- ment in relation to overall developmem strategy d various stages of a partiorlar subject in the field of egric.rltural economics. May be 0,, 0,
nomic base and input-output analysis as well as regional economic growth. Theoretical and policy issues of particular relevance to the repeatedto amaxinum olsix credits under different sabtitlee. Prereq; wc
development Prereq: ECO 202. agriwltural development in underdeveloped agrarian economies with Ph.D. qtplicant or candidate. and,
' , ' , ` icaland economic systems. Prereq: ECO .
AEC501 AGRICULTURAL MAnIId(I(I;I°I¤bI°I°I°{°<*II°P°'$°I,)':;;It1II°I•¤V¤I¤((=•((u~¤d(((=t:'ZS€¥§e1eTe°rZTee°ZTmee eeeererrrrerrmreeeererroeerteeer AEN2°2BI0$Y$lEM$ENGINEERING AEN
agement problemsisprovided. Prereq: AEC301:AEC322orMGT 30L NATURAL RESOURCES. (3)   ucsysi _ _ _ _ pmbb   AND
‘ 1h' I on th li t‘ I ‘ th t th ‘ III °II ° ¤¤I$¤II¤I¤°¤II¤¤i¤¤¤I¤¤¤¤¤¤ mw : A ru
AmrrI¤¤¤II¤I¤¤r¤I·=¤rrI>u¤rI¤¤¤¤¤I¤¤$ I··¢Iu¤l¤¤<=rrIurr rest
Ing Imws   Ih°s° °°°°°m°d Mh   ¤r·¤r(;(,‘r(rr><>I- ·
This seminar IMII analyze the structural translomtatron of U.S. agrrorl- and)
y;E,;iTTg`m,na,bn O, ob. was and [Suns 0, various   ture in the 19th and 20th centuriesin the context of sociological theory. AEN 302 ANAIYTICAI AND NUMERIOAL hour
msearch in mma, or 3,*235:: marwin mmbn . anawsb Emphasisisgivento keyhbtorical transitions, changing social relations METHODS FOR BIOEYSTENAS _ _ lll ME,
marws Om uma. slice and Am mmgm ,n,°m:‘,,°I:°;m  ofprodrction and state policy. Such emphases providealramework for  I“I{°‘A:°II°I]I°°II9'II°°IIII9PI°I’I°N‘°IIf’°IINI°I°IIIIIEQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
mmm, mms a,. smdardsi and macmocomm. ,,,,,,8 understanding thehistoricalrootsandfutureprosperxsforthesocroeco-   °II9I"°°I'“I9 EYSIEIIIE IIIII°‘AI°I}°II °I PSY°I'III{III°IIIE$· IIN AEN
a mm,,,I"°,§I,,°,. ‘;I°°II::ur_ AEC 590 and ECO 660 Ic 9* nomic problems confronting conterrporary U.S. agriculture. Prereq: IIIIESIEF °II NIP $°AIII°II °I°E$° SIIIIIIPEIISIPU WIIIIIIIEIEIIIIIIIEIIIIAIIIII GRC
II' °q ‘ ' Gradrate standing in sociology/agricultural economics or consent of “III*IY$‘· $I¤II=‘·I•¤¤I I“°III°dE IIIIIII IIIIIII°II°III I°I*IIII'§I°$ Tr>r>¤¤I That
AEC 610 INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN instrudor. (Same as SOC 691.) °IIII°III I°I°VaII°° II$°II;2II **56 RIIIIIBS- I°I¤I¤
  • ¤¤rr¤r¤¤r¤I¤ r-rrrd r>rIrr¤IvI¤s r>I ¤I>¤r¤rlr>¤ ¤I ¤Ir¤I¤rr¤I°‘ rant '°q· · ((,8 q,a()(y(,,(, ,,,,3,,,,, the handling and processrng of food and agricultural predicts Lum _AE, three hours; Iaborato ,two hours rweelc P :.h1 iorsta QECQSSMAQQNCED I°R°°II°TI°N ,3, AEc rea RESIDENCE CREDIT Fon MAsrErt·s DEGREE. (16) gnd eerrprerree or mgremerree resremenr in seriirree erm ANP A 00,,,,,,,),,,,0,, AEC 620 wah smphask on pwdmbn mnmn Maybe repeated toamaximumot12 hours Prereq:Consentofadviser Nm r Alrrrn qstrruallrrrr. ¤¤¤rr>rr¤I¤ pr¤r*r¤rI¤rr ¤rr¤_¤uI>I>Iy rrrlatirrrrs. I¤¤¤r dr¤rbrr· °°d °h°"I°°Is°° °I d°°°°m°"L _ AEN ata FLUID MECHANICS or BIOSYSTEMS. III engr; tron theories and Irrplrcatrons for agnwltural policies and prograrrts. AEC 769 RESIDENCE CREDIT FOR DOCTOR S DEGREE. (0-12) pdpcprps °( (md dynpmgw, as appynd to bbsysromi Nowtgnignlfd (mg), Prereq; AEC 620. May be repeated rndefrnrtely. Prereq: Consent of adviser and chalrper- rrprpupmprrgrr |1uid(lgy4 processes; rrrpdry and gpliggtbn of pnrrtt AE AEC 624ADVANOED ouernrrenvsnernoes *°"°I"°I“""‘°"I ` ` ¤rr